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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. I have learned and I WILL not do that ever again. My fingers are still seared from touching that hot stove!!! 🤪
  2. The Lambs WERE NOT a top team last year either. As it usually always happens the ball bounced their way a few times and they ended up where they did.
  3. Sorry bro but no to CC....he is an ####### x10 and more....maybe even more. Nope not gonna stop CC is a hole....nothing more and certainly less.
  4. I chose to ignore CC as he is an ignoramus to the nth degree. Why he is still employed is beyond me. He dissed JA17 in the beginning and was on his knees in sublimation at the middle of the 2nd half. What a tool....
  5. Agree to a point.....BUT he will be fine....in fact better than fine.....In 2 years yer gonna be a happy camper. Mark my words
  6. Sorry - my bad. Thot it was a pseudo account. I agree to disagree....I kinda like Moss fumbles aside and think as the season goes on u might too. We shall see. Sorry for the diss....my bad.
  7. I thought the same thing.....a hold on is the play gonna count after each play?.....is there sum yellow on the field? The Lambs yellow pants didn't help much! Go Bills!!!!
  8. The Morse comment? Laughed my balls off while thinking of those whom are punching thiers!!! The Tre comment? Well the Tre-holes are coming for ya...not me tho!!!! Wait....we have a punter!??!?!?!?!? No *****! TRASH Raysbee? Yeah he got it handed to him!!! Nice post brother!!! Go Bills! OK @ScottLaw pseudo guy. It was hot out there....they mixed up a bit and yeah he did more than u wanna give him credit for but hey man u keep doing what yer doing since it seems to work so well for you......oi !!!
  9. Oh wait.....it was a blowout!!!! A 21 point blowout!!!!
  10. Not for nothing brother but this is a losing battle at best for you. I agree.....less Josh runs but all the other stuff you spewed.....my gawd man. Pick another team to set your abuse on please. PLEASE!!!
  11. My gawd this picture is butt awful. Graphics look great, anything pre-recorded looks great - live looks like azz!!!!!
  12. Dunno how he does it but dang if this ain't true!!! I bet you are a load of fun at parties.....
  13. The everyone wins a trophy crowd is involved!
  14. without looking at anyones answer undeniably a pass. Short gainer. That and Josh wins the toss. I know right? No preseason action at all.......man would that be the total eff you to the Rams or what???? Won't happen but that would be a HUGE FU! You mean you haven't left yet??? no 10+ hours of tailgating?? No table slams?? Are you really a Bills fan???? Sarcasm alert.....
  15. Call me crazy, which you will and I will not disagree, I thot Settle had a pretty good camp. I am ALL about getting the best person in that slot.....if that is Jones then so be it. Thanks for setting this old dude right!
  16. What is wild to me is that Jones is the Starter versus Settle.....huh? I guess my old brain ain't comprehending that one.....I know I know rotation and all that. I guess....
  17. Love the "you young people" jab.....as an old guy THAT makes me feel young!!! The bigger question is how many times have they laughed and laughed and laughed about that call???? Proally quite a few!!!
  18. What a wanker indeed!! Kidding dude.... Seriously though without reading all the posts after yours I really hope that some of the evil shots that Josh takes WHILE in the pocket are called.....when he is running the dude is fair game like it or not. But behind the line when trying to make a pass and he is mugged - I expect at least 1/2 of the Brady/Rogers/Mahomey treatment.....it is only fair. Without doing any crazy goggle searching anyone know what he "emphasis" calls are this season???? What has the No Fun League drawn up now???
  19. A freaking men to this ^^^^. Don't read too much into anything especially this early in the season is my thought. Much over thinking here... This is a job I would like.....having worked 15 years as a HS Football official and 5 years as a D2/3 official.....yeah this would be a dream PT job to say the least. This is cool info.....why I come to TBD! Thanks for sharing.
  20. Just like Keith Richards who will outlive ALL of us!!! ALL. OF. US. This man will outlive all of us.....he refuses to die even tho he has been on the edge a few times......you will be gone b4 him!!!
  21. OK I get ya on more than a feeling.....be seriously a classic like Hotel Cali??? Sheesh.....you millennial rockers leave a bit to be desired.....what about about Highway to Hell.....this will answer many questions for me......
  22. AND Joe Suck...... I thought Tiki stepped away??
  23. Well that beer covers Wednesday nite pregaming....what about the game coach???
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