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Everything posted by Turbo44

  1. I love the draft, but, seriously, ask me about in in 2024
  2. Ford was starting last year before he got hurt? Drafting a Guard in the 7th round hardly screams Ford is gone...
  3. agree with KC, but CLE will always be paper tigers until they prove otherwise. Allen>>>Baker
  4. Tell me he's a guard or a center or a tackle who projects to move inside. UDFAs: 1DT/TE/CB/IOL/RB/Safety/Punter/LB excellent
  5. Got to be a DT, IOL or fast RB here, right? CB and TE would make sense too, if there are any left
  6. correct. Miami and NYJ had so many picks, they were bound to have a good draft. I like our draft too - like it better than last year's and last year's gave us 2-4 starters.
  7. Every team appears to get better at the draft. Time will tell. We have one thing all other AFCE teams don't have: Josh. I don't think Tua and Mac have "it" and the Jets will be the Jets and screw up their new shiny toy
  8. Yep, but Kenneth Davis would have killed him in a sprint and who got 85% of the PT. And....I love Kenneth Davis
  9. AP maybe. Thurman and LY weren't even close to 4.4 guys
  10. yep - they're doing that now. For a UDFA DT, CB, LB, IOL and Punter this would be a very favorable postions. Not so much for QB, Edge, PK and WR
  11. Correct - would have loved Parrish as a 6th rounder. He was an okay player, but way overdrafted
  12. Except Parrish was a waste of a 2nd rounder and thiis guys is a much more polished WR He my replace McKenzie honestly. Love McKenzie but there's only room for 6 or 7 WRs and we didn't sign him for much
  13. He just said in his interview, "I don't make excuses, but on my pro day it was really windy and slowed me up. I consistently run in the 4.3." If you watch his game tape, his speed is evident
  14. yep - only 5 or so on the roster. We'll sign a couple UDFAs too and maybe a sherman type UFA
  15. Hamlin was at the top of ESPN's available players for over an hour.....like that
  16. I don't know much about Goose, I know the other two. Read up on Stevenson - you'll love him. there's space for all 3 to make the team and that's all you can ask for 6th rounders. Need a big fattie DL at 236 or maybe a IOL
  17. Beane is killing the 6th round. Marquezz is crazy intriguing and Hamlin has been at the top of the avilable players board for a round now. Where's Portland Evan now??
  18. YEP MY NEW FAVORITE PICK and my son had a class with Boogie at Wake, so I really love Boogie
  19. Game speed is more important, but 4.45 is faster than any WR on our roster
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