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Everything posted by Toyo321

  1. McD's multitasking skills trying to coach and run the defense at the same time!! Then the response from everyone at TBD who saw this coming!! Priceless!!
  2. Jets will win this game, our OL is still a work in progress and we just lost Doyle for the entire year and the next man up process will not go well against the Jets DL. I seriously have doubts McD will be able to pull off his dual coaching responsibility this year. Too much responsibility on his plate, and he is already known for his bad game day management. He has not done well having his team ready to play when it matters. This season is going to be sink or swim because they failed to bring in a outside DC, IMO.
  3. You truly believe this guy is worth the time or effort to compete against players already fighting for a starting LB spot. He is not, that is why he is or was in the USFL. There is a difference on being smart with talent and wasting money on personnel that will never start on any NFL team. He is to small and will get knocked around to easily. Get real.
  4. Beane at his finest, bringing in more garbage and wasting more money on a completely irrelevant player.
  5. No our starters got there asses handed to them by a team with a superior coach that had them ready to play. That is something that has eluded this Bills team for 7 seasons including the playoffs, a top tier coach having his team ready to play. McD is a average coach and never will be elite. Get over your worship of this guy he is 100% never going to get our team to a SB. Period.
  6. Beane sealed this teams fate as soon as he signed Von Miller and Dawkins, Oliver and Knox to loaded contracts. They are all overpaid liabilities to this teams capital to get good serviceable talent in the door because of their cap and salary burden that has been created with these ridiculous contracts. Tre White also should be on this list. Will have to see how he performs this year after a full off season recovery time for his ACL. Dawkins CONTRACT TERMS:4 yr(s) / $58,300,000 SIGNING BONUS $8,600,000 AVERAGE SALARY $14,575,000 GTD AT SIGN: $29,500,441 TOTAL GTD: $29,500,441 FREE AGENT:2025 / UFA Miller CONTRACT TERMS:6 yr(s) / $120,000,000 SIGNING BONUS $18,525,000 AVERAGE SALARY $20,000,000 GTD AT SIGN: $45,000,000 TOTAL GTD: $51,435,000 FREE AGENT:2028 / UFA Knox CONTRACT TERMS:4 yr(s) / $52,000,000 SIGNING BONUS $7,000,000 AVERAGE SALARY $13,000,000 GTD AT SIGN: $19,920,000 TOTAL GTD: $31,200,000 FREE AGENT:2027 / UFA Oliver CONTRACT TERMS:4 yr(s) / $68,000,000 SIGNING BONUS $14,750,000 AVERAGE SALARY $17,000,000 GTD AT SIGN: $24,528,000 TOTAL GTD: $45,278,000 FREE AGENT:2028 / UF There was tons of talent available during the offseason that was unattainable because of 4 extremely poor player contracts on this team. Beane is nothing more than a used car salesman to the Bills, he buys and sells us used talent that only performs at 50% of what something new would perform at . This is what it is now, overpaid players & underperforming players equals the garbage out performance we have seen last year, and will probably see again this year.
  7. 1) I still have no faith in McD as head coach. 2) I still have no faith in McD's ability to multitask now as DC. This is a early sample size but the undisciplined penalties yesterday were atrocious. For a veteran team.
  8. The countdown has begun and 9/11/23 is getting closer. Sorry Rodgers you are not "Maverick" !! No hiding from your fate now, it's time for a dog fight with JA17 and you are not going to maneuver your way out of this one!!
  9. Buffalo does not have any consistent game to game impact players on the team on the D side of the ball. You need to get real on this. There is no telling how Miller and White are going to be this year. I don't see White making a significant contribution the way he was prior to his injury. He is not the same player anymore. The same with Miller. There is no way he is going to be 100% opening day, he is older and his age and his injury are going to play a major factor too. Poyer and Hyde are getting old, they might have one more good year in them, but they are not the same as they once were. Rehab and practice are one thing, but when you get on the field, when it matters, that is where the performance decline is seen first hand. I am not going to judge anyone, but I am going scrutinize these players level of play and the money they are being paid now. Because they are not pulling their weight on this team and they are getting paid major money. Last years loss to Cincy was proof of this. I hate to say it but our D line is not exempt from dreadful play last year. Last year they played well in some games and had absolutely terrible games too. Watching our DE's & line not being able to get to the QB last year was like riding a roller coaster. It was very up and down. So many missed tackles at the LOS and from the linebackers too, mainly Edmunds and all of his blown tackles. I really hop McD can do something with the D this year, it will be on his shoulders if this D sinks or swims. I am very sceptical about the D this year, especially McD having to perform double duty. It seems that this is just recipe for disaster & with him. All the teams QB's in our division are better or getting better this year. Not getting pressure on the QB is going to be an issue this year. We will wait and see.
  10. Anytime you bring under performing offensive line help from other teams that did not want to keep these players, then Buffalo overpay's them, then yeah thats a huge problem. This team is allergic to drafting OL position players, but this year it happened. We are notorious for over paying players that don't perform or deserve the salary our team pays them on both sides of the line The D-Line is not excluded here either.
  11. Bean and McD after today!!! I just got paid!!! Then TBD members reactions to the news !!!
  12. Andy Reid also never had JA17 talent under center during that time frame either. Sorry Michael Vick and Donovan McNaab are not greater than or equal to JA17.
  13. Do you truly believe McD is on the same level as the following coaches, this is not in any particular order. * = Denotes Superbowl appearance as a coach McVey * Reid * Pederson * Belichick * Peyton * Taylor * Shanahan * Sirianni * Carroll * Tomlin * I cant honestly put him on this list at all. Every one of these coaches has gotten their team to a superbowl and they are IMO better coaches than McD. Winning the regular season is the only aspect that McD excels at. It's in the playoffs where he is a utter failure. Do you really believe that the incident with Digg's this week does not show there are underlying problems with McD and this team. Something is up and it is a big mystery right now. Some how, some way it will eventually will come out what truly happened, but there is no telling when. No one knows what really went on behind closed doors this week, but I really believe Digg's is fed up with McD because he doesn't know how to win in the post season and utilize the talent the team has, and "The Process" in the locker room. Diggs, Josh, Dorsey, and McD are not as solid as we were all led to believe and it spilled out into the open at the end of the Cincy game. It does concern me that McD has issues when the season is on the line and you need to make changes or your done, its an obstacle he still to this day has not been able to get over. I just don't see McD coming up with a gameplan this year that would break us through to the SB, or that would beat KC or Cincy in the playoffs. Hell even Miami & Jacksonville now has to be thrown into the mix this year as obstacles. The writing is on the wall with McD, Daboll left, Frazier gone, to many similarities and traits pointing to the Panthers. The comparisons are to coincidental not to be discussed. He has the knowledge and the experience; he just does not possess that elite killer instinct these other coaches above possess. They have done what was needed to get their teams to a superbowl. I just can't see McD doing this in the next two years. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for the last 6 seasons he could do it for our team. I just can't do that anymore. Playoff wins are not the ultimate goal here, a 4-5 W-L playoff record is nothing to write home about either. To win a SB is, and this is the one obstacle McD will never be able to get us over.
  14. If Buffalo gets their butts handed to them this year by Miami, the Jets or even NE. It wont take a playoff loss to see that McD is not the answer and should be replaced no matter where the decision comes from. Terry Pegula is not a experienced owner and that is one of his shortcomings. Waiting for a series of playoff loses is just a futile analogy that is a stereotype in the NFL to fire a coach. You don't waste 1, 2 or even 3 years on futile coaching in the playoffs with one of the best QB's and rosters in the NFL. Why because we already have wasted the last 4 years on subpar coaching in numerous playoff exits on questionably badly coached playoff games. This mentality of giving a coach a free pass when addressing the conditions to fire a head coach in the NFL is delusional. Owners like Terry Pegula don't have the experience and or mentorship when addressing this current subject. How could he. Buffalo can't afford any more losses in the playoffs, like what has transpired in the last 4 years. The window on the core of this team next year will start to change for the worse, not the better, going beyond 2024.
  15. When you win Superbowls and can put 5 rings on one hand alone, I guess that buys you some slack.
  16. You might have to face it that Digg's ego is and could be his worst attribute. Wanting to win is one thing but you can't throw your QB under the bus on national TV for everyone to see. Putting on a show for everyone to see and to throw a tantrum about it does not help him or his cause. Yes be a fierce competitor but keep your BS in check. You can't have respect from your teamates, if you dont respect them.
  17. Heads I would say yes. Tales I would say no!!!
  18. McD is not the mental stratagist this team needs. Our failures in the playoff's can all be traced back to him and his staff and poor coaching philosophy. He has failed miserably to prepare this team in every aspect when it concerns playoff football, and having the team mentally unprepared to get to the next level. He has made mistakes that everyone will forever associate back to him as a coach. 13 Seconds, blown play calling and notoriuosly bad defensive oversight of his DC. He is firmly defiant with excuse after excuse, and trusting his process that has failed to produce any meaningful wins that show this team is progressing under his leadership and coaching. Brian Daboll is better coach than McD will ever be. Why because McD can't address his shortcoming's as a coach and fails to adjust to what the team needs to win. Winning is everything and McD is not the guy to get us there, or get us a Super Bowl appearence much less winning it.
  19. It is amazing that this guy can't get motivated. It almost seemed if his play really tanked when Von got injured too. I don't know if this is a coincidence but it had something to do with playing with Von on the field and off. It was a lot easier with Von for Ed. Just seems that he is not willing to put the extra effort in. So much for Von being the super bowl whisperer.
  20. JA17 and Von and everyone else making stupid money on this team should pony up money to for a slush fund to get DeAndre. Hell if you want a super bowl so badly for you team pony up the Dough!!! Make it happen this year. Yeah its a business and yeah its a lot of money. But a super bowl victory is priceless!!!
  21. This article says it all and is spot on why McD is not the answer. He will never change because he refuses to admit & fix his shortcomings as the head coach. https://www.golongtd.com/p/sean-mcdermott-surrenders-again Everything in this article is 100% spot on.
  22. Yeah being a fan since the 70's I guess makes me a newb. GTFOOH yourself. I have been through more coaches, SB's and non playoff years to tell that this guy doesn't have it. Any one thinking this guy is going to take us to the next level is smoking something more than a Marlboro. This guy is an embarrassment on the side lines clapping his hands like a damn fool, clapping your hands for no reason what so ever is idiotic. He is not a top ten coach and deservingly so. His playoff, game management, and past playoff results on the field prove it. "13 Seconds" he should have this tattoo' d on his damn forehead for motivation. He has one of the most talented QB's in the NFL and all he and his coaching staff are doing is just wasting JA17's ability in his prime, and the rest of the teams capabilities because he can't coach situational football. I can't wait to see what you say after the Jets destroy his defensive play calling on opening day. Then come back here and blame everything and everyone else but McD, because he such an elite coach & def coordinator. Get Real.....
  23. The Buffalo Bills have a record of 4-4 in the playoffs between May 7, 2018 and May 7, 2023. .500% is all that matters. 0 Super bowls wins, 0 AFC championship wins and he crumbles when the pressure is on and when it matters the most. He is just average by the win % but IMO he is less than average as a coach in the playoffs and his instincts as coach are less than that of his pears, this teams talent has carried him for these wins, not McD's coaching. The last two years when elite coaching was needed and mattered the most, McD and Frazier both laid a big fat goose eggs, we cant even get to the AFC championship game. This year is going to be no gimme, and you think they are a shoe in because they have gone 55-21 in the past 5 seasons...... please..... You like a lot of other McD supporters are blinded by the this whole process BS thing. His process is losing the most important games when it matters, because he does not possess the elite coaching mentality on what it takes to get this team prepared to succeed at the next level, by winning a AFCCG or a SB.
  24. You do realize that this team is going to get thinner on talent really quick. You can't tweak if you have no CAP money, which sucks because D. Hopkins is now on the market. Hyde and Poyer at 32yrs old, are good but past their primes. T. White at corner has to step it up big time this year, he is getting paid to much to play they way he did after returning to the lineup last year. He got torched and made all kinds of mistakes after he returned last year. Our defensive front line got manhandled & annihilated by the Cincy O-Line backups in the playoff's and on the suspended game, almost lost to a 3rd string QB starting for Miami in the playoffs. We have to deal with the Von Miller, JA17, Diggs, Milano, Knox and Dawkins contracts which are a huge detriment to this team to tweak problem positions, plus Miller is coming back after another knee injury. This team did not get any better for the upcoming season and if McDermott can't fix the D the same thing will happen again this year in the playoffs. Getting back there this year is going to be a lot harder, both Miami and the Jets got much better than we did this off season. McD and Buffalo will have a huge bullseye on the back of their heads this year, and everyone is taking aim.
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