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Buffalo Junction

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Everything posted by Buffalo Junction

  1. Brady.... Just to trade him to the NFC for a ton of draft picks.
  2. Are they actually hating.... or did they just eat the wrong gummy bears?
  3. A few others commented on this... but... Gregg Williams. His defenses generally do well against young QBs. Plus, he had a full year to learn Mayfield’s limitations and all of Kitchens tendencies. We can say what we want about Greggo, but he’s likely had this game circled on the calendar since the schedule was released. As for who the best QBs from the class are. I’m waiting till after year three to make a judgement. I love Allen. We’ll see if the Jackson/Roman offense gets figured out. Darnold is cuckolded by Gase. I can’t foresee Mayfield being a full bust. Rosen though.... I think Rosen will be the big bust unless something changes dramatically.
  4. Brunell, Aaron Brooks, Hasselbeck, Steve Young and every other talented west coast QB. ?‍♂️.
  5. To be fair... Favre got a lot of TDS on slants from YAC. ?‍♂️?
  6. I eat vegan a few days a week to make room for Sundays... keeps the colon happy. Those fries with siracha bleu cheese sound awesome! I’m going full southern today; white bbq sauce sweetened with mango nectar on the chicken, Tarheel style pork sandwiches, greens, fried mac, slaw, etc.
  7. Y’all are being healthy... and here I am drinking an Irish coffee at dawn while prepping a pork shoulder and spatchcocking chickens. ?
  8. Just look up on field fines to eliminate the drug addicts and domestic violence guys. Suh should rise to the top along with Sheldon Richardson and a few others. Hines Ward might be up there too for crack back blocks.
  9. It’s going to depend on how effective a teams running game is. IMO 260 is a better yardmarker than 300. I picked 260 because Brady, Big Ben, and Rodgers all have a career average of 260-262 yards per game. Brees is above 280 and Manning is above 270. That’s 5 Super Bowl winning HOF quarterbacks that averaged less that 300 yards/game. Rodgers is interesting here because although GB didn’t always have reliably good D, they had a penchant for turnovers and splash plays. That lead to MCarthy pulling Rodgers in the third quarter in blowout games.... which is the type of conservative route I can see McD going. We have to remember that a good defense also leads to more possessions and shorter drives. An efficient offense will capitalize on those opportunities, especially in the first half. Every position group is going to have a bad Sunday or two during a season as well. This is why you need a passing attack capable of putting up 300, but the average can be lower. Particularly if a team has a good-great RB and line. Now, if a defense is historically good (86 Bears, 2000-1 Ravens, legion of boom, etc) an offense has a lot more leeway. Just ask Trent Dilfer. At this point the Bills defense isn’t on that level.
  10. “Mike McCarthy. Won a super bowl. Went to the playoffs nine times. NO! We want GASE!” ?
  11. It’s nice to see Feliciano show his recognition and a mean streak in pass pro. Great signing by Beane. O-line aside, Singletary really popped out to me. His recognized possible pressure from each rusher as the assignments unfolded, and used his agility to back up the linemen instantly.... Impressive for a rookie RB. That awareness is likely what made Shady expendable. Dropped the same thing while I was typing. ? ?
  12. I’m not saying it’s fully viable right now, but with more and more folks cord cutting or using tablets, etc to watch games.... sooner or later. I’m sure amazon and Hulu have sniffed around. Disney wants its own as well. This could get interesting with reduced DTV money supplemented by streaming revenue. The NFL isn’t going to leave money on the table if they can avoid it. As an example. I stream spectrum. I’m not willing to pay for DTV and deal with the contract. However, I would definitely fork over $10 on at least 8-10 days to watch certain games.
  13. I’m waiting for this to turn into a PPV by the game situation. I don’t see a way around that with streaming becoming more dominant.
  14. Yup. To many variables the first week, especially with division rivalry games. What we can take away is that this Bills team isn’t going to quit and has enough talent to be competitive. I still think they need to find some game breakers on offense before they’ll compete against the best teams. Hopefully that shakes out over the season and a few guys start showing that ability consistently.
  15. Agree, but because it’s “week 1” there’s still a need to remain a bit skeptical. It’s encouraging though, especially on the defensive side of the ball. The first week is just to fluky with top players getting their first game action, etc.
  16. Pettine had a year to review the tape and figure out the tendencies. Plus, da bears O isn’t that good.
  17. If Beasley catches 100 passes we will finally have a pro bowl receiver. With the amount of bias towards Allen’s inaccuracy the press will likely put all the improvement on Beasley and Dabs.
  18. Didn’t Wilkerson get a DWI or drug arrest this summer? If so he’d have a suspension looming.
  19. I’m thinking Gaine is going to crack a bottle of 30 year old scotch and chuckle his ass off at some point this weekend.
  20. I don’t get the comparison either outside of “undersized DT” McD saw early in his career. If I was forced to make a direct comparison I’d say Mike Daniels with elite burst and quickness.... Daniels measured 6’ and 290 lbs coming out. Both guys have insane motors and are deceptively strong. Thing is, it took Daniels a year to really figure out slipping double teams and improve his pass rush. I expect Oliver to be somewhere between Daniels and Donald after a season or two. Who knows though.... at this point the kid could turn into the next Bunkley or John Randle. ?‍♂️. It’s too early to speculate.
  21. Flacco is a considerable upgrade. I think the Broncos still might be screwed because they play the NFC North. We’ll see how it turns out though since the NFCN winner can easily be decided by player availability: Rodgers, Cook & Griffen, etc. Should be fun to watch, and I expect a few shootouts coupled with unexpected defensive battles.
  22. I think his history plays a big part in not fighting for “highest paid” status and taking a good deal with excellent guaranteed money. Jones stopped his slide, and the kid knows how quickly all this could end.
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