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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. Gross. We don't need to sign a mediocre QB to a multi-year deal. It makes absolutely no sense for us.
  2. I don't want Bradford. But mostly what I want from the QB free agency market is a deal where we won't hurt ourselves with the cap in future years if we have to cut them after 1 season. These are all mediocre QB's. The biggest mistake would be to sign any of them long-term without the ability to get out of their contracts cleanly.
  3. Nowhere close to as bad as the Nashville call. Big difference too, that team was actually good. I wasn't even mad because I knew there was no way we were getting the ball in the endzone. This offense is so incredibly horrible.
  4. I think what you're not understanding is how sad it is that that's all we really have going for us.
  5. We knew/know this is what Tyrod is. We knew this wasn't going to be a good offense. But I think we were hoping we finally had a coach that could manage the game properly. Clock management by McDermott was absolutely embarrassing. And I don't want to hear about how he's a rookie head coach, he's been around this game. He himself said he's been preparing for this for a long time. It's a tough reality to face that we have yet another head coach who has no idea how to manage the game.
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