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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. With Mike Smith a candidate, and Marrone a possible front runner, they are officially scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  2. Apparently you did not see the Bills first super bowl game vs. Dallas. I won't bother to go back farther than that, but in my 50 years or so of watching the Bills, I have seen far worse, many times. That's not to say it was good mind you, but far from the worst.
  3. So Charlie Casserly would "hire him in a minute". Yet another poor judgement example of why Casserly is no longer in the NFL.
  4. Wait. I thought that last year this was a meaningless win, against the Pats B team, after Marrone screwed the pooch and did not make the playoffs with a fabulous defense. At least that seemed to be the prevailing opinion last year at this time. I love revisionist history. Are you seriously suggesting the Bills would have won that game against the full Cheats squad? It looks more like 8-8, albeit for different reasons, than 9-7 to me.
  5. Was it not LaConfora who was pimping Marrone as the can't miss candidate after he quit the Bills? Some connection there?
  6. Unfortunately, that was not the only one. About the only times he was noticeable all year was when he was late to a play or missing a tackle. Very disappointing performance by him, and bad timing in a contract year.
  7. Of course Tim Graham would get his panties in a twist over that comment. He is one of the most guilty parties when it comes to using innuendo and questionable sourcing to stir the pot with unsubstantiated gossip, generating clicks for his tripe. He is just about the worst "journalist" I have ever seen.
  8. Bowles was out coached by Rex Ryan, for the second time this season, during yesterday's game. So there is that.
  9. The joke is the way Mario quit on his team this year, his whining like a baby. No room for a $20m per year malcontent on any team. I am really disappointed in his performance this year. Blaming it all on the coach is flat out wrong - childish by the player, and extraordinarily naive on the part of fans.
  10. Bucky Gleason is, and always has been, an idiot. He has had it in for Pegula ever since Terry dared criticize the poor reporting presented by TBN on literally his first day as owner if the Sabres. Gleason has nothing to add. He is even worse at his job than Sullivan, although it is hard to believe that is possible.
  11. Neither. Both of these QBs have shown promise, but also enough holes in their game to question whether they are worth a long term commitment.
  12. Wow. I am really surprised that a man who built a multi-billion dollar business did not make a critical business decision based on the uninformed opinions of fans or the even less informed whining of local media members. What a shock!
  13. Less. Kelly was the GM. His VP of player personnel was fired along with him. Donahue is simply being given that guys responsibilities, for now. He did not get the VP title nor is he now "running the Eagles".
  14. I agree that they should be looking for a legit number 2, but I would take another chance on Harvin at the right price. The Bills offense was considerably more dangerous when both he and Watkins were playing. I would not bet the future on it, but he is a playmaker.
  15. What ruined fat Albert's career was his arrogance and laziness. The same thing for the same reasons may also happen to Dareus. Am I the only one that thought, given his history of spotty motivation, that a big contract could result in Dareus returning to his old days? Dareus played like someone awash in his own press clippings and unmotivated. He, like others, needs to stop bitching and play like the star he clearly thinks he is.
  16. You would naturally think so, self proclaimed cynic that you are.
  17. It has gathered Government attention because there is big corporate money and influence behind traditional casino and hotels who want that for themselves. The brick and mortar gambling industry is right now pushing legislation in Congress to further restrict online gaming such as currently bring tried in NV, NH, and DE. Add to all that the fact that states, like NY, now depend heavily on revenues from legal gambling like lotteries, keno, state regulated casinos, and Indian casinos. New York State does not care about the abuse of reckless gambling. If it did, the state sponsored gambling they promote would not exist. They care about the market economics of their own gambling enterprises, and the political support they receive from the gaming operators.
  18. If that is the case, then probably no team will claim him on waivers. Once he is a FA, it's a new ball game.
  19. On a critical 4th and 1 yesterday, with the game still in reach, Peyton chose to run spiller up the middle. Predictable 2 yard loss.
  20. I would be surprised if a good portion of the Jets team were not happy to see Geno get punched in the mouth. Not excusing it, but that guy has always seemed to be a bit of jerk, a poor leader, and an even worse QB.
  21. You really have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry, but that's a fact.
  22. You are right, but the Bills have not gotten that call on more than one occasion this year. It was nice to watch a game without a bunch of flags on close or meaningless plays. The bills did play more disciplined I thought, but it also seemed the officials were letting them play.
  23. Ah, yes. The "rose colored glasses comeback". It's a classic.
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