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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Strong power rusher. Don’t know if he looked better due to MyYami running for the buses, but he deserves a longer look in practice.
  2. Mmmm. No. The first picture is of the blue socks. The second is the blue socks worn really low so the stripes are virtually hidden. They’ve also worn all white and all blue (no stripes) this and last season. It appears that the captains or Josh himself (UniWatch says uni selection is sometimes left to the QB solely) don’t like the sock stripes. And Kim Pegula may have some influence as well. But... THESE are the white striped. No block of blue right below the pants. I don’t know when they wore them last. But the ones you’re calling white striped above are NOT the white striped... they are the blue striped.
  3. Other than the non-call on the Pats* OLman who held Addison on the play when he backward-bumped into Cam in the backfield, then Cam ran it for the TD, I think the refs called a fair game. On Tre’s DPI where he clearly did not agree... yeah it was definitely DPI on the replay. Not much yellow and they let the guys play 👍🏼. Some refs just seem to want to get their faces on teevee and get flag-happy, like the Broncos game. I just wish the league could get it together and make calls more consistent.
  4. Can’t remember who got the opening kickoff. Do we get the ball after the half?
  5. If they’re already moving back the Super Bowl and not committed to that first weekend in February, why not also add in another bye week? Increasing the number of competitive games takes a toll injury-wise and on time apart from family. NFL had two byes during the Kelly years. I don’t know why they stopped it. Especially with the COVID situation fouling up scheduling, it would have been very helpful this season if they had put an extra bye this year.
  6. There is some speculation that the one-shell rule will be relaxed next season to allow another color for throwback / alternate unis. I don’t believe there’s any data that shows players having only one helmet that they ever use during a season prevents head injuries / concussions. Colleges, U of Oregon for the most extreme example using a different one every week due to Nike sponsorship in their president’s backyard, use many different shells through the year.
  7. It’s been a long time since I enjoyed a Christmas. My mum was bipolar and would almost always have an angry-depressive event on the day of. Even in good years, there’s been family stuff with divorce and custody that threw everything off. A couple of times I had really bad migraines for a few days around it. My mum passed in early December 2014 from pancreatic cancer and it’s weird to say that the two years during the surgery-chemo process were maybe the best Christmases I can remember; maybe it was a case of all the BS being set aside and just enjoying the time that the family had left. Since then it’s been pretty joyless. A good deal of grief and depression the time of year brings up, a custody situation where I haven’t seen my niece from one brother in 5 years (he lives down the street and has health issues so I would spend LOTS of time with her) and my other brother lives some distance away and his wife is... difficult in the Karen kind of way and they do tons of presents for their kids (while owing my dad thousands that he loaned) and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think I’ve only put up the tree two times since 2014. It just doesn’t feel like a holiday anymore.
  8. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Jay Rosen around in awhile....
  9. Yeah. And I’m guessing when/if they look, he had big-time CTE. RIP as an NFL legend.
  10. There are reports that a Luke Skywalker series is in development. And that it will likely be a recasting, as the CGI for de-aging is expensive & time-consuming, and also not currently at a great production value. Apparently, Mark Hamil has given his blessing. Sebastian Stan’s name is still floating out there, and after Rosario Dawson’s fan-casting it seems like Filoni & co. do listen to the fans. https://fandomwire.com/luke-skywalker-series-in-development-at-disney-exclusive/
  11. I mean... I hate prime time games b/c the refs WILL call the game to keep the score tight and keep people watching. That hold call on Boettger was crap. They’ve been letting much worse than that go ALL year.
  12. They’ve previously announced it’s coming in December next year.
  13. With the ending’s cameo, this went from an awesome side story about Mandalore to a very important part of the Star Wars canon for a major character that a lot of fans have felt cheated out of. SPOILER because I’m just talk straightforward here.... Hoping Luke after ROTJ and before the flashbacks revealed in TLJ gets some kind of series to show more of the story. Essentially we go from Luke going all badass and unstoppable — the light-side version of his father’s badassery at the end of Rogue One — to being crushed (literally & figuratively) by his effort to rebuild the Jedi order and drinking green milk from an alien teat in exile and completely cut off from the Force. We need that story filled in more. Whether that comes through a live-action series like they’re doing with Kenobi and the just-revealed Boba Fett, with another actor (Sebastian Stan has been the fan-cast one and some rumors swirling and he does look *amazingly* like a young Mark Hamil) or a toon version like The Clone Wars series, then whatever. I just want to see that story. Also... I cannot see Disney just dropping their Baby Yoda cash cow. Going with Luke begs the question whether Grogu gets killed by Ben Solo / Kylo Ren in his temple destruction. That needs to be answered. Lucas robbed viewers by focusing on the prequels and not also moving the story forward while Hamil was younger. As for where The Mandalorian goes from here, Gideon is right. Bo Kataan and Din Djarin are in a pickle. Mandalore code is firm that the Darksaber (and symbolic rule over Mandalore) has to won *in combat* from its possessor, otherwise it’s illegitimate in their warrior culture. And it can’t be staged or choreographed for show; it has to be a REAL fight and the passing of the saber usually ends with death. But then again... at the end of Rebels, Sabine Wren just gives it Bo Kataan after winning it from Darth Maul (without killing him) and this is seemingly allowed. So...? It’s hard to say where that leaves us. Din won it unintentionally and does not care what it means. He was only fighting for Grogu. It kind of sets him up as the reluctant leader stereotype. Can Din Djarin, a Child of the Watch (Death Watch sect/cult) who has never even been on the planet... unite what remains of Mandalore? Does The Armorer have influence with him? Are his changing ideals e.g. removing his helmet in front of others mean he is leaving Death Watch behind or can he change its beliefs? AND... Does Bo fight Din? Will she try it? I mean... she is PISSED that Gideon wasn’t left for her. But. How could she ever win against Din when he has the Darksabre (and the Beskar spear) and would be fighting with it? There are some who expect a flash forward at the start of S3, but I’m having a hard time seeing how that can happen. Din Djarin is without a ship, traveling on an Imperial light cruiser without a crew, and Cara Dune as his only ally? But Fennec Shand is on the ship and is shown in the post-credits scene with Boba taking over Jabba’s old palace & ostensibly his underworld racket. She was only with Din to keep the oath of recovering Grogu/Baby Yoda and that is now done, and she obviously gets off the ship. Hmm. Can’t wait to see what Dave Filoni & Jon Favreau have in store and they HAVE to be put in charge of the future of Lucasfilm and repair what Kathleen Kennedy & Rian Johnson & JJ (I don’t entirely blame him as TLJ wasn’t his doing and he tried his best to salvage in Ep 9) did to the franchise. Sorry for the novella and all of the parentheses here, but I’m just thinking as I type.
  14. For those who’ve watched.... MAJOR spoiler in link. https://twitter.com/ActionJaxxon84/status/1340009887988817920?s=20
  15. I mean... that’s like how none of the NHL players of the teams going to the finals touch the conference championship trophies. The only thing that matters is the Stanley Cup. I’m 100 percent in agreement with that philosophy. And as a fan, I follow that creed in my own way — no half-measure t-shirts or whatever, and no predicting scores or boasting talk and tempting the football gods.
  16. Euphoria... but no tears. But we’re getting FAR ahead of ourselves here.
  17. S2 finale.... Just. WOW! This series has only gotten better and better with every episode.
  18. Cole ain’t had a good game. Not that their kicker was likely to make a 65-yarder...
  19. Why would they not be running there to kill clock? Dear lord.
  20. Renfrow’s neck just bent in a position that doesn’t seem natural.
  21. He claims that he didn’t have to 💩, but that video clip showing him going to the locker room had all the tell-tale signs of shuffle-running while squeezing the cheeks together trying to keep the dam from bursting.
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