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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. So then also doesn't have to set in the "down" 3 pt. stance position, right?
  2. Looks better than the 35 in 94, or the 50th for that matter, imho.
  3. My cheapo commuter car has 50K, and my truck has 158,300 approx. I purposely bought an inexpensive 4-cylinder Jetta to run to work with that had low miles when I got it, and that will hopefully let my F150 live that much longer. Mildly impressive. By mildly I mean, did you also install a shower in the back so you can enjoy the inside of that ride even longer each day? That's a lot of WGR radio streaming, right?
  4. This has probably been posted elsewhere already, but wanted to link to the go fund me for Pancho & his family that was set up by the Houston Bills Backers: https://www.gofundme.com/pancho-power If this isn't a good cause, I don't know what is. We open our wallets everyday for inconsequential things, this one would mean something.
  5. I'm so dang proud to be a Bills fan right now, it's not even funny. An organization from the owner down that is looking to do things the right way, do right by its fans like this? Didn't think it was possible to be more proud than I already was, but this just makes my heart hurt, in a good way. Go Pancho, much love!
  6. ^^^^^This. How often has that happened over the previous 20+ years? It's our time now. NE, get out of the way, we've looked at your tail lights long enough, we're about to pass you in the fast lane
  7. Also, we will probably continue to have collective fits over everyone the Pats end up drafting—a Pavlov’s dogs type reaction that’s understandable for Bills fans as we conjure up pictures of how this new guy or that guy will be the key to Hoodie’s latest Rubik's cube of a scheme wrinkle to beat us in the 4th quarter. Except, to quote the Scorpions...winds of change are a comin’ people!! Oliver & co will take care of business. We have added legit studs besides Allen, on both sides of the ball compared to last season—significantly so.
  8. This my brutha, is my earnest hope and was the 2nd thought in my head right after, crap, wish we would’ve traded back in to grab this kid...
  9. Very sorry to hear about Pancho—am glad Harrison & the Bills have rallied around him but man, it really sucks. My wife is a hospice triage nurse and I don’t know how she and others like her do what they do. Prayers for Pancho and his loved ones.
  10. Seems like an AFC E trend to get after Brady with all the Dline heavy picks; what’s Hoodie gonna do? Hopefully retire.
  11. We need an expert on wrong picks like wrong josh to weigh in on that
  12. Somewhere Tom Brady is frantically calling Guerrero wondering how many more massage hours he will have to schedule after Bills games this year. It’s all about crushing the evil empire, one process draft pick at a time.
  13. Love the pick, would’ve loved Jonah Williams too, but I get why they did it and can’t disagree. Trust the process remains the name of the game!!
  14. The local sports media here is all about that kind of a trade-up scenario for the Falcons from the current #14 spot. Let's hope they whiff completely in this regard.
  15. We trade down and pick up a CB with our 1st pick in the 2019 draft...you did ask for nightmare, right? No way do I see that happening though. Trust the process!!
  16. Um no. I’d rather see Kenneth Davis up there quite frankly.
  17. Somewhere out there is a motivational poster that says this. And look, I don’t disagree with you at all. My point was just that it’s possible for some people, myself included, to take a good thing like ice cream, and turn it into something not so good by going overboard with it, that’s all.
  18. Because too much of a good thing is also sometimes not good. I love ice cream, but a lack of self control can quickly turn it into a fat farm production. I went a little crazy with fantasy football, and took a year off to recalibrate my stress level...turns out football is pretty cool even without FF, more organic even, as I’m never tempted to root for any players outside of the Bills anymore, and now it’s 4 years and counting, FF sober. If I end up loving GOT, I’ll spend hours of my life binge watching it to catch up, and I just can’t do that right now. But I’m not judging anyone else who does, as this is just my own personal experience and opinion. All I’m sayin is don’t hate too much on those of us who let some of the current fads pass on by—there may be a good reason for why.
  19. Apparently Jim Kelly is? Also, in the just wondering department, For those of you who are, how did those awful all-red all-green unis for the Rex Ryan Thursday night color rush game come across to you a few years back? I remember the NFL catching some flak for that. https://www.newsweek.com/color-blind-fans-struggle-nfl-color-rush-uniforms-396366
  20. Good call—I’m with you, have been eating very healthy in 2019 and been dropping lbs, getting cholesterol under control. But Thursday night might require a juicy burger washed down with a cold Yuengling, all while parked in front of the home telly.
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