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Everything posted by MJS

  1. Hamlin came up and made some nice tackles.
  2. There won't be another Josh Allen. He draws comparisons to QB's coming out of the draft every single year.
  3. Nope. It was just about crowd noise and they could call a penalty if they deemed it interfered with the opposing offense calling a play. https://theathletic.com/1446285/2019/12/11/remembering-the-time-the-nfl-tried-to-silence-its-fans/ Agree. It was a nice gesture by the team, but I think it is a little silly, to be honest.
  4. They are clearly collectibles. And also children's toys.
  5. Sounds like they helped the charity by buying them all up. This is the nature of collectible things. It has always been this way and always will. There is nothing scummy about it at all. They would not be selling them for that much if people were not willing to pay. And the same goes for tickets. If you can't afford them, don't buy them. Others are willing and able to. That is the nature of collectible things. Scarcity makes them collectible.
  6. If it isn't worth it to you, don't buy them. They pay taxes on their sales and aren't doing anything illegal. I have no problem with people trying to make money. Get to the store earlier if you want to buy these children's toys.
  7. "Man" is not sexist. Women are included. Both men and women are part of mankind. "Man" has been used to describe all people, including women, for basically forever, going back to Old English, Old Germanic, and even Sanskrit.
  8. Let's hope this is how the Patriots offense looks all year. Hot garbage.
  9. Because gambling can be an addiction. Gotta feed that addiction somehow.
  10. Rigged? No. Have there been individual players, coaches, refs, etc. that have been compromised at certain times? Probably. I'm pretty certain that 99% of the people involved in the actual games are giving it their all to win / do their jobs to the best of their abilities, with varying success. For one thing, the players and coaches make so much money now that making a bribe worth it for them becomes extremely expensive. And you have such limited job security that it might not be worth it anyways. If you aren't winning constantly, you get fired and replaced. Refs? There is more potential there, but again, if you are consistently blowing calls on purpose, that is going to anger the league, the owners, other officials, etc, and you will get targeted pretty quickly for an investigation and your job would be on the line. No doubt that there is corruption and cheating in the NFL, but it is virtually all geared toward trying to gain an advantage for your team to win, rather than fixing games to make money. There is already plenty of money to be made in the NFL.
  11. Are they overpriced? Seems like they have no issues drawing a crowd, which means they are not overpriced. If it is too much for you, don't go.
  12. I was going to say the same thing. Everyone knows the risks and he refused to acknowledge them. It was willful endangerment. It is as close to intent to harm as you can get.
  13. At least he is doing some time, but I sure wish our society would come down harder on drunk drivers. We need to throw the book at them.
  14. Uh, yes? And that's what they did.
  15. Why are the Bills linked to everyone? I don't believe they are interested in even half of the players that these reports always claim.
  16. Bates is also the backup center, so when he gets backup center reps, Torrence runs with the 1's.
  17. I think that mindset is a little ridiculous. Something like 65+ QB's played last season. Josh has been durable, but chances are he is going to go down at some point. It isn't always season ending injuries, either. Maybe it is a series. Maybe it is a couple of games. You still need a guy who can come in and at least not hurt the team. I'm sure every coach in the league wants a competent backup. I don't think there are enough to go around, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get a reasonable backup. We know what Barkley is and the reports about Kyle Allen are pretty concerning. If an upgrade is let go when cuts happen, the Bills should bring them in. Nick Foles maybe? Or wait to see who is let go when cuts happen.
  18. I love football because it is such a complicated and nuanced sport and there is always something to discuss and analyze, and I love the Bills. I also like getting the news about the Bills and other teams here without having to go out and find it myself. I don't have many people in my personal life who care about sports, much less football or the Bills. I have my dad (who lurks here without posting) and a good friend who is a Broncos fan, but neither of them live close. Having random people on the internet to discuss football with is nice. I guess those are the reasons.
  19. Plenty of rumors of issues with him in KC. Not surprising.
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