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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. We also signed Devonta Freeman last year right? So we have a Freeman too...
  2. I just want to talk about Groot. Last Spring, we were hurting from the loss to the Chiefs, still with their own loss to the Bucs fresh in our heads, fortunate enough to get a blueprint, and now knowing what we needed to improve. Yet instead of spend big bucks in FA on goofs like Ngata, we went risky.... but old school and kept faith in tried and tried mechanics...aka the draft. We essentially drafted Groot and Boogie to "Get Mahomes"....and last night was the pay dirt. Groot was a menace Sunday night, fulfilling our hopes and dreams and making an impact. So excited we seem to have hit on this guy and are already seeing results.
  3. Weird comparison. Rome and Travis are more logic based guys, I've never had a problem with either, though Rome bores me and Travis was too political...I'd compare him more to a Skip Bayless, Woody Paige or Steven A, frankly more like Brother Love or Jimmy Hart....a character ...a heel....muckraker. Not sure to "survive" but to make his mark he's gone this route. I guess everyone needs to get "put over" somehow. Will never respect the guy though. Nor do I respect FS1 for giving him a forum.
  4. Sad to see the national media narrative apart from GMFB is how done the Chiefs are and not our ascension.
  5. Agree. But this one a bit easier as I have tommorow off.
  6. I agree, but it manifests or manifested much like the noise on this thread.
  7. I believe the x factor in this game will be Singletary and Moss. These guys were running like maniacs last week and the stat line does not capture how tough they ran.
  8. To be fair; Everyone hated Murph Everyone hated Tasker Everyone hated Donald Jones Everyone hates Chris Brown (Briefly) everyone hated Frierland Now of course, everyone hates Maddy. This is a tough crowd. I really liked them all, but Murph could be too much a company man. Personally, I'm fine with her voice, she's got a midwestern twang, very apt. Maddy is doing pretty good and does a decent job. My only complaint is the cam is zoomed to close on her face during the video segments, and this annoys me, not because she's ugly ( she's not) , but its just too close and awkward. I hate this vibe from video feeds on NFL channel fantasy shows too. If there is one gal i would request, its that I love Jenna Cottrell, and would love to see her on the payroll. Her spot is pretty good. I would also love if we somehow ponied up for Kim Jones.
  9. Just want to end with this passing scenario; End of 21-22 Season Daboll gets his head coaching gig at last.... Culley is axed in Houston... Culley 2022 Bills OC?
  10. I don't want to be a homer, but I see us coming into this game like a house on fire. I think this may be the best Bills team to face the Chiefs in awhile. I see a motivated football team taking this one by the horns. My biggest concern is Milano's injury. But guys like Taron Johnson can pick up the slack covering Kelce, and its good to know the team has played w/o Milano recently even if it was not our best. I highly respect this Chiefs team, but i think 3rd times the charm.
  11. I like busting on a bad commentator, but she did fine. Tiki was a bit tonguetied half the time, which surprised me becuase he does a decent job w/ radio.
  12. Sue me, but I honestly think he's played very well this is a weather game all bets are off. I really love that last throw to Davis that they missed for the TD that was an amazing throw that the announcers totally didn't admire.
  13. Ugh, can we let 1st half threads stay open till like 5 min into halftime? I had a super transcendent witty post going and now it's lost when i hit post.
  14. Man, going back to Texans going for it, they should have kicked that FG.
  15. Not just a wet ball, a downpour. This is on Daboll. Gotta run.
  16. You can also say the defensive changes and rules changes to the game have made the old Parcells play style obsolete and impossible to replicate.
  17. The hyperbole is silly. He may be overrated, sure, but fraud?...no sir.... Honestly i feel a huge problem is the whole disciplinarian team first style is just not a fit for 2021.
  18. Didnt colin have us at #10 in his power rankings behind Denver?
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