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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. It’s because the bills haven’t figured out how to run the ball in the red zone.
  2. Can anyone answer why singletary always seems to get taken out in the red zone?
  3. Such a weak call from a ref 20 yards away. The defender wasn’t even trying to make a play and Williams just kept blocking not even holding him.
  4. to the poster saying they kicked FGs against KC too that's my point. When playing good competition you need TDs. They don't need the 3 against this team so might as well use the live reps to get better during these situations.
  5. they should have gone for it in order to practice these types of situations when you play a KC and need a TD. This game isn't competitve, they need the reps and the weight of a game to try and execute those 4th and goal plays.
  6. not sure what your post is even referring to? i think we have seen enough of singletary and moss over the year plus and if you can't tell that singletary is faster i don't know what to say to you. Not even digging on Moss but Singletary looks much differnt then Moss.
  7. As good as moss has been today singletary looking so much faster.
  8. How are there always so many block in the back penalties, how hard is it to not do this on every punt? Always blows my mind at how not just the bills but like every team in the NFL does this.
  9. Cut Bass he’s terrible, can’t kick. Remember those posts last year? I do lol.
  10. Unbelievable, that people can’t grasp the facts that we are at war with the pandemic and they refuse to lift a finger in helping out and doing their part for the collective good. They are free to make their choice but they should suffer the consequences. Welcome to having trouble keeping your job, paying really high health insurance rates, and you aren’t welcome to come inside most private businesses. Enjoy that freedom from home.
  11. Didn’t see most of the game as I was at an out of town wedding but it sounds like the bills shot themselves in the foot a lot and played poorly. You can’t win games against playoff teams when you do that. That said I think we will give them the benefit of the doubt that they can clean up most of these issues. If the bills go 3-3 in their first 6 games I still think that sets them up very well to make a good run in the middle of the season. I know everyone wants the 1 seed but just focus on winning the division for now.
  12. His play calling during the season was at a very high level. Wherever you want to put him like top 5 is ok with me. His play calling in the 3 playoff games was extremely suspect. Like really bad. I didn’t like that he was interviewing with a few teams and it took away his focus from him doing his job.
  13. Maybe he should just get the shot himself. Just a thought. Still can’t believe most of these players are serious about not getting the vaccine at this point but then again they get paid to get hit in the head over and over.
  14. So you found 1 example from 92 and it wasn’t a good decision then either. Pretty much made my point for me. Wentz wasn’t very good and injury prone and the eagles decided to move on. That’s the truth not really hard to see.
  15. You don’t draft a guy in case when he’s in his 20s you draft a guy because the first guy isn’t the guy not very hard to understand. also to the people stating well the patriots did it and Green Bay did it are you just being ignorant on purpose? drafting project qbs or an eventual replacement is common place when your qb is over 35 it’s completely different doing it when they guy is in the “prime” of his career. Name me an example and I’ll wait. I don’t know why people are so defensive about this. It’s ok that the eagles weren’t sold on him being the long term answer. I wasn’t sold on wentz either. But they most definitely didn’t pick hurts to be a backup give me a break.
  16. So he was pick 53 so not as high as I remember. But yea if the chiefs or the bills pick a qb 53 because they need a backup the gm should be fired.
  17. Really stupid take in my book. What other teams have selected a qb in the first round when their franchise qb is in his 20s and suppose to be the franchise guy. You don’t do that if you haven’t already moved on as an organization. Maybe if your starter is getting up there in years ala Rodgers but I mean cmon man.
  18. The bills vs. Brady was the prime matchup, perfect story line. Problem was nobody likes the chiefs anymore and everyone already hates Brady. And no one cares about the city of Tampa bay.
  19. I believe it’s 56-70 without Brady now
  20. They definitely bullied us and beat us in every facet of the game. We need to start thinking about how we combat that now.
  21. Daboll had a really odd postseason. Questionable play calls and game plans throughout the 3 games. No killer instinct this game. That was the difference in the game. Kc was able to get whatever they wanted through the air and the ground and the bills kept having to settle for 3s.
  22. Wow still had a chance if they stop them there and you give up a first down on 3rd and 10. Just embarrassing.
  23. Total team loss, bad defense, no running game, terrible ol play, Questionable red zone and 1st half play calling, mediocre wr and qb play.
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