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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Terry McLaurin is the best receiver for WFT. Wondering if Tre is going to shadow him? Usually the Bills don't employ this strategy. However, outside of McLaurin the WFT doesn't have a lot of WR threats. I think it would be a good idea to have Tre shadow him. Any thoughts?
  2. Fair enough and good explanation. I really didn't see an "over hyped" Allen that led to his mediocre play. Imho, it waa Pitts great D and game plan, vice versa, no run attack, and porous Oline. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think any knowlesgable football fan questions Allen's talent and potential. He does have a small sample of greatness. The last few game he's played aren't ringing endorsements of being the top QB in the league. I think he can be one of the top 5 in today's NFL. However, he has to earn it on the field.
  3. Pretty solid post. I agree and disagree with it. Game one: was a totally team loss. Allen looked pretty bad and there were contributing factors which you laid out. What surprised me was his " yips" and poor decisions. Game two: I disagree with him being "shell shocked." He's been in the league long enough not get to this point. The Dolphins D isn't all that. They are ok perhaps a tad above average. He didn't face relentless pressure. Imho, you could see He was off, lacking confidence, anticipating the rush, jittery in the pocket, and throwing inaccurately. He was better in the second half but still not great. His first drive was very good. At some point, I felt like the dolphins were deflated and the Bills took advantage of that. Disagree with the " hero ball" mentality. I think this is where Allen has grown by leaps and bounds. He frequently throws the ball away and lives for another play. I didn't see any " hero ball" plays vs Miami.
  4. At what point does a slump become regression? Also, one can say he under preformed vs Balt and KC in the playoffs. At some point, we need to see a much better performance from Allen.
  5. To start a discussion about what intelligent Bills and football fans think about Allen. To get a discussion and various viewpoints. I think the thread has accomplished that. You have offered little but personal attacks. It's all good here.
  6. That's fair. What's not fair is using the word "serious."
  7. More specifically, I don't think him playing well would be a "fluke." He has a sample size last year of him playing outstanding. As a result, him playing well should be the norm and something we fans expect and deserve. Why does being a concerned fan get so much criticism? Especially, if the concerns are valid, legitimate, and expressed in a positive professional manner. Interesting. Is everything about the Bills unit at or above standards? Are there no areas of concern? Or should we just never talk about them?
  8. I would love to see Allen play well. I'd be the first to praise his play. I want the Bills to win and him playing well obviously increases those chances. I'm not here to be right or prove others wrong. It's nothing personal. I just don't know why it's sac religious to criticise Allen. Go Bills Go Allen!
  9. With respect, I disagree. I think he has played poorly and they stats bare that out. I guess its a matter of perspective. Prior to the start of this season, I don't think any Bills fan would have thought Allen's numbers would be so poor. Of course, other factors are in play. Additionally, imho its pretty clear his mechanics are off, he's not comfortable in the pocket, and inaccurate. Perhaps a better word is underperforming. How do you think he is playing?
  10. I agree! How do you think he is playing?
  11. Wondering if Allen plays poorly vs Washington will anyone be concerned? I know I will be. I think it's important that we see a better Allen this game. No more excuses.
  12. Of course it's only 2 games and other quality QBs have had bad stretches. Expectations are high and why shouldn't they be? $250 mil and the highest paid QB should demand that. No? I stick be my comment that he is playing poorly. 55% completion rate, 3 tds and 1 int, and 449 yards of passing. I guess you can candy coat it as "less than perfect." The defenses he faced are tough, Oline, play calling, etc. All of which are valid. However, it doesn't negate that Allen has been mediocre at best. What concerns me more than the poor stats are what my eyes are seeing. I'm seeing lots of the "old version" of Allen. His mechanics look bad, inaccurate passes, very uneasy and jittery in the pocket even with very little pressure, not looking off his primary receivers, throwing into double or triple coverages, poor long ball, etc... The Bills largely lost the Pitt game because of Allen and the offense. The Miami game was clearly won by the Bills D. I reiterate why are so many fans afraid to admit Allen has played poorly? It's validated by statistics and the eye ball test. Instead, people want to spin it as "less than perfect." Give me a break. If this team is to make a super bowl run the Bills need a very good to great Allen not a less than perfect Allen. I hope that starts on Sunday with Washington.
  13. Who is "freaking out?" Not me! I'm just saying Allen hasn't played well in 2 games. Wouldn't you agree? At what point do fans get concerned?
  14. Players can say whatever they want. I don't put much stock in it. Show me on the field. Through two games Allen's has played poorly.
  15. People seem to ignore and make excuses. Funny how when regular people on here say similar things they get negative feedback. Those are some pretty poor evaluations and feedback from the Bills "franchise QB." Yet, some on here are saying Allen is playing better? Go figure...
  16. I watched both games. For the life of me I don't see how someone can adovacate that Allen Is playing well and better than last year. It's been mediocre at best. Not sure why many Bills fans have such a difficult time admitting that? Doesn't mean he will not improve and play up to last year's standards. Yes it's only two games and there are other issues that are contributing to his subpar play. Wondering what you will say if he plays poorly against a Wash defense? The same defense that "elite" D. Jones lite up. The excuses will continue to roll. Right? Do you expect Allen to play well vs Wash?
  17. After watching the first two games I don't know how anyone can say Allen is getting better. That's just crazy. He is throwing off his back foot, about 50% accuracy, locking into his primary receivers, throwing into double coverage, missing the long ball, and very uneasy and jittery in the pocket. No way in hell in that better! As a fan, I'm telling myself it's only two games vs two good defenses. The Oline is not blocking well, the run game is subpar, and the play calling can improve. Hopefully, Allen will improve and play better or close to last year. I admire your enthusiasm and positive projections. Time will tell what kind of Allen the Bills have. Let's be honest nothing screams franchise after two games (four if you include the playoffs). He really had an outstanding stretch of about ten games or so of playing elite. Is that a big enough sample to proclaim someone as elite? Plenty examples of one year wonders who have fizzled out. I suspect Allen isn't as good as he played last year and isn't as bad as he's played in his last four. games. In concluding, I hope he can get close to last year's level.
  18. Great to hear. Hoping it's an easy fix and Allen goes on a tear.
  19. Does anyone know if Allen is still working with Jordon Palmer? Did he stop working with him this off season? Maybe due to covid. He seemed to really assist him with his mechanics. After 2 games, Allen's mechanics have obviously been flawed. Maybe Palmer could help Allen get back on track. Seems odds that Allen's accuracy, footwork, and vision has deteriorated so fast. I know it's a very small sample vs good defenses. However, the Bills need a great Allen to make that Lombardi run.
  20. Add in a struggling offense too. Question is can Wash score enough points on the Bills D? The defense has been really good. It is?
  21. Perhaps. Betting always comes with risks. It's quite possible the Bills cover. The betting line has moved from 9.5 to 7.5. That is a huge move betting wise. The public obviously think similar to me. Doesn't mean they or myself are correct. I like where I stand at plus 9.5. My fear is that Wash doesn't put up points vs the Bills D.
  22. That pretty much sums it up for me too. I'd be lying if I said I'm not concerned. For me what's the most concerning is his poor footwork and mechanics, inaccuracy, lack of vision, and jitterness in the pocket. His sprinkling in a few good throws doesn't overshadow the negatives listed above. Please Allen be 75% of what you were last year.
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