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Everything posted by Billsflyer12

  1. Making playoffs last year while fun, maybe one of the worst things to happen to this franchise LONG term. The last years team was not a good team, got lucky to get in and created this sense that McBeene can do no wrong with a large segment of fan base.
  2. I actually agree with this. Faith, family and football is their thing. Is it possible that they love Peterman so much because he is such an huge, outspoken evangelical Christian? Hot take, yes. Far fetched based on what they have said and done since taking over, I don’t think so. They want their “type” of guys on team, and clearly character and Christianity is a core belief of that.
  3. Not sure it has begun. Its more that there are many people, including myself, who have never bought into this GM or Coach. I didnt like either hire, but seeing they really didn’t have a track record, waited to see what they do. We now have enough track record to have an opinion on how they are doing.
  4. It will all be ok, remember Faith, Family, and Football. This must be gods plan for the team!
  5. Maybe a better question is who really developed on teams that actually consistently win. EIGHT Patriot starters just on the Offense alone were drafted rounds 4-7 or signed FA.
  6. Which is a bigger joke "The Tape'" or "The Process?"
  7. This is why as a union the NFLPA gets smoked by owners with every CBA. They need to remain quiet, let the union speak on the matter whether they like it or not. Owners and management love this talking by the players. Divide and conquer the players and win every CBA negotiations.
  8. Or they could have not given up TWO 2nd round picks to get Allen. Could have given up 1 to get to 10, draft Josh Rosen. Then take Brian O’Neill out of Pitt at 56 for example. Rounds 1-3 of Rosen, Edmunds, O’Neill and Harrison sounds better to me then Allen, Edmunds and Harrison especially after trading Glenn. IMHO.
  9. I like Schopp and agree with him most of the time. Guess I’m in the minority of listeners that post on this board.
  10. Why does he even bother? I like him, but he never says anything. Every time he speaks I feel like he is just wasting everyone’s time. Just stop with interviews and press conferences, just continue being a good coach.
  11. God not laying any money, he is more the bookie. He takes action from both sides of every game. Team wins, God gets all the credit, team loses it is just part of gods plan.
  12. http://buffalonews.com/2017/11/24/inside-the-bills-team-chaplain-len-vanden-bos-blends-faith-and-football/ McDermott hired a full time team Chaplin just after he arrived. I think is may have been the 1st time in organization history, if I remember correctly.
  13. I assume that whenever someone brings up the stat that had he only 1 more catch per game his % would be 60, that we can also say if he also had 1 more incompletion per game his % would be 52, right?
  14. Stats will never be able to tell you everything about what a player can do. They can provide a lot of information, along with historical reference that paint a probability of success. And in the case of Josh Allen, it would take a spectacular outlier performance — one that hasn’t happened this decade — to live up to the expectations of a top-10 pick. Is is possible he could be the outlier from the past decade of data, YES. Do I hope he is the outlier, YES. Was Tom Brady an outlier, YES. But the overall data picture tells us historically his probilility of success is really small.
  15. What does DNA for the Buffalo Bills mean. Why does he have it and Rosen doesn’t? Beane has said something to this effect and I really have no idea what either of you mean. BTW, I was born and raised in WNY.
  16. I didn’t like the tweets, but get he was young. I wanted nothing to do with him because he was a bad college QB. Hope he proves me wrong on both accounts.
  17. As a guy whose mind is wired for data and numbers, I certainly appreciate that not all minds think the same way. There are times I wish my mind didn't. Maybe the best example I can think of is buying a house. You find a house you love, most people then look at price, comps, Sq Ft, school rankings and many others pieces of data that paints a picture. At end of the day some use that data to form a risk analysis that tells them weather it is a smart investment. Others will just look at the house they love and say who cares, we can fix the house up and help fix up the neighborhood, we can make it better. I guess neither is right and wrong. I prefer to use data, to form a picture that increases my probability of success. It is not 100%, like any data there are outliers, I hope Josh Allen is one of them.
  18. Adjusted Completion Percentage = (Completions + Drops) / (Pass Attempts – Spikes – Throwaways – Batted Balls – Balls disrupted by a QB hit)
  19. Yet, he ranked 101st out of 133 qualifiers in adjusted completion percentage in 2016.
  20. Is this Context? Good news is there are a couple of comparable that say it may work. Almost all say it won't.
  21. I have posted this and a couple of other write-ups, not sure a single person has actually opened and read them. Was wondering the percentage of posters here like or believe in data and stats, looks like most don't care.
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