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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He could get caught blowing rails off a strippers ass under a table at the actual draft and still not fall to #25
  2. Don't worry dude, you'll find another girl
  3. He's looked horrible the couple games I've seen them. No different than when he was here. He's the classic front-runner until things get tough.
  4. hahaha, it had the exact same effect on me last weekend. Not only that, seeing your post last night made me think of them again and then buy another box about an hour ago! And the bonus was that as I was grabbing them, on the shelf below them was something I'd never seen before; Frosted Flakes w/ vanilla marshmallows. I'm seriously considering going to bed right now just so I can get up and mix them together at 3am instead of 6am.
  5. He was at a vacation rental on the beach a few years ago and one night there was a dispute over beach chairs and he dotted somebody in the face. Turned out it was a young fella under 18.
  6. There's a guy that keeps starting threads with false/exaggerated info in the title. By the time they are removed or edited, various people assume they're true. He's been warned and the next time he does it will be the last.
  7. Pretty much. Although if there are some nasty mushrooms and olives disfiguring a perfectly good pie, they typically end up flying through the air so she can shag flies.
  8. The Outer Crust is the only part of the pizza that counts. - Simon's Dog
  9. Not to mention that the way he runs is likely to result in a shortened career for him. I'm actually surprised he's lasted this long.
  10. Yeah, I didn't even know it was today until I started monkeying around in this thread. My plan to take the dog snowshoeing all afternoon remains unchanged.
  11. I checked with the Frau and she prefers I remain at home for dinner this evening. To that end, I am currently thawing a roast with my orbital bone.
  12. No argument there, I just think it might not have come down to coaching and adjustments if the Bills had a Von Miller running around out there in the 4th qrtr. As for weapons, I think Allen can turn a sow's ear into a silk purse and I'd prefer them to focus on protecting him rather than going with pricey overkill at the skill positions.
  13. I don't think it's so much an issue of “D wins championships” as it is an issue that a lack of D can lose you championships. A single sack in the 4th qrtr could have changed the outcome of that game. I don't have an issue with the Bills bolstering their offense by making improvements on the OLine, but I think adding a dominant pass-rushing DE could be equally effective.
  14. Is that what the kids call it these days?
  15. Back in the early 90's I was living in Buffalo next to this crazy lady who was always trying to get me to come over. I finally agreed to come over and "watch the Pro Bowl" with her and things went as you'd expect. We were on the couch, doing what guys and gals do, when some crazy dude in a German military visor barged in with a bunch of beer, tore of his clothes and then tried to join in! Needless to say I got the hell out of there and moved away the next week. I don't know what ever happened to those lunatics but the whole thing sort of ruined the Pro Bowl for me.....
  16. < Hue Jackson has joined the chat >
  17. That was a Steve Nash quality assist.
  18. Wait, how long have you been married?
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