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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Bills only got MNF because of the Rex appeal, McDermott is no draw. And flexing games is not a trivial matter, i can only imagine the associated cost and what about the people that plan trips around these games.
  2. He made Gilmore almost cry on that one series, I was stunned at how badly Gilmore played that night. Looking back on that loss, any loss with Rex here as HC and I am now grateful we lost.
  3. I agree. Ideally i would like to face a sub-par Winston. One never knows when Fitz shows up, he can light it up or throw 5 ints. I also think Fitz starts out strong in a season his arm wears down, just like the year of Fitzmagic, started out the season real strong and quickly faded.
  4. Did you know that he had the highest Wonderlic score ever for a QB. Did you know he ate a 72 ounce steak in one hour at the Big Texan Steak house in Amarillo? Did you also know he used to play for the Buffalo Bills where Jack Nicklaus's grandson is now?
  5. Selective examples. Before the season most had Oakland wining their division, not the Chiefs. And I dont think anyone had the Rams winning theirs. Cowboys were headed to the Super Bowl will be lucky to make it to the playoffs as the Eagles are running away in their division. Atlanta faltering and Carolina is on top, the AFC South it a total toss up. Green Bay is likely out with Minnesota winning theirs. No there is a lot of parity in the NFL, a lot of mediocrity maybe but it is slil parity.
  6. " I also believe this is quite possibly Taylor's biggest game of his NFL career " So stupid it made me laugh.
  7. Inidcation of how tight the legue is now, biggest point spread this week is only 6.5,
  8. I would grab a 1st or a 2nd in a heartbeat for him. We are not going to get much for him, suspect feet and a big contract.
  9. There should have been a flag on Barr imo. Can you imagine if that were Tom Brady (i only wish). They throw a flag on Von Miller for a joke but dont flag that? Jets call, manufactured, they really scrambled to come up with a plausible denial but there wasn't enough to overturn the original call.
  10. I never wrote that i did, here is my quote, " has zero merit unless the NFL really did collude.", note the term unless. But common sense suggests to me they most likely didnt collude.
  11. What else is the officials supposed to say, we blew it or we dont know for sure? Regardless, by today's NFL rules I dont think he had possession long enough to even qualify as a catch.
  12. Whatever happened to that non-sense about controlling the ball all the way to the ground, he had it for two steps and lost it, in todays NFL i dont think that is going to be ruled a catch. Guess the point is this entire what is a catch in the NFL has turned into a absolute farce.
  13. I think he reinvigorated them for sure. They were down what, 24-0, they were doing nada before fitz stepped in.
  14. Wait a second, the ball was thrown, if he never had possession of it how was it a fumble? I can see where it would not be a touchdown but how can it be a fumble?
  15. One of the reasons Trump got elected is people are feed up with the PC police. I understand why he apologized but that was a totally innocent joke. So with that joke were any of his victims "traumatized" by what he said, did his joke trivialize Weinsteins actions? Ridiculous.
  16. Tell you what, I really like both EJ and Fitzpatrick, they just arent that good as QBs. Fitz I think is 2x better, he reinvigorated the Bucs when he came in, the man still can run and is not afraid to take a hit, runs down the field to block. I wish TT would at least once try and be aggressive like Fitz throwing the ball.
  17. 1) As I already stated, read some lawsuits and the wild things alleged 2) As stated above there is no such thing as a right to have a job in the NFL Believe what you want but this lawsuit, besides the media blowing it wildly out of proportion has zero merit unless the NFL really did collude. Gonna be really tough to prove since the Ravens wanted to sign him until Cap "sweetheart" compared the owner to a slave owner, Now please dont come back and tell me the Ravens violated Cap's girlfriends first amendment rights because they didnt sign him. Actually that lawsuit would have as much merit as does Cap, as in zero.
  18. As much as I hate lawyers and I deal with them far too often that would be an interesting debate.
  19. As I stated prior, there is absolutely no way CK had his first amendment rights infringed, zip zero zilch. Did anyone stop him from kneeling? Answer is a simple no. And has has been beat to death already why he isnt on a team is not relevant, the only relevance is if teams colluded. CK has first amendment rights do and and say what he wants...there is no right to get a job in the NFL..
  20. I read the rest, very dramatic, brings up everything from the percent of AAs in the league to Donald Trump. I noted the same thing you just did, remember these are lawyers wordsmithing to make it sound as horrific as possible, there are mostly likely "directives" one anyone who can or can not be, basically guidelines. This sounds like there was an order from the NFL not let C K practice at all under any conditions. No doubt if and when the truth comes out it will be nothing at all like it is inferred. But IF the NFL is dumb enough to have issued said "directive" signaling Colin, they would by sunk. Go and get sued sometimes, the crap that is alleged in lawsuits is often laughable, idea is often to throw as much crap (including bold faced lies) on the wall and see what sticks.
  21. Well you may have me there, leave it to California, lets just regulate everything right down to what they believe/ Next you will have quotas based on religion, political affiliation. But what Colin did falls under workplace behavior, had he protested on his own time I dont think anyone would care one iota. But he decided to protest on the field, like it or not the owners and the NFL owns that stage, not Colin.
  22. True that is what is grievance articulates but it not relevant, owners can decide they dont want him because of his hairdo, doesn't matter as long as they didnt collude. And prompted by you I started to read his griwvance and got opnly this far, "To date, and specifically from the 2016 season through the present, there has been no NFL rule prohibiting players from kneeling during the national anthem. Mr. Kaepernick has a constitutionally protected First Amendment right to engage in a silent and peaceful protest." The first sentence is wildly misleading, rules were there and never enforced/tested and the lawyers carefully limited it to "kneeling", no in the rules "kneeling" was never listed specifically. Standing up was though. Second sentence, yes Colin has First Amendment rights, they were never infringed. What he doesn't have is a right to a job and act in any manner he wants to while at that job. How is it players get fined for pretending to be a dog urinating? Where is their 1st amendment rights there? If you owned a starbucks and on of your employees decided to lecture every customer about how great Donald Trump is before they too an order, do you think Starbucks has the right to terminate the employee, of course they do.
  23. Here is a fact, no speculation, if the owners didnt bring him on board because of his kneeling etc they are 100% within their right and not in violation of the CBA as long as they did not collude. Colin's lawyers can write anything they want to in their grievance, after all Colin needs to impress everyone with how "brave" he is and how he was wronged.
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