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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. All I know is that was an AWESOME phone retake move. Best and I mean THE BEST line of the night tho was.....My God Zimmer killed a Dinosaur! That and the swank digs of Kliff....whoa!
  2. This is a snarky way to rebut your reply but it is what it is. Looks like Fish and Jests both improved (on paper). Jests and Fins came on towards the end of the season as the light was beginning to be seen. This whole Covid thing really resets all kinds of clocks in various starting places for all teams. Each and every fan wants to think oh well my team blah blah blah has the advantage. I hope you are right at 4-2......Pats are still going to be a tough W no matter who is tossing the pigskin. 11 wins would rock.....12 would be awesome. We shall see. Thanks for the insights in your rebuttal....all great points prior to the draft. Go Bills
  3. This sums it up perfectly....both my answer, NO!, and the reasoning behind it. No thanks.....
  4. Tougher sched. Won't know how Allen will do this year I see at most 2 Negatives. Still have an awesome D. Just got a fair to middling WR.....(pls note sarcasm voice here) WR package as a whole will cause mismatches Motor is now the feature RB and WILL have backup O-Line has experience and should improve I see at least 5 Positives. As another poster said a few weeks ago. McD needs to develop the Billicheat mentality that EVERY game is a BIG game and they ALL need to be won. They do this, I will comfortably foresee 11 wins. Wins the division, maybe gives a bye (BIG maybe) should lead to a decent season. Yeah yeah yeah SB or bust. They need to improve b4 visions of a SB is dancing in their eyes. Coaching and QB improvements....nail that down? SB appearance it should be. Go Bills
  5. Apparently there is a hole in your life.....apologies if this was already brought up.....
  6. He needs to be signed but not break the bank. I have every confidence that Beane will make it so......
  7. Good move.....just one of many for Beane. The hits keep coming....
  8. I will argue that the O-Line needs a boost - having a year together will help no doubt but still.... Having a second RB so Motor doesn't blow a gasket from overuse is HUGE. Allen needs to keep his upward trajectory. People need to stay home so the virus is over sooner rather than later.........
  9. Based on the eye test and his improvement from year on to year two, his improvement on the most glaring aspect of his game the short intermediate routes I am feeling pretty good that he will improve in the long ball facet. A solid O line, a better group of wide outs. Only thing that worries me is the lack of time to get connection with Diggs. Sure hope the Covoid 19 crap gets over with quick.......otherwise a load of teams not just the Bills are gonna look pretty crappy for awhile.
  10. At this point with all the current options the Bills have in the WR room.....draft one and call it quits. I would MUCH rather see a vet RB and or a edge guy added over another WR. There is only one ball on the field in play......
  11. I no worry....I expect Beane knows what he is doing. So far the ship seems like it is righting and it ain't doing it by itself. As long as Diggs works out and doesn't become a cancer I would say the Beane man is ripping it up......
  12. I would say get this DONE asap. Good LB, needs the right system.
  13. Hands down the CRAZIEST game I ever witnessed.....mostly. There were 4 of us.....our driver stayed put, 3 of us went out to the van and the end of the 1st half. Sat in the parking lot and laughed as the Bills comeback started. We knew the gate would be thrown open at the end of the 3rd so we planned on that. About 5 mins to go before that my buddy and his pregnant wife ran/stumbled by (she gave birth 3 days later!!) with him screaming get in the game! get in the game!!! We strolled up right as the 3rd ended.....security said we are opening the gate....please wait till we turn around b4 you enter.....we got razzed when we got back to our seat but we saw all but one 1/4! CRAZEE!!!
  14. I am certain this has been answered but yes it was a blackout......I managed to get my hands on a taped copy a few days later from a friend in Binghamton.....crazy they showed it down there!
  15. I too enjoy a bit of ketchup on me steak from time to time...
  16. Agree 110%. I watched quite a few Bird games last season. he certainly didn't stand out much at all. Pass.....he isn't what he was when he left. No - def no as a starter. A HUGE def no!!! He has slipped quite a bit.....this isn't the guy who left the team. This is a guy who has WAY more mileage than what the Bills need.
  17. Sad but true.....would give Marcia his #1 wideout and all the Cheatriots would need is a TE and BINGO......yet another SB for the cheaters.....
  18. Right there is sum funnee stuff!!! Appreciate the viewpoint as it dampers this crazy talk a wee bit....
  19. Hoping it will be soon. I will be watching it here in FL with all my new found friends at various Bills Backer bars!!! I hope this season wasn't a fluke.....
  20. Wow......OK dude - you spent about an hour more into all that than I woulda - whatever floats your boat.....I would go waaaaaay out on a limb that Sammy just wasn't buying in tho. So how precisely did Beane screw up the salary cap??? They have LOADS of $$$.....not understanding that one at all. They don't have all the chess pieces they need yet but are on the way...imo
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