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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. Bart Scott always hates us. He's basically circling the drain as a sports caster. Couple more years and he'll be a podcast guy. Stinks that Ryan Rusello was cast off and we have to still deal with this guy.
  2. I was not that impressed with Tua. Still looked overwhelmed at times, a lot of timing routes and high percentage throws. Protection looked suspect. Impressed by Waddle and Gesicki . Offensively, we should be able to move the ball.
  3. I think the MNF crew is "adequate" The Manning deal was atrocious, i turned it after 5 minutes. Reminded me of Youtube type stuff.
  4. I don't disagree. The offense has flaws. Situations can manifest that knock us off our game. That does not mean its "figured out" so to speak. It just is what it is. I believe this is made worse by our run philosophy. I don't defend this. Teams with balanced defenses have fail safes if the normal path is not working, we don't really. It's a flaw with the offense. Its still an incredible challenge to shut down Allen or our WRs. Allen did play relatively poor in our two playoff wins though. He also didn't play great in the Steelers win last year. I think Daboll needs to mix in 10 more runs per game. I think he needs to relax on some of the cute angle stuff and know when to go straight at the defense better.
  5. they started mini camp 1 week earlier than everyone else.
  6. Keep in mind Steelers had an extra week of prep. I am feeling 24 hours later we lost a close , back and fourth game to a good team with a hof coach and hof QB and top defense. We are not trash or anything, and i expect us to bounce back. Just stinks because i feel we are better than the Steelers, but killed ourselves some too.
  7. I dont think its been figured out. Hit a couple deep passes and not make bone head play calls and we would have been fine. Honestly, tempo of the game was very similar to last years Steeler game, only difference is we melted late instead of get hot. Instead, Steelers got hot. We dont look like a Madden team vs good teams but we were still effective. Just gotta make plays.
  8. Did anyone take a look at that Pitt punt from their own endzone? Heard the punter clearly stepped on the line. -lots of Blame to go around, but in the end Bills did not "out tough" a tough opponent in a trench war. At least on offense, where Daboll just did not let the guys play in the mud. It was a close defensive struggle and a few plays here and there make the difference. The moments that stand out to me: Allen missing that early deep ball. The obvious 4th quarter punt block. Terrible 4th and short throwback play. Daboll too cute. Too few runs. Too much empty. Tremaine had hands on a pick. Penalties. Not going to say this or that was not a foul, but I thought the refs were too one sided and heavy handed w the Bills. Most of the stuff was ticky tack. I agree inconsistant with short yardage calls. The 4th and 8 ( i think) was poorly planned sequence. If you are going for it on 4th you should know about on 3rd down. We should have won this game. I do feel Buff is a better team...and I was really dissapointed with losing the way we did.
  9. I will say this though; Ben Roethlisberger took more hits Today than he did probably the first eight games of last year . Then after watching other AFCE games ....dont think we have that tough of a road.
  10. Well, i disagree. I dont mind "pass first" what i mind are all these empty sets that do not even threaten the run.
  11. Agree about Allen. I don't know about the OL being big villians though. Its still like Heyward and Watt, two demons. Steelers D always rough. That being said...I cant escape playcalling and that goddamn blocked punt.
  12. Bottom line; you give up a blocked punt, you dont deserve to win.
  13. Wtf wrongvw refs did i just see that backward pass by jones?
  14. I think this loss is on the Daboll. He counts too much on Josh being great and accurate. Too much single set. Not enough running. Allen was a bit off. Penalties killed us. Thought many were marginal. Cant blow ST punts in a tight game. WRs not enough RAC.
  15. I thought the refereeing was bad today. Too many minor infractions /calls went the Steelers way. it was too much. Not the top reason for the loss but very evident.
  16. Part of me would say losing this game is really good for us. Runs were there all day. We need to learn to run the ball more! BUT! then basically that was the whole lesson of the end of our season last year and deadbolt still didn't get it
  17. Hate that daboll sequence. If your going to go on 4th be ready on 3rd down w a better play.
  18. Bills are playing tough. Tough vs a tough opponent. Mentally tough. No one said this would be easy Keep it going guys.
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