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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. I'm sure there may be. At this point it would be better to sign a veteran after week 1 so the salary is not guaranteed for the whole year. I believe it still works that way.
  2. Levy is overrated and should not be in the HOF. That said, the defense simply wasn't good enough. The NFC was simply a better conference. No AFC team could compete with the size and speed of the best NFC teams. Bills were built to beat Marino and Elway. Nn retrospect they had no chance going up against the o-lines of the NFC East. Wade had a true NT in Pat Williams and was a genius running the 3-4.
  3. Agree. They should have signed Haden weeks ago and put White on PUP.
  4. Putting him on the PUP means he doesn't count against the 53. If they don't and he can't play it's one less healthy player for game day. I'd be shocked if he plays by week 8. Let him heal for another two months. He is needed in Dec, Jan, and Feb not Sept or Oct.
  5. I guess turning a lemon into lemonade is amazing. But when you purchased the lemon at the expense of other players it is not so amazing. Its why I advocate trading down and getting more picks. We want to believe Beane is smarter than most, but it is still mostly a crap shoot. It's pretty damning to think they had Teller, traded him away, then drafted a bust to play RT, moved him to fail at G, and spent a fortune on a decent RT only to move him to G and then cut a year later. Ugly. Doesn't matter much. He got Allen and that is 80% of the job.
  6. Gross I'm a ticket snob. I get club level seats and try to avoid interaction with most of humanity. Then retreat into the solitude of my workshop.
  7. Cleveland at CWRU from 88-92, Columbus at Ohio State for medical school, residency and fellowship from 92-02. Thanks. I have no regrets moving to PNW. Raised my kids here. All the positives you mentioned are correct and I would add proximity to San Francisco/Napa, Hawaii, and Vegas. Wouldn't change anything.
  8. It's the same rules for everyone. So no I don't worry about it, but I do think it is dumb. Let everyone dress. Even the backup OL, DL, or RB could get some real reps in a blowout game. Those real reps may be enough to get a guy recognized.
  9. Mayfield played injured all last year. In Buffalo he would have been called a true football player that played with toughness. In Cleveland they shipped him out for a serial sex offender. I think he is better than game manager but he is not a top 10 guy, probably somewhere around 15. Average enough that Cleveland with that roster would have pushed for a division title this year. Mayfield almost beat KC in the playoffs two years ago. The problem is the rest of Carolina's roster is not that good
  10. It doesn't make a lot of sense but then again it rarely matters that much. The inactive guys are usually an OL or DL that doesn't play special teams, a RB that won't see any carries, and a guy or two who is hurt and would not play anyways.
  11. I dont think they can designate someone as protected right away. Once they cut him I think he is free to sign on any PS or be claimed to a roster.
  12. Thanks. I lived there from 88-92. Love the West Side market. Severance Hall is world class music, but I never did the outdoor event. Thanks for the idea! Museum of Art is much better than anything Portland has. My recruitment dinner was in Little Italy. There are a few good Italian options in Portland but nothing like Little Italy! I love you too!
  13. Thanks. I lived there from 88-92 at CWRU. Somewhat of a homecoming for me. I will message you. Maybe we can meet up Lol. Unless they are playing the Bills pretty unlikely.
  14. Portland downtown is a warzone now. Truly awful. The east side of Portland is even worse with tent cities in neighborhoods.
  15. Agree on the time. 10am games are so sweet.
  16. That's the plan. I've done in one other time but as a vacation road trip.
  17. That's my plan! Well leaving from my house I mean...lol
  18. Returning actually. Was in Ohio from 88 to 2002. Go Buks!
  19. Walter Jones skipped multiple training camps showing up the week before the season started. He was on a series of 1 year franchise tag contracts. No one seemed to mind as he was the best LT in football.
  20. After 20 years in the Pacific NW, I'm heading back east. I took a job with University Hospitals in Cleveland and bought a house along the lake on the east side. Movers are coming on Sept 7 and will be driving one car with my wife and two cats 2635 miles. Will have to listen to the Rams game on the radio probably somewhere in Montana. Super excited to be so close to Buffalo for this upcoming season. Should be just under 3 hours from my house to the stadium. I'm going to need to get used to 1pm start times again. Prime time games will be easier to watch. Looking forward to a quick trip to Detroit for Thanksgiving game. Does anyone know if I can update my screen name? Or start a new one with the same email?
  21. English physician who defined a cancer of the lymph nodes in 1832 I agree
  22. I know. I get it and I know McD and Beane are not cutting a guy they just gave an extension too. I'm just pointing out keeping him has consequences. Is Gilliam the only player on the team that can play two spots? Surley Moss could play both RB and FB. And just about any of the TEs could line up at H-back or FB. Whoever is the swing OT can play 3rd TE. Bills have done that for years under McD.
  23. Agree with many others, Bills won't carry 5 RB. Blackshear will not make the final roster. They probably keep Spector as a 6th LB. Small chance they only go with 5 LBs and keep Morris. If Doyle is hurt Morris can play the role of blocking TE. I'd cut Gilliam and keep Morris instead, but that is not going to happen. Given the limited opportunities Austin has had, he probably will not make the final cut as the PR. Hell maybe they just put Hyde back there and fair catch every punt. I'd be fine with that and not risk dumb penalties or a turnover.
  24. Your history is correct but Cook is a different type of RB. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. This is yet another reason to not have Gilliam on the roster. I would much rather dress Motor, Moss, Cook, and Jones. Moss or one of the backup TEs can line up at FB. Waste of a roster spot.
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