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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. OK. Props to Edmunds. Now give me a cookie, ya dig
  2. Forever married to the streets, ya dig
  3. Jon Jones. He does a good job repping Roc city, ya dig
  4. I dig Diggs, ya dig? Currently getting a custom painted shovel with him on it, mayne.
  5. That's his name now. I'll tweet it to him, ya dig?
  6. They did good considering that hostile rough crowd. Must have been hard to hear the snap, ya dig?
  7. I hope everyone has a baaaalin Christmas. This is going hard in the whip, ya dig?
  8. He does have a great mug for a shaving commercial, ya dig?
  9. 5 bucks, the latest issue of Pro Wrasslin Illustrated, and a smack on the hine, ya dig?
  10. The Brown always goes down, ya dig?
  11. The herd is pretty good, ya hurd?
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