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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I wouldn't look at PPG. Rather points per drive. The Bills' defense puts up great stats, but that's due to a bend but don't break defense that can't get off the field. This is an extreme example but it proves my point. If the opposition has four 10-minute drives and gets 17 points do we say the D was elite? They only gave up 17 pts., after all. Likely a low # of total yards too. As a statline they look like a top D, right? In practice we only had possession 20 out of 60 minutes. The D will have still given up 4-5 points a drive. The statline is very misleading for this type of defense.
  2. Josh is a loveable farm boy. Brady is the NFL equivalent to Cyclops from the X-Men. A solid leader, but a smug pretty boy that annoys everyone.
  3. Oh co...wait. No, this is a re-run. I know I've seen it before. Change the channel.
  4. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
  5. I quickly sell the team before I lose control of it, then retire to a life of luxury.
  6. Then what does that make our current ones? At least the red ones made the Super Bowl.
  7. Switch my mindset? You mean to something like "Getting nickeled and dimed down the field is wonderful!"?
  8. Same. That was scummy. If they think just firing the safties coach will fix things (or even pacify the fans) they are tone deaf and sorely mistaken.
  9. I really like Beane for a lot of his cagey moves. He's been called a wizard playing 5D Chess, and I strongly agree. However, for as good as he is at that, he really seems to be suffering with drafting. Yes, he got Allen but aside from that there are a ton of misses and underachiever. I think your opinion of him relies strongly on which aspect you're looking at, drafting, or wheeling and dealing.
  10. I trust the players. They started hot, they showed they could do it. Far from elite, but enough to get the job done. Critical injuries hurt. That being said... The 'D' got figured out, exposed and exploited. The schemes were mundane with no imagination and no adjustments. It's like the plan was to stick to the original plan and hope things turn around. New coach, new schemes and I think this 'D' is good enough. Not elite, just...good enough.
  11. Next to a '3', which happens to be Hamlin's number? Either alone, nobody bats an eyelash. Together it's a shot at a critically injured player. Yeah, I've seen 3s and fnger hearts before. But not together like this. Are you saying that a) It was the most incredible coincidence and b) Apple is such a tone deaf idiot that he didn't realize this complete coincidence would be seen as attacking a critically injured man? Is that what you're claiming here?
  12. Again, the trolling is fine. He's an a**, but whatever. It was adding the finger heart after the 3 that is what is really firing people up. That went beyond trolling into classless and insulting. Yes, I am aware "Cancun on 3" is a legit meme. But he knew Hamlin's number is 3, and he added the finger heart right after that is directly linked to Hamlin's recovery. The odds of putting those two together like he did by accident is infinitesimal. He knows what he did. He got carried away and crossed a line where a lot of people stop laughing and gave him the same look people give someone that tosses out an unexpected racist comment or such. People were offended and now he's backpedaling. It's fun how a single emoji next to a number can change a post from trolling to bagging on a critically injured guy that died and had to be resuscitated.
  13. This. Absolutely this. The phrase was fine, but he couldn't help putting the heart in. Totally different context otherwise.
  14. Never said that was okay. I let the first one go hoping nobody bites. When it seems like a discussion is gonna flare up, I say what I said. What I said applies to everyone. Keep the politics in the subforum please. This thread's gonna get locked soon if the political talk doesn't stop. The mods really aren't tolerant of it.
  15. Shaq said exactly what I was trying to, just much better.
  16. Keep it to the political forum here, please. No good will come of this discussion.
  17. The internet makes spreading these easy, and confirmation bias is a powerful thing. Doesn't help that nobody actually researches things.
  18. Overhype? Guy almost died. Or, he *did* die and had to be resussitated. I'd think this guy an a** for his other stunts. This, though, this crossed a line. Would it be fine for him to go into a hospital and mock other patients that nearly died? Seriously, I'd still think him an absolute piece of trash otherwise, but I'd shrug and let it go. Mocking a show of support for a critcally injured player? That's classless, and an absoulte d*** move.
  19. Taking a shot at Hamlin goes beyond smack talk. How is being upset over an opposing player taking a shot at a guy that almost died being a "sore loser"?
  20. One? Burrow's refund comment is just another example. Mean? Dude took a shot at Hamlin. That's beyond mean, it's disgusting. That you can hand-wave it is embarrassing.
  21. This guy actually made me decide to root for the Chiefs this weekend. There's having some fire and nastiness, and then there's being an a**.
  22. Dorsey and Frazier should go. Neither one will. This will be blamed on emotion, the turmoil and injuries.
  23. But...but...hey, we were 14-3, right? I mean, that's what I kept being told. There can't be any problems because we're 12-3, 13-3, etc... How did that work out?
  24. Burrow had all day to throw. Allen was under siege. Not exactly a level field upon which to judge.
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