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Everything posted by DabillsDaBillsDaBills

  1. I thought the hit on Kincaid was close to being a penalty, but ultimately a good no-call. Kincaid was a defenseless receiver, but the hitter did not 1) Launch himself 2) Lead with the crown or 3) Make forcible contact to neck/head area Rapp's hit was clearly forcible contact to the head of a defeneseless receiver. Good call and I would expect at least a fine for him. Putting him into protocol should be up to the Raiders and their independent neuro consultant.
  2. And concussion protocols have gotten a lot better since then. Obviously they aren't perfect (see: Tua) but I think it's a lot more difficult for guys to play through concussions in the current NFL.
  3. It's possible, but unlikely. The problem is that Allen has played exactly like this in multiple games over multiple years. His only diagnosed concussion was 2019 when he got knocked out of the game vs Patriots and was available the next week. If his erratic play was from an un-diagnosed concussion it seems likely that he's had multiple un-diagnosed concussions. While I think that's a possibility I think it's a pretty slim chance.
  4. This was my first time listening to a Joe Marino podcast and I don't think I will again. It's almost all opinion with very little analysis. There's better all-22 analysis done on this board. I don't see the value in someone telling me that Josh is immature, eyes all over the place, bad reads, etc. I want someone to get into the nitty gritty details of specific plays and SHOW me that's what happened.
  5. 2021 vs Steelers wasn't a last second loss, but it did have a lot of similarities to last nights game. Including allowing a special teams TD
  6. I was wondering this myself. I didn't think it was possible for a 300+ pound DT to be invisible, but Ford managed it (if he played that is)
  7. My exact reaction. Had to google him, apparently he's a sports journalist with a penchant for calling out racial discrimination. I'd like to read his full lawsuit and not just one screengrab on twitter. Does Trotter claim Terry said this to him directly ? Or is it just hearsay ?
  8. Huh.... Giving up an 83 yard run that resulted in a FG didn't cost us a game that went to OT ? Obviously there were many other costly mistakes but everything else being equal without that 83 yard run we win the game.
  9. Cook has a shot at a TD on that play if Allen places a perfect throw, but he was far from open. When did Cook make a defender miss a tackle? At any point during the night ? I'm not blaming him for the negative plays (idk why so many on here give our O-line a pass) but Cook never made a guy miss either. Looked like a JAG out there
  10. Other than that, how was the play, Mrs Lincoln ? Our run DEF has the very bad habit of giving up huge runs that cost us close games.
  11. Not an egregious drop, but a catch that is probably made more often than not in the NFL. If Garret Wilson's TD was a 10/10 in difficulty this play by Knox was a 6/10.
  12. What game did you watch ? Cook and the run game were awful. If you told me before the game started that we held the Jets QB to 14/21 for 140 yards with 1 TD and 1 INT i'd be pretty happy. If you told me that QB was Zach Wilson instead of Aaron Rodgers I'd be less than impressed. Agreed that Groot and Floyd looked good. You didn't mention Milano, but he was a monster tonight
  13. Cook was clearly on the queue card for Buck/Aikman. He finished with 12 carries for 46 yards and 4 catches for 17 yards. I would guess he finished in negative territory for expected yards giving the blocking. I think it's generous to say he had even a mediocre game.
  14. So the best game of this career? I kid (sort of)
  15. That particular play drove me nuts. Should've been at least close to the first down and he decides to brace for impact 2 yards short of the 1st down marker??!? I thought Cook was replacement level, at best, tonight
  16. Congrats to Bernand for being gifted the starting MLB job
  17. I prefer to call him Kelvin "1 KFC biscuit short of being a TE" Benjamin. Just pointing out that Allen has had quite a few worse games than this one.
  18. Kinda borderline trip IMO. Would've put the jets at our 40 yd line anyway only needing a FG to win I was much more upset by the OPI on Diggs at the end of the 4th. We could've pushed for a TD without that garbage call
  19. Not even in the top 5 2018 Green Bay 2018 Tennesee (even though we won the game) 2018 Houston 2018 Patriots 2019 Patriots 2019 Eagles 2021 Jaguars
  20. I guess this is the Josh Allen venting thread, but for excuses (in no particular order): 1) Special teams gave up a punt return TD in OT 2) O-line sucked 3) Offensive playcalling was awful 4) Our defense (again) allowed Zach Wilson to look like a serviceable NFL QB 5) The first INT was better than a punt on 3rd and long, and the 3rd INT was equally to blame on Davis 6) Garret Wilson with (another) catch of the year allowed by Bills 7) The Jets are his kryptonite. Kinda like Burrow vs Browns or Mahomes vs Colts
  21. 21-20 is an ass kicking ? KC's defense actually played very well all things considered.
  22. Rookie TE2 on a team that doesn't utilize the position well ? I'm at 40 or less for tonight and 400-500 on the season.
  23. It's ironic. The Lions had the chance to light Mahomes up with legal hits a number of times but did not. Then Hutchinson got away with a couple of borderline late hits with Mahomes in the pocket. Refs weren't calling anything tonight (Chiefs RT sends his regards)
  24. Dolphins at 15 wins is a choice. Bills won't fall below .500 unless Josh misses games due to injury. The rest of it isn't too outlandish.
  25. I think these stats are heavily skewed by Josh Allen. With some credit going to positional value and roster weaknesses. In 2019 we used a 3rd round pick on a guy that was a day 1 starter and started for 4 years. Would anyone here say that Devin Singletary was a great pick for those reasons? I think, at best, he met expectations. When you draft an RB that high they are supposed to be a multi year starter. Another example is Spencer Brown. A 3rd round selection that's been a starter since almost day 1. Was he a good pick because of that ? Or did Beane fail to bring in competition and was forced to start one of the worst RTs in the league ? Another example is Tyler Bass. We drafted a day 1 multi year starter in the 6th round! Too bad he's a kicker and we could've had almost the same production from a UFA off the street. Was Wyatt Teller a great draft pick ? Obviously getting an all pro in the 5th round is incredible but we traded him for next to nothing. All that being said I do think Beane is a good GM. Maybe top 5 but certainly not 2nd best. Getting the Josh Allen pick right counts for a lot
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