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Everything posted by Kevbeau

  1. Not to mention the logic on this Merry-Go-Round of Stupid...the hypothetical impeachment vote would eventually be put in front of the same body that would vote on the Justice confirmation. So the Senate has to vote on impeachment to stop themselves from voting on the nominee. Who comes up with this *****?
  2. I’m not ashamed to admit this is the first thing that came to my mind
  3. I used to win quite frequently (practice rounds) when you had to mail in your submission (so early/mid 2000s.) I haven’t won ever since it’s gone to online submission. My dad has won practice round tix a few times in the last decade and a close friend won Saturday passes 2 years ago.
  4. Stop messing with our real estate prices! 😉
  5. RosenBaum was the bald guy he capped in the head. Huber was the skateboarder. Apparently the guy with the hole in is arm also has a felony on his record.
  6. We’ll he seems (seemed) like a delight. I know you’ll all be shocked and I don’t want to post anything till confirmed. starting to see history emerge that the 3 shootees have/had a fairly comprehensive history of running afoul with the law, including some violent felonies.
  7. Topeka, KS CBS-affiliate WIBW’s news department “has reached out to Goodyear about the slide. The company has not responded to our requests for comment.” So in the meantime, take the above photo for what it’s worth. But if it’s accurate, apparently, Goodyear believes police and Trump supporters no longer drive cars and trucks, based on the above graphic. So I’m leaving a fortune 100 company that I’ve worked 22 years for, partially because of this situation. They’ve announced targets for demographic makeup for the leadership levels I work in. Right, wrong, indifferent it makes any upward mobility for myself that much more difficult. Layered on top is the push to become an “ally” at risk of being a non-contributor. Fortunately my background is in demand and I’m making the change that my former lead did last year to private ownership.
  8. Thanks! New job about 3 hrs from current home so just need a reasonable place to sleep during the week. Everyone else is staying in GA for now. Couldn’t believe how expensive and how quick the market was. (Knoxville area)
  9. I think “on the books” it does. Might be time to dust off said books. Especially with this clown as it sounds like his actions might have led to the deaths of others.
  10. Real estate is still on fire. Ultra low interest rates combined with a shift in workplace culture. I’m under contract for a house up in TN and everything we wanted to look at went pending first day on the market.
  11. Anyone else wondering what Asian-Americans are up to?
  12. Depends on your definition of sad story I guess. I consider it the “feel good” film of the summer. Edit: Bud light? No chance for parole!!!!
  13. I don’t think “wow” suffices here, but I’m at a loss for words.
  14. “Peacefully assemble in somebody else’s ******* neighborhood” ?
  15. Holy *****! It looks just like Joes vs. Cobra
  16. Like I said, they’re either tanking, or all their strategists are hopped up on window cleaner.
  17. I had read this as well. Sounds like business as usual in all aspects save the last paragraph above.
  18. She does a great job of really showing how unprofessional the press corps is.
  19. These people are pretenders. There’s plenty of videos where you can see what they’re carrying and how they are carrying. This is stupid regardless of what political affiliation you choose. Push enough of this garbage and eventually it will escalate to people who know what they’re doing getting involved. EDIT: I am very pro 2A, but feel the same way about the Michigan open carry demonstrations. A gun should be the last option when everything else is exhausted.
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