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Everything posted by MJS

  1. Everyone was on the same page for the squib but the kicker. Bass was warming up when everyone else was preparing. Nobody told him. He should have known, but he didn't. Literally everyone was stunned that it wasn't a squib except the kicker. It was a breakdown in communication. The ST coordinator needs to make sure all his players get the call, and he didn't. And then everyone lost their minds and had no idea what to do, and that is a preparation and situational football issue. McDermott and everyone else on defense crapped the bed. I think if Poyer is annoyed with anything it is about still getting questions about this year's later.
  2. Carl Lawson and Michael Danna would be good, in my opinion.
  3. I used to care about the draft a lot more when we sucked and needed a QB. It was like our superbowl. These days, I just let it happen and then get acquainted with the guys the Bills draft. Life is easy.
  4. The Jags have been a terrible organization for a long time. A lot of people picked them to be the one seed in the AFC last year, which I thought was ridiculous.
  5. Yeah, why would he not be considered a better option than washed up Zeke Eliott or perennially injured Dobbins? That's an easy choice for me.
  6. It would be kinda nice to have the Bills be on it some day. I know it isn't ideal for the team, but I'm a fan. It would be fun to get a deeper look into the team.
  7. If you want to lose your job... You think special teams coaches will be asking you to concede the 30 yard line every kickoff?
  8. Hopefully he feasts on the lesser QB's over there.
  9. The Elam pick was clearly him targeting a position, in my opinion. And you can make the case for others as well, like Groot and Oliver. I'm sure they had high grades on those players, but they were also positions of need.
  10. Cry me a river. Stop watching, then. They are a business. They prioritize making money and providing a product that people want. There is rabid demand for their product. The constant butt-hurt attacks by "fans" like you are really getting nauseating. Go choose another form of entertainment, because you clearly don't like this one.
  11. Not really. He trades up for the guys he wants. He seems to target specific positions of need. He doesn't appear to draft BPA or focus on just player value to me.
  12. Oh, I didn't know that. 35 would have been better, but I think the 30 still makes it so kickers don't want to kick it out of the end zone.
  13. The NFL asked the XFL to try it so they could see how it would work and what the consequences would be.
  14. I think the thing that makes this really interesting is there are no fair catches. If the ball rolls into the end zone, they have to chase it and down it or take it out. If they down it they get it at the 20. If the ball rolls out of the back of the end zone, they get it at the 35. So, kickers are incentivized to keep it in the field of play, and returners are incentivized to return it. I actually like this change. It takes a play that is useless 90% of the time and makes it more interesting. Kickers and returners just got a lot more important. No longer can kickers just boot it out of the end zone. They have to be accurate. The only thing I don't like is that there is no longer an option for a surprise onside kick. That's pretty lame.
  15. That was not an illegal tackle then or now. Go watch it. He drags him down without performing a hip drop tackle.
  16. Beckham was really only elite with the Giants, and that's because they moved him all around and threw him the ball a TON. He was heavily featured there. So, it has been a long time since he has been a player to fear.
  17. The way you do it legally is you drop your butt to the ground instead of launching your body into the player. It is just as effective and does not injure players. You see it in rugby. The clear indicator of the illegal version is if you leave your feet and pull yourself into the player you are tackling. It causes a really awkward twist of the player and you usually land with all your weight on one or both of their legs. The allowed version you don't see them leave their feet like that. This is an actual technique that people do on purpose. It is not generally something that just happens by accident. It is a relatively recent technique that players are using. Here's a good video:
  18. No, I think it will be like the horse collar tackle. Players will adapt and stop tackling that way, except rarely, like the horse collar. And I think players adapted to the body weight rule (which I do think is ridiculous and should be removed. A QB should be able to be tackled just like any other player. I'm not a proponent of protecting QB's. I think all players should be treated roughly the same. I'm also not a big fan of the defenseless receiver rule, apart from head shots. Head shots should be illegal regardless of position). You see guys try to let up instead of driving them into the ground like they used to. So, I would say it had the intended impact, even though I don't agree with it. Very small if the Bills tackle correctly. Very high if they tackle illegally. I do wish that this is reviewable, however. But it won't be, since it is a penalty.
  19. I thought Superman was born on Krypton...
  20. Exactly!! People just don't understand what this is. I was skeptical at first, but then I researched it. Now I'm convinced this is the right move.
  21. Hip drop tackles are illegal in multiple sports. Bosa can't tackle him with a horse collar tackle either, even if that might help. He can't tackle him by the face mask, even if that might help. He also can't pull out a gun and shoot him. So yeah. If it means he gets dragged for more yards because he can't employ every possible means of stopping him, tough luck. Really, because hip drop tackling has been pretty rare in football until pretty recently where it has started to be more widely used. Anyone who doesn't support this just doesn't understand it, I think.
  22. You beat me to it. It was Joey Bosa and Allen came up limping after the play. Bills olinemen went after Bosa after it happened. For those who don't know, the hip drop tackle is an actual technique. You have to try to do it. It doesn't happen naturally, usually. It is not that common in the NFL, but in recent seasons is has been growing in popularity. Better to ban it now before it becomes standard.
  23. Joey Bosa tackled Josh Allen this way a few years ago and Bills fans everywhere said it was a dirty play and should have been a foul. Well, now it is. Josh Allen came up limping on that play as well. This is a good move, people.
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