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Buffalo Junction

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Everything posted by Buffalo Junction

  1. That a judgement I never make until mid-late November.
  2. Agree. Because of that defense I’d add that if Allen makes a post injury performance jump similar to last year this team is capable of a deep playoff run. It was also Wade Phillips vs Billy Boy containing those offenses.
  3. I think folks are confusing elite in a season with all time elite. This defense is not the 85 bears, but they’re a top 5 unit. This year they are elite.
  4. Partly, but to be fair all of those teams have encountered a few excellent D-lines and front 7s. Not just us. They’re bad lines, but have multiple games against top front 7’s and D-lines might make a few look worse than they are. Bengals for instance: Bills, Seahawks, 49ers; Jets got Bills, Pats, and Eagles. Bengals have a shot to improve once injuries heal and that new offense gets easier.
  5. Diggs is the only player I’d want them to give up a large asset for. He’s a healthy talent upgrade, will help Allen develop, under contract, and would fit into long term plans. One year rentals of aging and injured players often don’t pan out. Diggs would be more like the Dallas move for Cooper. All that said, this teams talent philosophy appears to be “eliminate weaknesses” over “stack talent”. We’re seeing that play out now. A pro bowler at WR or DE could push us into elite, but it won’t matter if Allen doesn’t improve. Beane and McD are building a roster that doesn’t lose, and will be in the hunt every year with good QB play... it’s a sustainable model assuming Allen keeps improving.
  6. Snyder is the definition of a wildcard. If that guy decides he wants Daboll and no one else... brinks truck, begging.... full court press. I hope Daboll considers the dysfunction and perhaps has a chat with Pettine.
  7. I honestly don’t want T Williams for a high draft pick. IMO Dawkins hasn’t been great, but he’s average, available, and cheap.... which is better than expensive and injured. I’d be more interested in Williams if Dawkins performed well at RT and was now underperforming at LT. My comment was slightly facetious. However, it was based on multiple articles that insinuate he’s trying to get the medical staff and policies overhauled in Washington. Obviously, I have no clue if there’s truth to this, but it’s interesting at the least. It’s particularly intriguing because not only does buffalo have one of the better med/training staffs and facilities in the league now, but McD also has a reputation for caring about his players. It’s entirely possible that Williams has just had it with the Skins organization and now doesn’t want to jump on a sinking ship. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hogshaven.com/platform/amp/2019/8/1/20749916/the-trent-williams-situation-its-not-a-contract-thing
  8. Nope. IIRC, the holdout started over issues with the medical staff, and when the Skins didn’t budge shifted to money, etc too.
  9. Time to get a #85 jersey with a “human being” name tag.
  10. If it’s 2018 Gordon. Every other year he’s averaged less than 4 yards a carry. I agree that he’d improve the passing offense since defenses couldn’t key on run/pass with Gordon or Singletary in the game.
  11. If Gore or Singletary are out for the season and we need to retool... you’re absolutely correct. It comes down to cost. I’d be happy if they picked him up for a 3rd round pick. Anything more and my inner skeptic will come out to play.... for example... My concern with Gorden is that as good as he is, he’s playing in Lynn’s system with Rivers as the QB. It’s extremely RB friendly. I’m not certain that he’d be as good in B-Lo.
  12. This. Just this. https://youtu.be/uLr0v9MyGgM
  13. I think there will be a bunch of talk and clamor over the Browns game. Dallas is the big show though, and it’ll be really hyped if we beat the Eagles. As far as the Allen narrative is concerned... If he outplays Mayfield and Jackson in head to head matchups, and we beat Dallas in front of the country he will get recognition. The whole team will. Sad reality is this team could manage 13-3 and still lose the AFC East.
  14. The fantasy aspect is likely a big contributing factor towards the lack of coverage. We simply don’t have any must draft players on offense.
  15. Unless they’re holding out because their team has no process.
  16. And even if they don’t retire they’ll likely prefer to stay at a reasonable price if McBeane wants them.
  17. One thing that folks seem to forget is that this offense, like the Pats, is built to bring back concepts and schemes from previous games/matchups. I believe we’ll start to see that by the end of the year or early next year. It’s one of the reasons why the Pats can adjust so quickly on offense when opposing defenses make changes. Allen needs to improve and gain experience for that to start happening though. At this point in his development it’s completely unfair to compare Allen/Daboll to Brady/McDaniels, especially when we have so many new players.
  18. They can alway bring back Murphy or Ivory. Neither of which will have to learn the playbook. They aren’t great talents, but they’re plug and play.
  19. I kind of feel like we’re where the bears were before they added Mack. Different team, different style, etc.... but we’re a dominant pass rusher away from being the best in the league.
  20. That move resulted in a broken tv during my draft party. ?.
  21. This is where my thinking with Frazier is. He’s an older defensive retread HC. Unless we get to the playoffs and win two games with dominant D I doubt he gets a serious look from GMs or owners. However, he’s going to get a lot of interview offers because he’s one of the best minority HC candidates, and he could very well impress an owner and get another HC gig. Im not sure he’s given up on the dream, but I don’t think he’ll just take any ole gig like the Skins job.
  22. Not to mention that GMs always pay attention to Iowa TEs and linemen.
  23. Put up an anti Riveron billboard up in NYC? ?‍♂️ Ray Lewis started Inside the NFL with that exact topic.
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