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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. That’s because burrow doesn’t run and he had 3 great wrs. Also didn’t seem like the bengals had any problem at all running the ball on Sunday in snowy conditions while the Bills were in nickel formation the entire game. The bengals did the same thing and we refused to use our rbs. Absolutely atrocious game planning.
  2. Coming in to say I agree. We’ve hit mcdermott’s ceiling. And it’s more important now than ever to pair Allen with an offensive minded coach and get a system going that works for the next 5 years. it’s time to RIP the Bandaid off now that is this rot in the organization. I get everyone loves McDermott and he’s a great guy but it’s time for him to go.
  3. 2 years ago our starters were diggs brown Beasley McKenzie with Davis as #4 and impressing as a rookie. last year we had diggs sanders Beasley Davis. to say we never gave him tools is beyond idiotic. The roster construction failed this year as crowder got hurt and Davis failed under pressure of trying to be #2 and McKenzie severely regressing and not being reliable. I don’t think anyone was seriously questioning our playmakers the past 3 years. As of right now though yea we need to put in work to fix this position.
  4. This is the biggest nothing burger I’ve heard about the Bills in quite some time.
  5. Have seen some stupid comments lately, this might take the cake. Blaming the fans? The crowd was super loud. Guessing you weren't there while we were making noise while the players allowed them to move down the field at will and score possession after possesion? The Bengals fans were cheering because they were whooping our ass on the field.
  6. I voted for getting rid of the whole org but I know that will never happen. That said I'm in the camp of getting an offensive minded head coach and there's some out there including our own Frank Reich. There's also Eric Bieniemy, Shane Steichen, Sean Payton, Brian Callahan etc. I think the Dorsey hate is a bit extreme. If we are keeping Mcdermott there is no point in running off Dorsey, for what? To hire another OC who may just leave again after 1 or 2 years? There are legit criticisms of Dorsey but the problem is he and Josh both seem to be in love with throwing the ball downfield and for that system to work you need a better OL and 1 or 2 more WRS. The Bills don't have the personal to do what he currently wants. I don't know if Dorsey will budge on his system or if the org will go out and do what needs to be done to better help him. If anyone is going to get fired it will be Frazier this year and be the fall guy but I don't think Sean has it in him to do that either so I think odds are no one gets fired. If this is the case I give Sean 1 more year with everyone back and it is Superbowl or bust. If Beane won't fire them all after the season then I give him his walking papers. At the end of the day I don't have a strong feeling that Beane is more devoted to the organization then he is to his buddy.
  7. Yea I think they both come from the same philosophy so the answer is it’s both of theirs.
  8. Without going into too much detail it does seem that McDermott and beane’s relationship is more than just a business one. They are like family and I don’t think they will ever be able to be separated. They both go or no one goes. Getting rid of Frazier doesn’t do much because in the end this is Mcdermott’s defense and Frazier is comfortable within his system. Let’s say McDermott takes over the defense next year is there really going to be any difference? Also with him focusing on the defense more that certainty is not going to help him poor in game mgmt. The Bills org has built a solid foundation and they aren’t laughing stocks anymore but they have a clear ceiling on them and I don’t think there are any easy answers on how this gets fixed. Would love for Sean to hand over the defense and offense to proven guys with a different philosophy but I doubt he has the guts to do it.
  9. Marvin Lewis didn’t have Josh Allen and stephon diggs, what’s mcdermott’s excuse?
  10. I could tell you from being there it was just as scary. Had no idea if he was going to make it or what was going on with him.
  11. Prayers for Hamlin and his family. NFL should postpone until we know he is safe. I would take the forfeit no problem but the NFL should step up and just postpone this game right now.
  12. Lol at being seriously injured by a snowball. And no there weren’t ice balls. There was like 8 inches of snow in everyone’s seat what did you think people were going to do. The people complaining from their homes is hilarious.
  13. Whatever you want to tell yourself. They were a better team at the end of their playoff exit than the previous year. Simple.
  14. Come on, the Bills were a paper tiger in the playoffs two years ago they were legit by the time they were in the playoffs last year and if they had passed by the chiefs they would have been the favorite to win the Super Bowl.
  15. Was glad they didn’t give motor the first down at first because we could take more time off but he was easily 1 yard past the first down
  16. I am honestly shocked that people are acting this anxious about Tre White. This was always going to 12 month process on recovery at the minimum. Anything less you could consider a huge victory. He’s right where he needs to be, anyone saying anything else or questioning Tre has some serious screws loose. Trust the process people. I’d worry more about Allen, McDermott, and Dorsey.
  17. It would probably take 2-3 seasons of missing the playoff's for McDermott to be replaced. wrong this team is too talented to not make the playoffs for 2-3 years. When you are the Super Bowl favorites or contenders for multiple years and the coach fails in spectacular fashion at some point you realize you need a coaching change. It happens in all sports leagues including the NFL. I don’t think they fire him this year but next year is his last if he doesn’t show vast improvement in situational awareness and game mgmt. which is 100% coaching. This team plays dumb.
  18. Twitter has been a dumpster fire for a decade. Fixed
  19. No he’s not a TE but he is a lizard person.
  20. He’s been great but the 3 straight pass calls from the 2 yard line was head scratching. Same thing he did in Miami too. Hope he learns from that otherwise yes he’s been really good.
  21. Yea I immediately thought of randy Moss, and TO. These guys were so strong. Track stats with no pads don’t translate to great football players, and Gabe is on his way. He just looks like the ideal prototype WR when he’s on the field.
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