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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. Kelvin Sheppard coaching for the other team when the guy he was traded for is still playing.
  2. I think they should put her on one bills live with CB and Tasker. After listening to about 12 hours over last weekend, That show is struggling IMO and needs a 3rd party to jazz up the mood. I was hoping maybe they could get Jenna Cottrell , but Id love to see more of Freeland. In all I like Freeland. She's a bit stiff on air but has improved over time, she has really been better over the last few months. Liked her analytics bit.
  3. I was never a giant McKenzie fan either for a couple of reasons; A. I thought the guy in the Roberts role and the kind of jacknife x guy in the offense that McKenzie was should be the same roster spot. B. He just did not get in the snaps and was not consistent enough. So now, especially after that Miami game to end the year, I'm really at peace with him in the full Roberts/ McKenzie role all in one for this season.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/19/business/sports-arena-development.html There is other data that says it does. IMO this is related to trends and a lot of factors come into play. I feel Buffalo is a place where a downtown Stadium would work. Depends also very much on the downtown and the infrastructure around it.
  5. This guy will never get it. Chips were down and he blew off the team rules. His whole career was on the line and he could not lose weight? Good riddence. Sounds like there were other moments incidents in the spring. You don't treat everyone equally, you treat everyone fairly. KB does not get it...never will.
  6. Whats worse is the jets did not learn from situations in the past like the Chiefs, Bills, Chargers, Phins, and have a viable veteran QB who could play and/or mentor or ease the burden of expectations....or build a smart QB room. I think this is a critical tool to build an NFL QB...but Jets gonna jest.
  7. Keep Kumerow. He's my 6th WR right now, and even if he's cut we need 3 WRs on PS and can protect 4 players. Bills can protect 4 players on PS as well. He will likely make the team or one of those spots.
  8. This is a silly, silly take. The Bucks did not do this. The Bills made moves aplenty and drafted 2 pass rushers. When you get within 1 game of the championship you dont reinvent the team.
  9. This is why i hate tbe 49ers...they have really made some irresponsible contract calls, many of which have come back to bite them. ( Kwon for sure)Fred is a solid player but no LB is worth this.
  10. The open stadium debate has no bearing on bills games. Those will pack the place in good weather or bad if the team is good, and likely even when we are bad, and im sure there will be nice box suite stuff for high rollers. It effects more the profitability of the stadium after the bills season from jan-april/may for conventions concerts and events and the year round traffic to new business that service the stadium. I know some people talked about outdoor stadiums that have big indoor venues built within them or attached. I think this is a great idea.
  11. I agree with him about the risk of Rousseau. But for different reasons. The inexperience alone makes him high risk. Not a giant fan of a guy who opted out after 1 year then went pro. Not as concerned with Basham.
  12. I guess you either love or hate schein. I personally love him. He should be bigger.
  13. Its possible. There could be a ton of factors. Theres several other studies, some more recent that say similar things. One even mentioned DTs have a higher "early" risk. Another mentions the pool are high risk to other conditions, such as sleep apnea and hypertension. My own feelings are that big strong 300 pound men, fat or otherwise generally don't live long lives for an assortment of reasons. Your right, not sure it makes it irrelevant. Also if you read my post and go down the list in the searches there are several other more recent studies that support this as well.
  14. I attached the pdf from CDC. If you google Cardiovasular disease amoung NFL linemen like 50 supporting articles pop up. Let's also add that Star himself has displayed CV symptoms before, and though he was later cleared its not impossible he does have other underlying issues. Making assuptions about Star's BP and blood sugar seems a bit silly. I've no clue if they are normal. Appendix_E_NFL_Notification_FINAL-508 (1).pdf
  15. I think you're all spinning your wheels on this one. NFL DTs are high risk for CV. Lots of studies support this, including via the CDC and that's really the bottom line. I like Star and hope he shows. Not sure what the deal is. I think it was a mistake to not support the team, but if he is working hard and comes ready will forgive.
  16. There were several folks who did believe he would lose weight.
  17. What i learned: I forgot Jim played any football after like 1988. I know he was with philly for a bit, but do not recall Browns gig, and completely forgot GB back up job. He sounds like a real jerk, and i wouldnt trust anything he says. The fact he would even tell this story not realizing how it sounds shows me his ego is still huge.
  18. We will find this draft has more busts than most, but I also predict many late round gems. Tough to evaluate this year. Many of the draftniks said that, so giving instant grades even more ridiculous.
  19. My general vibe was this was a poor draft, and my gut here feels akin to the old drafts where we all rationalized your Duke Prestons and Derek Schoumans. Bills needed to trade up to get Etienne , Hariss , or Toney as the playmaker to upgrade the offense. They failed here...or didnt bother. We needed a first rate KR too, but didnt act on this till round 6. Rosseau is an opt out player, and I'll make no bones about the fact that this generally turns me off. Bills overthought things....
  20. Just not a fan of the draft so far. Hopefully I'm wrong but seem to be overthinking things.
  21. Luxury project...hate pick. Carter right there to be had.
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