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Everything posted by MasterStrategist

  1. Unfortunately not, he's first eligible to return against the Eagles
  2. Depending how bad Milano's hamstring was injured, I could see another LB. They want to use Zo as a moving chess piece, and I dont think Maurice Alexander is anything more than a core special teamer. Corey Thompson still out after ankle surgery, which makes it more troubling
  3. I supported Zay, alot, but agree it's time to move on. Duke was clearly the better looking WR after just 1 game. Good luck to Zay, and hopefully that future 5th rounder is a gem for us. And credit is due to AlphaDawg, great call on the trade!
  4. As many said, fortunate time for a bye week. Hopefully the extra week helps to get these guys back on the field, but if not, Milano and Murphy are at the 2 positions that might require a roster move due to depth. (assuming wed have Nsheke and Boettger for online).
  5. I would suggest Chiefs....they're looking like a sure thing to win the AFC west, we can use help with other wild card competition losing. Chargers loss today was huge.
  6. Just 1 game, but Duke you the man! Loved the energy and team reaction to his TD. Great win today, rest up/get healthy and keep grinding
  7. huge stop/missed kick... get a fg here. we need to keep the creativity going on offense
  8. that should be at the half yrd line....qb knee touched down before ball hit pylon
  9. I've been a huge Zay supporter, but this is about Duke. Congrats to Duke and hope he does great for the Bills! Be I interesting to see who is inactive at WR tomorrow
  10. Great post! The combination of continuity, and great communication between the secondary and linebackers is HUGE! Obviously the talent is there too, but having 2 high quality safeties can not be stressed enough and a staple of many great NFL defenses over the past 10+ years. Not sure if Micah or Jordan by themselves are worth a top 5 deal (close), but together these guys work so well together and just have something that is a natural chemistry
  11. Played through high school, and could have played d2 but too many concussions in high school. Still play competitive flag football leagues, some decent ex D1 and nfl practice squad guys. Coaching wise, never had the time with my career but family has coached in the high school and college ranks
  12. What?! lol. I'm calling it now, but I might be wrong and let me caveat the crap out of it. This is the same thing ppl said to you then, and saying it again now. You double talk and attack the player when it is convenient for you, while overlooking obvious things that the coaching staff of an NFL franchise evaluate and think highly of. But agree with Dopey. time to end this. and look forward to actual games and not some useless argument where someone has their mind made up
  13. See ya and hope you can stop your agenda against Zay. You can continue to deny that you've turned this into a crusade against Zay. YOU brought up Zay in this thread very quickly after you created it, by saying Zay dropped a TD pass...do you even know that? where is the replay? I saw a low pass that zay had to lay out for. But I'm sure you'll find this "comical", or "annoying" or whatever you want to say....man you got a HuGE problem with Zay and it is obvious. You even hijacked a thread about Zay and his blocking skills. just to rip on him there too. Look, when you post this much about one player with such a negative attitude, it comes across as an agenda. You refuse to admit that you were wrong in February, just like you'll refuse Zay did anything good. just like he made a solid catch on our game winning drive against the Jets. Please take a break with all of this and enjoy the team and how hard these guys are working to achieve their goals
  14. I dont think anyone. certainly not me, is saying Zay is "all that". He hasn't performed up to his 2nd round draft status. and I feel that is what most are frustrated about. My point isn't who played against 3rd stringers, it's that Duke hasn't shown anything against nfl starters. Again, Zay isn't blowing anybody's doors off. but he has nfl starter production (see last season). This coaching staff isn't promoting some unknown and cutting a 2nd rounder in his 3rd year unless they are absolutely certain. And you can't use the 'long enough' argument against Zay and hold Duke to a different standard. Duke came out of Auburn in 2015 and is still developing, as is Zay (drafted in 2017). If someone tries signing him, perhaps the staff moves on from Connor McDermott. We shall see, in the meantime, Zay isn't going anywhere
  15. absolutely, it is laughable how this guy trolls Zay at every turn. That "calling it now" February thread is priceless, Lololol I might have missed it, but has Zay played a significant role on specials ever in his career? Robert Foster might be who you're thinking of
  16. I guess you missed Duke was going against 3rd stringers when he made most if not all his catches in preseason. Duke Williams hopefully develops, but he isn't as good as Zay Jones right now or Robert Foster. And Zay and Robert aren't deserving to get targets over Smoke or Beasley right now either. Let's go for 50 more pages of this nonsense seemed to be entertaining just a few months ago. Still waiting for you to live up to your claim that you're rooting for Zay....just be patient and let things get going, we're only 2 games in for crying out loud
  17. I'll stand behind my opinion that Zay is much better than you give him credit for and is deserving to be ont he active roster over Duke. Bills coaches agree and you want to throw shade go for it. What is funny is that you continue this 'drama' about Zay like we all forget what your agenda is....look, you "called it wrong" son in February and you're calling it wrong again right now. Move on from it... you said you hoped Zay would do well, yet 2 weeks in you're looking for him to get cut...again this is the same double talk you did back in february
  18. Congrats continuing to troll Zay....seems like such a big deal to u for some reason
  19. On playcalling: I dont think it was proving "they were right" after that first drive ended with a fumble. Allen threw a bit low and it was an unlucky bounce. They just moved the ball the entire field, why change what worked? On Allen: Sorry. I didn't see the bad body language and I was actually making a close effort to watch his reaction...maybe my definition of bad body language vs frustration is different than yours. Absolutley right that it took a ton of poise to turn the unfortunate first half into a win. And agree. he still tends to be a gunslinger at times. but his decision making looked way better than last year. Defense: Agree with your points, great gameplan and mostly a great execution. I'm a bit concerned about the nickle cb spot, especially if Taron misses significant time. I honestly can't say if Captain Munnerlyn is a possible solution, rumored to potentially re-sign but not sure he has the quicks left. I like Siran tenacity but his ball skills seem to be a bit behind his overall athleticism. And echoing your point about Tremaine, wow what a difference this season. Great game and poise, noticed a couple guys recognized the same in postgame interviews.
  20. I hope you're wrong too. lol. Gore is a future hall of Famer, and I'm not going to pretend I know what he will do, but I doubt he does anything that crazy...would go against his character and attitude toward the game. No doubt Shady helped convinced him to come here. But this team and GM has a vision that helped too. Beane is a genius at gm speak. He doesn't make last minute decisions, this has been a strong possibility since last year
  21. Exactly....I think Fairburn nailed it. My 2 cents: 1. shady still is above average, most elusive player we had...BUT 2. he didn't hit the tough 2, 3 or 4 yard runs anymore. it was either dance and get 10 or dance/go down for a loss. more often taking the negative runs 3. yes. last year's online sucked. but it was chris ivory. who was put in instead of shady at times and had better success...ie: 2 or 3 yard runs are sometimes a success on 1st down 4. shady has never played second fiddle and was likely to be a huge distraction if he wasn't the #1 or had to share carries. 5. gore provides a better version of "ivory", and mentor-wise is the best their is. 6. singletary might not be the second coming of Shady. but at this point in their respective careers, it's not far apart. 7. finally, financial wise. and I put this last because I think that's where it fell on the decision process. shady is no cheap commodity. which also hindered his trade market. I'm sure.
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