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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Well, he is and always has been a shyster, and has always been happy to benefit from cheating someone. It’s his claim to fame, they used to tar and feather these sort of people... but some worship him...
  2. The long chin beard thing is pretty lame, it’s like self imposed birth control when you’re a single guy... ?
  3. Not that there is anything wrong with that... ??
  4. Our receivers group as a whole has been lacking for two consecutive seasons, our QB play is slowly getting better, ( a bit to slow to my liking but I get impatient in my old age) and PM is stunningly good at this point in his short career, it will be be a season of comparisons of past and present performances amongst all the contending teams, sure hope Josh and the ball catchers sync up quickly... it will make all the difference imo.
  5. It could be because of QB play, It may also be because of a dropped pass, that loses a playoff game... or a super bowl, we have seen the first of those two already. And it can be both of those reasons. There is a good deal of grey vs only black or white... It sure would be nice if both our QB and his receivers up their respective games so that neither is the issue ?
  6. What’s the under/over he makes it through a full season?
  7. This ^^^ I’m no angel, and have had a run in with the law as a youngster, and I turned out to be a decent human being, and Ed likely will as well. I have no qualms with youngsters smoking pot , drinking etc, It is that when one is older, one has the benefit of life experience/hind sight to be able to say some old guy adages about youth being wasted on the young... when you’re young you haven’t lived long enough to make good decisions all the time, it is just the truth of how life works. When I was young I had a high tolerance for risk, so I broke a variety of laws and had a damn good time doing it, I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane, joined the Marine Corp, etc etc, when I look back at the things I involved myself in, I’m lucky I’m still alive... Ed will have a similar moment when he is an old fart too. This is no big deal in all reality, we are only upset because it sticks a pin in our football bubble. I’m gonna get a beer and go down the YouTube rabbit hole, see you all later, ?? Go Bills!!!
  8. Well, imo the team will proceed as if Ed Oliver is not on the team, next man up. An opportunity for someone has come knocking...who opens the door? That is now the question. Oh well, as sands through the hour glass go the days of our football lives. edit; proceed as if he won’t be playing the first few games of the season... Go Bills!!!
  9. Maybe being it’s Texas and guns are a given, and Football is bigger than god, that and alcohol drive throughs exist, this could be a slap on the wrist sort of deal, no big deal right... ??
  10. I didn’t say pointy white hat, burning cross stuff, I said lean towards, and yes you can say you don’t like Cam Newton for valid reasons, I’m talking about people’s generational biases that have the result of... excluding people’s opportunities in a unconscious passive fashion that has been normalized, meaning they don’t even realize they are acting in such a fashion, people do these sorts of things. Call it what you will, I call it racial bias.
  11. Maybe, in my experience a substantial minority, pushing fifty percent of folk in the white world I grew up in in western New York tend to lean towards being, shall we say, racially biased. And that has held true in the many places in America I have lived. Next time you see a confederate flag on someone’s automobile or house ask yourself the question...nuthin but luv, just a honest observation. Go Bills!!!
  12. Brilliant! A black stadium in a desert, I want half of one percent of the cost to air condition the place, I will be able to retire twenty years ago...
  13. We all know that “some” won’t be able to wrap there brain around Allen succeeding on any level. They will wear themselves out talking around any success. It is good to see Allen continue to refine/become more efficient in his craft, the kid is relentless in his desire to succeed. Gotta like that ! Go Bills!!!
  14. Agree, advocating an organization wide systematic cheating scheme is not something to aspire too.
  15. You can bet your backside that employees means anyone your company hires to be in the building, be it hiring contractors or direct hires. No way around that.
  16. Blah blah blah, 10-6 & playoffs equals top half of the league. Go Bills!!!
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