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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I just locked in Wash at +9.5. Think the Bills win but don't cover. The Bills defense is playing very well and the offense... I see more of the same here. The Bills offense will try to establish a more balanced attack to take the pressure off Allen. I don't see a quick turn around for Allen. He won't make rookie mistakes, his legs will be valuable, he will make a few nice throws, and he will manage the game and the Bills to a victory. Imho, it's the defense that wins the game. Buffalo 24 Wash 17
  2. You sound like an intelligent person. Surely a QB throughout a game can make several great throws and reads. That isn't indicative of the QB having a good game. It's not all or none. It's pretty basic and I'm sure you can comprehend that. Your post just sounds like your trying to get into a war of words with me. I'm not interested in that. Let's move on...No hard feelings here.
  3. I never used the word "totally." Allen made some good throws. I stand by my statement and feel it's accurate. Not sure how an open minded football fan can't see that Allen's play was mediocre at best. The stats back that up too.
  4. I really don't get the Allen is feeling the pressure of signing the big contract angle. I just don't buy it. I think there are many factors in play. The Oline, play calling, lack of consistent run attack/threat. Also, Allen has lost his confidence, his mechanics, and vision. Hopefully, we will see a turn around soon.
  5. Another great write up. Especially liked your breakdown of Allen. Not sure he isn't regressing because its only 2 games. What I'm seeing is concerning but not alarming.
  6. You are correct. I read it but didn't take it literally. I interpreted it and added my own biases. Sorry.
  7. Good question. It's game to game and cumulative. I'd say it's both. My eyes tell me Allen Is struggling mentally, with his mechanics, and has lost some confidence. He seems to be jittery, not going through his progressions, locking into one receiver, poor foot work, and lacking confidence. It's only 2 games and hoping he starts to play like last year. I expect some regression but hopefully it's minimal.
  8. I didn't interpret that in his post. Imho, he wasn't "declaring" that. He merely pointed out that Allen might not be the franchise guy many think we have. I think that's a fair assessment. The sample size of Allen's greatness is about 10 games and out of the box this year he looks serviceable and not franchise like. No one really knows where Allen fits in. Probably somewhere in the middle. If we are seeing "his floor" right now then that's a pretty nice floor. Gotta see how it plays out.
  9. I agree with the theme of your post. Won't be popular on here because many continue to drink the "cool aid." I suppose the glass is half full...So many are afraid to be critical of Allen. Glad to see you are not. I will give players their do props when they earn it.
  10. I expect a tough fought out win. It's hard to be confident in our offense. Washington has enough pieces to beat the Bills if they play poorly. I see a 24-13 Bills win. Once again, the defense plays very good and the offense continues to struggle.
  11. It's probably an overreaction but your " the Bills and Allen will figure it out" thinking can be similarly a positive overreaction. There no facts in your conclusion or projection. Sure, you could be right and I hope you are! Just saying it cuts both ways. Others like myself aren't so quick to believe "it will all get figured out." That's ok too right? The fact remains the Bills offense and Allen have been mediocre at best. Let's stick with the facts...
  12. Good fair points. What makes me concerned is the small sample size of the elite Allen. It not like watching Rodgers, Brady, Mahomes, Brees, Wilson, etc...a bad game or 2 isn't as alarming because they have been elite franchise qbs for extended periods of time. While Allen has what a 10 game sample size? We've seen qbs like Cam, Kap, RG3, Cousins, Fitz, Goeff, Wentz, etc...have short term success similar to Allen. Fair points no? Fast forward to this season and Allen isn't playing anywhere near last year's level. I don't see the dynamic, confident, and accurate passer of last year. I see an Allen whose lost confidence, looks jittery, locking into his receivers, poor footwork, and most concerning is inaccurate. Positive note is its only a 2 game sample as you point out. So time will tell if Allen and the offense progresses or not. I think it's completely valid to be critical of Allen. His play has earned that.
  13. I get it but this seems to be the ultimate example of cherry picking. I mean don't both halve statistics count? Allen had by far more 2 poor decisions. I think most fans honestly assessing his play would agree it as mediocre at best. Plenty of examples and a plain eye ball test validates this. Allen is not playing with confidence, his footwook is again rearing it head, he's locking into receivers, throwing into double coverage, very jittery in the pocket, and very inaccurate completing slightly above 50%. Of course there are other variables in play like the opponent's defensive skill, the Oline, questionable play calling, and inability to maintain a running game. Its not all on Allen. At this point, early on its hard to like what we care seeing out of Allen. Isn't that a fair statement? Let's hope Allen and the offensive can turn things around.
  14. I guess it's a matter of perception. I just don't see the "doom and failure is certain" attitude on here. I see skepticism, concerns, critics, assessments, and opinions. Leys be honest a negative assessment or opinion isn't perceived well on here by many. You will almost without a doubt be labeled a doom and gloomer, troll, hater, etc. Trust me I'm speaker frin experience.
  15. It's more than that. It's not that simple. Carr was under just as much duress as Allen. As noted injuries on Pitts side probably helped out the Raiders. Nevertheless, on the road Carr with stood the pressure and delivered numerous strikes. He threw the ball with confidence and accuracy. Unlike Allen. After two games Carr is the better QB by miles. Fortunately it's a 17 game schedule. Allen should bounce back vs the WFT.
  16. No I'm not. Look at my post after the game. I gave my props to the Bills for the win, praised several players, likef the running game, and the play calling. The troll label always rears its ugly head when people don't like the valid criticism of the Bills players who are under performing. Your right on point and I expected the shots fired. I agree with the tentative comment. Not sure I can agree with the pressure of the contract angle though.
  17. The rust argument is pretty weak and that'ss being kind. The issues.are the Oline, run game, play calling, and Allen's mechanics and confidence. Not saying things can't turn around for the positive. Rust has nothing to do with it. A valid argument as stated here is the Bills faced 2 good defenses.
  18. Maybe you should try to intellectually add something to the conversation instead of slinging personal attacks. All good here...
  19. The Washington game should be a perfect game to knock off the "rust." Right?
  20. That's what I'm seeing too. However, these concerns about the Oline and I'll add the run game aren't new. Last year, the team lived and died on Allen's legs and arm. He produced and played like an elite talent. What I'm seeing now is Josh Allen 2.0. A little better version of his 2019 year. Time will eventually let us know what Josh Allen is. Serviceable to Elite and everything in between. I'd be lying if I said i wasnt concerned. A good measuring meter should be Washinton. If he plays another mediocre game we all should be feeling more than uneasy.
  21. Curious to get your take on the Wash defense? Are they elite or top 10? D. Jones just shredded them if they helps you answer the question. Just trying to see if Allen is going to get another "pass" if he doesn't play well? At some point, it's Shi* or get off the pot...
  22. Bill, 've always respected your knowledge and insight on the QB position. Can you offer you opinion, expertise, and insight on what you see with Josh? Is he likely to continue to play poorly? Improve? Etc..
  23. Disagree on it takes a couple games to find your rhythm. The offense is in tact from last year. Its not a new system or lots of new players. I can't stress how I feel like this is a big excuse being made for the Bills offenaive woes. My take is Allen os regressing. He is thinking too much, lost some confidence, locking into his receivers thus poor vision, improper footwork such as throwing off his back foot which causes inaccurate passes. Couple that with an Oline that has been porous and a run game that is below average. A bills offensive playbook that's no secret to opponents. Today we saw some glimmer of hope with the run game. Daboll seemed to be a little less predictable. Allen still didn't look good.
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