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Everything posted by Bockeye

  1. My fervent hope is that left wing alarmists are either out of work on unemployment (which we need to put a shelf life on) or have a business which they must file bankruptcy on. I believe when they are staring down the barrel, they will change their tune and will help advocate for opening the economy. Having said this, I’m sure Tibs/Q baby are teleworking and making good coin as are the rest of our friends on here pushing for a continued lockdown. Prove me wrong, but I doubt it. If you are unemployed and making much, much less than prior the lockdown, OR have a biz which is completely shut down with no revenue coming in, I’d honestly be very interested in your perspective on why we need to be in continued lockdown. Tibs/Q-baby - you makin’ money??
  2. Thanks Fires. Tough to separate sports news and covid these days. Seems too tempting for some not to jump in with a political comment. PPP is the place for folks to debate and there are some good ones there.
  3. Thats what I figured. This isn’t affecting you at all, let the others suffer. Keep us in lockdown forever. I’d bet you are not willing to part ways with your hard earned money to help out some business owners or folks on unemployment are you?? If so, let me know as I have a number of individuals that can use it. Put your money where your mouth is - if you feel continued lockdown is needed, start helping those in need. You crack me up - Lexus Liberal. Tibs - calling you out. Can’t or don’t want to answer my original question, eh?? Q-baby at least showed their cards.
  4. My fervent hope is that left wing alarmists are either out of work on unemployment (which we need to put a shelf life on) or have a business which they must file bankruptcy on. I believe when they are staring down the barrel, they will change their tune and will help advocate for opening the economy. Having said this, I’m sure Tibs/Q baby are teleworking and making good coin as are the rest of our friends on here pushing for a continued lockdown. Prove me wrong, but I doubt it. If you are unemployed and making much, much less than prior the lockdown, OR have a biz which is completely shut down with no revenue coming in, I’d honestly be very interested in your perspective on why we need to be in continued lockdown. Tibs/Q-baby - you makin’ money??
  5. Easy to say if you don't have a business or means to support yourself. Easy to say if you didn't have to call dozens of employees who have worked for you for years and say, sorry, I have to lay you off and we will never open again. Entire life savings have been poured into businesses and careers and have vanished. There are always risks. 300k deaths from automobile accidents in the US/year. Is it necessary that you drive to get an ice cream on Saturday, veer over the other side of the road and kill a family of 4. Every time you get into an automobile you take a risk and in many instances - an unnecessary risk. We've done enough isolating and social distancing and we can continue some of this, but WE MUST GET BACK TO WORK. Even if this is marginally worse than the flu, we cannot lock down an entire country for 3, 4, 5 months. I can almost guarantee you are not a biz owner, nor laid off. Probably home teleworking collecting a paycheck. I know you would like me to take a knee for the National Anthem and not wave the flag, but I'm proud of my country and I love the ideals we stand for. You can put the flag in your back pocket, but for me, l'll keep waving it and fighting for what it means. In summary - you can STFU.
  6. Great point Shoshin. I didn't think about this until I just saw a WSJ article about it. McConnell is trying to insert language to afford some protection to businesses. https://www.wsj.com/articles/house-delays-return-to-capitol-amid-uncertainty-over-next-round-of-coronavirus-stimulus-11588091849
  7. Sorry to hear MH. At least they haven't taken your guns yet and some turkey 5 shot works well for self defense.
  8. This could be it Chef Jim, esp with elected officials not wanting blame for anything as it could mean their careers. I may be wrong, but I think by in large, its a political football for them - trump = bad, and anything he says they must be contrarian. I do know this, we need to open businesses. At this point, I am all for splitting the country into two - liberals/conservatives or making each state independent. I've owned/own a ton of business, paid millions of dollars in taxes and have hundreds of employees. I'm at wits end seeing what this is doing to employees and business owners alike.
  9. Keep kicking the can down the road until: a) A large majority of the population is dependent upon the government for their survival b) Mail in ballots are required for the presidential election c) Small businesses are wiped out and Capitalism is snuffed out for good and we can usher in the new age of socialism
  10. Come on B-man, the $1.7 Billion Obama gave to Iran was not a scandal. Iran is a good and decent country and we owed them.
  11. In case any of you hadn’t seen. A little pick me up for your Friday.
  12. PlanDemic, a Film about the Global Plan to Take Control of Our Lives, Liberty, Health & Freedom. Dr. Judy Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, a brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys' club of science with her groundbreaking discoveries. And like many women who have trespassed into the world of men, she uncovered decades-old secrets that many would prefer to stay buried. From her doctoral thesis, which changed the treatment of HIV-AIDS, saving the lives of millions, including basketball great Magic Johnson, to her spectacular discovery of a new family of human retroviruses, and her latest research which points to a new golden age of health, Dr. Mikovits has always been on the leading edge of science.
  13. Anyone watching the 6:00 Bills/Dallas game on replay tonight? Watching now and forgot that Haushka missed an extra point, 50 yd FG, and bounced one off the upright at 41 that luckily went in. Makes the Bass pick look all that better.
  14. Fromm has weak arm, blah, blah, blah... Fromm was an exceptional college QB. To follow up on nervous guys post, look at this highlight reel of Brady from Michigan - all floaters, WR’s coming back to the ball. Terrible. Fromm is NOT the next Tom Brady, but to write him off before taking an NFL snap is idiocy.
  15. Most don’t call propaganda media. Here’s a great article on how the NYT’s is assisting China with its propaganda. “The pro-lock-down news­pa­per has been a leader in pro­mot­ing the fear that the U.S. would run well short of needed in­ten­sive-care fa­cil­i­ties. For­tunately this hasn’t come to pass and, if it ever does, let’s hope pub­lic of­fi­cials don’t de­cide that the so­lution is to set fire to Amer­i­ca’s econ­omy, which gen­er­ates the wealth to pro­vide health care for all Amer­i­cans.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-propaganda-and-the-panic-11587659071?emailToken=8e0c74fe3b3fa1fe510d5268c0a259c5SAhqYa0Q4RdaRmiBRvi6GD3Cd82IurLokpJ49lfLL3yOq2qzFEYEapICROMd+DueZ2mUaDOnzCidlHz2CFTwiA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  16. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-bearer-of-good-coronavirus-news-11587746176?emailToken=e98cb2d305bcc6e4c0c210e17eae132cJG0ZjF+EmOkjTKVGt+lcsuO/RiQLe4Twz87Vep17dSxx0ojfTYKkfylRrZAaC2pkr09cAWrCFvd6zEnql5p4kA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share But sci­en­tists are al­most never unan­i-mous, and many ap­peals to “sci­ence” are trans­par­ently po­lit­i­cal or ide­o­log­i-cal. Con­sider the story of John Ioan­ni-dis, a pro­fes­sor at Stan­ford’s School of Med­i­cine. His ex­per-tise is wide-rang­ing—he jug­gles ap­pointments in sta­tistics, bio­medical data, pre­ven­tion re­search and health re­search and pol­icy. Google Scholar ranks him the world’s 100 most-cited sci­entists. He has pub­lished more than 1,000 papers, many of them meta-analy­ses—re-views of other studies. Yet he’s now found him­self pill­oried be­cause he dissents from the the­ories be­hind the lock-downs—be­cause he’s looked at the data and found good news. Dr. Ioan­ni­dis es­ti­mated that the U.S. fa­tal­ity rate could be as low as 0.025% to 0.625% and put the up­per bound at 0.05% to 1%—com­pa­ra­ble to that of sea­sonal flu. “If that is the true rate,” he wrote, “lock-ing down the world with po­ten­tially tremen­dous so­cial and fi­nan­cial con­se-quences may be to­tally ir­ra­tional. It’s like an ele­phant be­ing at­tacked by a house cat. Frus-trated and try­ing to avoid the cat, the ele­phant ac­ci­den-tally jumps off a cliff and dies.”
  17. https://m.facebook.com/KGET17News/videos/live-local-doctor-from-accelerated-urgent-care-gives-his-take-on-covid-19-in-ker/537566680274166/?__so__=permalink&__rv__=related_videos This news conference is from yesterday. Two docs who are on the front lines using all the numbers collected to date. Respectfully answer some pointed questions from reporters. Starting to go viral. Must watch video.
  18. Hmmmm.....because the statement I made is true. Pic was taken years ago and is completely irrelevant. Bet you $20k to your or my favorite charity you can’t prove me wrong. I’ll also stand by my statement that you’re an idiot.
  19. Idiotic post. Picture was taken years ago. Crazy Nancy had her ice cream episode just days ago in the midst of pandemic. Got anything else?
  20. If you can’t see that CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, etc handling of this situation is an obvious indictment that they are pure propaganda machines - you’re a lemming. Just sayin’
  21. This is great - not a single Lib willing to step up to respond to these latest Biden accusations and how he has responded in the past. Where are you??? We know you’re watching.
  22. Uh oh Libs - what to do with your nominee??? (Note: If you’ve only been following CNN you are probably not aware of the below news)? https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/2020/03/26/joe-biden-tara-reade-sexual-assault-me-too-believe-women/%3famp ”When it comes to #MeToo sexual misconduct issues, former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive 2020 presidential nominee, has made it no secret where he stands: automatically believe women. "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real," said Biden during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who faced accusations that as a teenager he had assaulted a woman at a party.
  23. https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/440136-if-you-dont-think-illegal-immigrants-are-voting-for-president-think-again No, illegal immigrants aren’t allowed to directly vote for the commander-in-chief yet, but in vast numbers they can dramatically alter the Electoral College to favor Democrats for at least a decade because a state’s electoral votes are based on the number of people residing within that state, not the number of citizens present when the Decennial Census is taken. If a nefarious power grab seems far-fetched, ask yourself this — why are Democrats so intent on blocking the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census? It is clear the presence of illegal immigrants can bolster a state’s electoral power, even one that is already arctic blue. Something tells me the Democrats’ keen interest in the plight of the much ballyhooed dreamers has a similar ulterior motive as well.
  24. Made this point in another thread, but WE take a risk and RISK OTHER PEOPLES lives every time we get into a vehicle. Over 40,000 deaths from vehicle accidents in the US in 2018. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-13/traffic-deaths-in-u-s-exceed-40-000-for-third-straight-year Do you consider this risk whenever you get into your car? Do you care about other peoples lives and the fact you may kill them inadvertently (and without discrimination - young, old, pregnant women, entire family, etc). Think about that next time you hop into a car to go to get an ice cream on a sunny day. Get the fact we do not want to overcrowd hospitals in hot spots, but YES there is an acceptable level of risk.
  25. Music Festival attendees dying Granted this is a bit dated, 2016/2017, but 201 deaths. Yikes!
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