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The Firebaugh Kid

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Everything posted by The Firebaugh Kid

  1. Definitely a somber day for a football opener. 9/11 will always be a day of remembrance for all of us. My high school girlfriend and I had both moved on after 6 years of dating, and I remember us talking on the phone that day like it was the end of the world (it truly felt like it). In a strange way, 9/11 helped bring us back together. We'll be married 20 years in October with two beautiful kids. We visited the 9/11 memorial last fall. I strongly encourage people to visit, but be prepared....there is a tangible heaviness in the air. No one speaks, all you hear is the occasional sniffle. My daughter and I just stood there at the pool in silence because, well, it's hard to talk when you're ears are full of tears. It's important for all of us to remember those innocent people who lost their lives that day in such a horrific way. We carry on for them, and we will never forget.
  2. Miami’s run defense has given up almost 200 yards on the ground already
  3. I have literal bets on him. Drafted him in fantasy. He will be WR2 on this team.
  4. "THE COOLER" baby LFG. Brad Wesley doesn't stand a chance.
  5. Done losing, done being scared, done with all of it. Bills 27 Jets 17 Everybody shut the **** up
  6. Mahomes dirted one in the 2nd or 3rd qtr as well, and it appeared like nobody was nearby.
  7. I hate Patrick Mahomes face, voice, and walk. Go Lions.
  8. Dalton is going to be the number two target in this offense. 70 to 80 catches and eight touchdowns.
  9. Homey with the glasses is high. Shady is so damn cool. 47-18 speaks for itself. They've got to get to a SB to stop these conversations.
  10. EVERYONE will be calling him “Dalton” by the end of the year. He drinks his coffee black, and awkwardly nods his head next to the bar, just waiting to take out the trash. Road House references aside, this kid is going to be the answer.
  11. The neighborhood kids thought I was nuts for doing this as a child. Returning a punt and dodging invisible defenders all the way to the endzone was straight up glorious.
  12. Idk how they don’t sign Kirksey. Get it done. That spot is my only concern
  13. Billsmafia lost an absolute legend this morning. I can’t let another moment pass without asking you all to join me in remembering Shawn (pictured right). Shawn was our neighbor growing up, but he honestly spent more time at our house than he did at home due to the unpredictable nature of his home. Shawn was the one who convinced my brother and I to follow the Bills in 1986. We were Cowboys “fans” as little kids, simply because our dad liked Dallas. Despite what happened in those Superbowls a few years later, I never regretted the decision to follow the Bills. Following the Bills was a way of life for Shawn, a blue collar small market team that was as tough and durable as he was. Its hard to describe how much he meant to me and to my obsession with this team, but trust me when I say this: if anyone deserves a memorial thread, its him. I will miss you forever my brother. Until we meet again. Go Bills
  14. Make me an offer. Selling for $350/piece online plus fees. No fees here
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