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Old Coot

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Everything posted by Old Coot

  1. Basic question. The Bills Base run D does the DL play 1) to tie up the OL to keep the LBs clean so they can make the tackle, or 2) to defeat the OL & make the tackle?
  2. So Beasley is not willing to throw his OC under the bus but is willing to throw unnamed players aka "willies & joes" under the bus? Remember that its often not possible to judge play calling from the play actually run. The OC will likely call 2-3 plays depending on what the OC's call sheet says is likely the kind of defense the other team will call for that yard marker, down & distance. The QB will set the play (in the huddle or by audible) according to what he sees before the hike.
  3. They better fix the run D. They'll be getting a steady diet of run plays until they show that they can stop the run.
  4. The Eagles offense run plays designed with lots of distraction. I can see a second year man getting confused out there. I wouldn't judge Edmunds based just on the eagles game. That said, there's no question that he needs to improve.
  5. 100 Roundtable on Defensive Ends on NFL.com tonight: Bruce gave props to Ben Williams. On tape he noticed that Ben always kept his arms moving. He asked ben why & Ben replied that it kept the OT. from holding him. Bruce realized that separation from the OT was the key. If you keep separation you can run and once your hip is behind the OTs hip it's over. Jason Taylor gave props to Bruce for the way Bruce could slant his body outside of the OT.
  6. I agree that the three throws were bad decisions. That said, however, this guy has a cannon for an arm. The trajectory of the two deep interceptions was relatively flat making it easier for the DB to intercept. Had he put more air under the ball, who can say what might have happened. Compare the arching throw Barkley made to Brown (?) along the sideline for big yardage. Tight coverage but the DB had no chance. This game showed that, while the Bills are an improved team, they aren't in the Pat's league yet. I especially liked the way the D kept Brady off balance for most of the game.
  7. Has Allen's accuracy and anticipation on short to medium throws improved enough so he can hit these routes consistently?
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