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Everything posted by Kevbeau

  1. I’ve read moth balls. I’m interested as well as we have an issue with rays nesting in the truck we park down by the barn.
  2. Don’t remember exactly how I came across this but couldn’t resist.
  3. Welcome to San Angeles 53-47 has to have some sort of meme or T-shirt potential
  4. I don’t know who deserves to be beaten more. The guy who made this, or me for watching the whole thing to see how it played out.
  5. Who do you think wants her to go away more? Pelosi or Boston University?
  6. It was a simple last post/goodbye idiots buried in one of the PPP threads
  7. What is that...remedial tic-tac-toe?
  8. WTF does that letter even mean? We’ll fix it because we say so?
  9. The on-point Bernie posters really pull that room together
  10. So art gets a pass, but medicine, engineering, etc...don’t? F’n blowhard
  11. Paying the internet bill (plus cell phones o imagine) but not mortgage?
  12. Yeah, when your make up artist moonlights mudding drywall
  13. This is an ongoing spat between APD and the court system. Courts here have a little problem releasing those who the APD apprehends (particularly juveniles) only to have APD pick them up again for another crime. APD basically saying we’re not going to chase them if you’re just going to let them go.
  14. Two things: 1) F Mike Lee. He’s in the tech industry’s back pocket. 3.) I want to hear more about the USVI Hyperspace Institute. Do they have any distance learning offerings?
  15. I changed my mind...this now my favorite response to Krugman: ”Have you tried going to Kurt Eichenwald for advice?”
  16. The replies are brutal. “Boomer just as good with tech as he is economics” is my favorite
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