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Everything posted by Herc11

  1. Martin going down is a huge loss for Dallas
  2. I was just about to post this... They're straight up stealing Buffalo's celebration song
  3. In the stands it's loud, but where you really experience the totality of the crowd noise is on the field. Gotta remember in the stands, the majority of the noise is projected away from you and focused towards the field. I did the color guard for a Bills MNF game against the Browns back in like '09. It was so loud on the field I had to yell the cadence so that everyone in the color guard could hear me and there were only 4 or 5 of us.
  4. Would you think the same if it was a defensive player lined up Offside and they let that slide?
  5. Apologist or just speaking facts? Dude was labeled by people like you, despite the overwhelming lack of evidence and evidence supporting him. Keep your pitchfork mob mentality up, looks good on you. Araiza was cut because of the pitchfork mob mentality that doesn't have the capacity to wait for things to be settled. You know, that American concept we pride ourselves on, innocent until proven guilty. The Bills prematurely took action on him to save face from these people. Him being cut WAS a penalty. The loss of income and career absolutely derailed along with his reputation is quite an injustice.
  6. Araiza sure wishes this concept applies to him. Unfortunately, the pitchfork community loves to tear people down prematurely.
  7. Absolutely agree. Hope that douche bag is banned from the sidelines. Philly fans are hailing him as a hero. Also, I wanted the Chiefs to lose, but that no-call PI at the end of the game was so damn blatant and obvious. Thank God the announcers and the retired ref didn't let it go and discussed how bad of a no call it really was
  8. It's exactly this that is the problem. With a superior team, he wins. When games are close and coaching matters that much more, is where he is very weak.
  9. And if the Bills unloaded to get CMC and he had another significant injury, you all would be out with pitchforks saying "I told you so." Injuries are an unpredictable part of the game. Stop being armchair GM's when it comes to players gettin injured.
  10. I'm all in on the fire McD movement, but this is asinine. Von miller was the answer to the Bills pass rush problems that lost them the AFC conference championship. Von was having a great year and helped seal a regular season win against the Chiefs in Arrowhead. Nobody could of predicted his injury. Stop with this bull####.
  11. It seems like Von's only move is the speed rush, which isn't working. Sorry, but last thing we need is Von and his deep rushes allowing huge lanes for Hurts to run.
  12. Saw a comment that made a good point. This is just a theory. It suggested that maybe this car was headed for the turkey day parade in NYC. Maybe they were found out and detonated early. Whatever the case, if youre going to be in a popular, public area this weekend, keep alert to your surroundings.
  13. Funny that the tough guy waited until he was under the canopy to talk trash.
  14. And still led the league in TDs while being "off." As well as a 70% completion rate. Yes, I know the turnovers are there too.
  15. NY picks and chooses when to intervene. The lack of consistency is terrible.
  16. Wheres the penalty on the knee drop to cooks face after the tackle?!? Jets are playing dirty
  17. Running to the left, then trying to quickly square up and throw into the wind with the defenders closing in will have an effect on that throw
  18. Exactly. The Bills keep running with the RB by committee approach which rarely gives a RB the reps to get into a rythym. They also routinely abandon the run to early. Their success is in large part to their teams ability to design a real running game. Something the Bills have lacked since Shady.
  19. Cause it's Jonathan Taylor? Are you serious right now? There's not many RBs you would start over JT. And once again, Singletary was backing up Pierce. You fail to comprehend this You've seriously discredited yourself with your argument. Have a good one.
  20. Have I said anything about keeping either? Maybe that's your disconnect. I'm merely pointing out that they are playing well on new teams. And Moss has played lights out on his new team. It's convenient you point out Moss' stats after JT came back and hes getting a single rush versus addressing the season of stats I pointed out he has.
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