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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. It's really too bad you missed a very good game.
  2. Great win. Unbelievable. They really came through for Rex in this game. Best performance by the defense all season. Taylor made enough plays to win and McCoy showed everyone why he is one of the top RBs in the league.
  3. We need a defensive stop here. Mario being out is showing just how valuable he is.
  4. They beat the Jets on Monday night last year in Detroit. The rescheduled blizzard game
  5. Perhaps they should just the determine the outcome of games each week based on stats, no? You do not have to hit Fitz to hurry his throws and force him into incompletions and turnovers - you just have to put him in position where he NEEDS to throw downfield. The Bills DBs are superior to the Jets receivers across the board, and Fitz is no Brady and will not be able to do to the bills what Brady did with the short throws. The Bills rush defense is pretty darn good itself, giving up only 3.9 yards per carry. (The Jets 3.8). The Bills do not need sacks to win this game. They need turnovers and if they stop the run, which they should, and force Fitz to throw downfield, they should have their opportunities. On offense, the bills running game is actually a great matchup against the "vaunted" Jets rush defense. The Bills have two very good running backs plus a QB who can move the chains with his feet, which is why they average over 4.8 yards per rush. The Jets have not faced any attack like this. The Bills receivers are better than the Jets DBs, straight up. I would take Taylor over Fitz any day at this point at QB. Take heart - Buffalo has the better team and should win. Now, about those penalties ......
  6. Overall, tough game, close game - the Bills pull it out 27-23 Bills on Offense - Positives - Bills averaging over 4.8 yards per carry, while Jets giving up only 3.8 but The Bills have a great tandem at RB and Taylor as the wild card - will be successful enough - Outside of Revis, the Jets secondary is still problematic - the Bills WRs are better than the Jets DBs; I expect Woods to have good success; Watkins can beat Revis enough to make a difference as Revis reputation is greater than his production at this point. - Look for Clay to have a big game - the Jets LBs struggle in coverage. Get McCoy the ball in the passing game. Concerns - Can Roman game plan to effectively slow down the Jets rush and allow them to attack via the air? Using taylor's skills should make the difference. The Bills will need to have early success passing to make the run game effective. Bills on defense - Positives - The Bills DB's can handle the Jets WR's - Bills only allowing 3.9 yards per carry and Jets running game has been bad lately - The Bills are capable of covering short and keeping plays in front of them, forcing Fitz to make deeper throws, where he is prone to mistakes. Concerns - Have they got a plan to cover the screen game better than last week? Better tackling would be a good start. - Will the Bills big payday players show up and play to potential? They need Dareus to have a good game. They need to get pressure on Fitzpatrick to turn on the TO machine. - Can they play with emotion while not taking stupid penalties? General Concern - Penalties and officiating - Will the Bills eliminate the stupid stuff? - Will the officials let these teams play, or at least call it even? The Bills, perhaps deservedly so, are not getting any benefit of the doubt based on their reputation at this point. I would love to see a game where the officials do not control the outcome, any game in the NFL at this point.
  7. Maybin was a captain for the Jets in their first game against the Bills after they signed him. Rex has been doing this for years, every game. This is a big deal for no one but the media.
  8. There may be some truth to this - I am not a coach nor am I any expert on schemes - but at some point the players have to held accountable. Maybe they are not as good as they think they are. These guys need to shut up about scheme and play better, particularly Dareus.
  9. Whatever man. I am not sure how you get that analogy out of this situation but justify on.
  10. Kiko had the best 4 game opening stretch of any rookie linebacker in Bills history. After that, not so much. A year from now, they would hve been lucky to get a 7th round pick for him. The legend lives on but reality does not quite live up to the legend. Kiko would not be starting for this team.
  11. There is no excuse for a man beating up on a woman. None. To suggest those injuries were sustained in self defense by a 260 pound man is rediculous.
  12. Of course they have no comment. They have seen them before and don't care. Seriously man, if this is your outlook on the situation I feel sorry for any woman in your life. Shameful. There is absolutely no excuse for this. Hardy is a lowlife POS.
  13. I am not sure how you come to that conclusion. Did you watch the Cowboys game? That loss is on Cassel, just as much as the Bills loss was on Manuel. Are we really comparing relative suckitude? Come on. This should not even be a debate. Of course the local sports writers want to keep it alive but it does mean you have to buy in to their personal opinions as if they were somehow fact.
  14. Another wasted season for Goodwin. He is just not a football player it seems.
  15. This is painful news for all of us in this community. Certainly thoughts and prayers for Bill.. I have never met him, but absolutely know from his participation here that he is a gentleman I would like to know. God speed, Bill.
  16. Turnovers are down, but completion % is under 58% and YPA under 7. He is hardly ready for Canton, but does look improved, although that's not saying much since he was flat out horrible last year. Enough improvement to give the Jags fan hope, wherever he is.
  17. It is not surprising that the Pats** get bet up, but it is curious that the line is not moving to compensate. Perhaps the feeling is that because the Colts are home they can keep it close. I just do not see it. Luck coming back from injury and the Colts D just does not match up. The only way this stays within 10 is if Belicheat lays off the gas after a acquiring a big lead and Luck scores some meaningless points in the end. This is why I do not bet on football anymore.
  18. No TT? No McCoy (maybe)? No Aaron Williams? The most expensive WR decoy in history? It does not matter. The Bengals are coming into the Ralph against a much better defense than they have faced yet. I expect Dalton to be under heavy pressure and will have a very difficult time getting the ball down the field. At least 2 INTS, 4 sacks. The Bills will stuff their running game. The Bungles come back to Earth. Bills 20-16.
  19. The Colts do not match up well at all with the Pats**. They are very overrated in general, but not even close to the weight class of their opponent. Blowout city.
  20. Apparently lost in all the chest thumping, preening, arrogant self delusion that has been displayed by a couple of clueless posters, is the original point of the thread. Back to that subject (not that it matters at this point), it is not at all surprising to me that Brady would tie himself to a huckster and charlatan like this. He has never struck me as very bright when it comes to anything not related to football, sort of like a Ken doll with a live arm. He probably believes everything he is being sold, and does not even realize he is being used.
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