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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Beane is very good at what he does for the team, those that would throw shade at him are confused individuals. Unless CW is going to play, and even so, to me at least, it is obvious that another RB is going to be signed, being that we have DS, CW, and Yeldon, no one else really counts. Not really a question at this point. Go Bills!!!
  2. I’m most curious as to why the federal government isn’t on the stick and already doing this sort of thing on mass, if they are why are we not being informed? (Because they are not doing it?) After all it is in existence to serve the people. Of the people by the people for the people...
  3. As can anyone... he may just been saying in essence, I need time to decide if joining your organization is my best move, then gets on the horn with his agent to see who else is interested, meanwhile Beane has been working with Minnesota and reached an agreement, and likely told Sanders agent that they have made an alternative arrangement, it’s really not that complicated to work out what likely could have happened. Shortly there after the saints made him an offer and maybe he through his agent declined a role players position with the Bills, never can tell. I still think many FAs still look at the Bills with skepticism and this was an example of that, being Sanders was a bit taken back by the Bills moving on from him so quickly, and that the Bills having multiple irons in the fire, To include a much better player, Ego is always in play with professional athletes. Again it’s not that hard to come up with an acceptable premise for what likely went down. Makes for some fun supposition don’t ya think? ? Go Bills!!!
  4. The lack of movement on a federal level back in January when our own doctors and specialists first informed our federal government is why we are playing catch-up at this point. We lost almost two months of time just getting our leaders to take this seriously, and get the ball rolling. This has been a botched job from the get go. I hope those guys don’t get infected it would be horrible for them and their families. Stay healthy Bills Nation!!!
  5. This is the sort of thing that makes this place so special...
  6. No need, imo I think that Beane & SM are good with how things stand with the TE room. Of course when I say stuff like this the odds increase that we add someone... Go Bills!!!
  7. Good points all, ? him DW, RF etc, are guys that are in tuff positions as 4th 5th 6th or 7th receivers, all lower value guys, that we all hope bring it on game day. Go Bills!!!
  8. Nice read mjt328, The roster is in good shape and we will be trading/releasing quality players for a second straight year, nothing like a competent FO & Coach combo. Go Bills!!!
  9. I suspect that Sanders thought he was our #1 want at WR, maybe his ego was realigned a bit... no matter though, we got the better player, although getting both of them would have been nice, Beane doesn’t mess around, it shows that this isn’t the old Buffalo Bills anymore, ya snooze ya lose. Go Bills!!!
  10. Always fun to read about the maneuverings that the team goes through during free agency, always more than meets the eye so to speak. Glad we ended up with Diggs in the end, he’s a better option for our team. Go Bills!!!
  11. Well, being that they in effect fired him and rehired him for less money I don’t think he is considered a key guy, he may not make the team. Being that they resigned DW last year for two year deal, I suspect they don’t hold IM as important of a piece on the team. Okay signing but nothing to write home about. Go Bills!!!
  12. Being that Beane stated that he doesn’t want to draft guys who will likely not make the team, and still having seven picks, it would only make sense that he would be looking to trade up, the deal is, you gotta have a partner for that dance. We shall see. Go Bills!!!
  13. Thanks for looking him up. Just can’t bring myself to give a sh-t about fantasy football anything, It doesn’t register in my Bills fan life. In this case he doesn’t exist, just like PFF. Go Bills!!!
  14. Well, Levi is one hell of a guy for doing this, talk about a good hearted man. This is another part of why we are so fortunate to have the Owners, GM and coach we have, they bring in guys like Levi, Dion, and more. Go Bills!!!
  15. Looks more like the Buffalo Warthogs to me, but ya know, that’s just me... it is a silly exercise at best, oh, and get off my lawn. ?
  16. I voted, not till the fourth round, that pretty much guarantees an earlier round pick... ? Go Bills!!!
  17. The Browns were a”lock” last year... No one is a lock until they win enough games to get to the post season. Go Bills!!!
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