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Everything posted by Herc11

  1. McDermott needs to face the fact his defensive is decimated and he needs his offense putting up 30 a game. This defense won't hold anyone under 20 the rest of the year
  2. A defensive starting backup corners, backup linebackers and a backup DT. And McDermott handcuffing his biggest offensive weapon.
  3. Teams know theres an emphasis of Josh staying in the pocket and that they've taking the run options away. Belichek ain't no dummy and has schemed up pressure packages to keep Josh uncomfortable. This is why you don't take that weapon away from Josh and you let the kid play his game. They could at least mix it in a bit to keep the defense thinking about it rather than scrap it completely.
  4. Seemed like there was a lot of movement across the board. 49ers lined dropped too. Scoring across the NFL has been down
  5. Now sure. You could of said the same thing about baseball and basketball 30 years ago. Not sure if you are old enough to remember the "Dream Team" that dominated basketball in the Olympics in the 90's. We all know to well how the NFL is trying to go international and this is the stage to spur interest internationally.
  6. Wasn't he playing flag football on the beach? Quite a bit different footing.
  7. It's a physical sport. Injuries are are a price of doing business in football and an acceptable risk that many are willing to take to play the game. Of course you want to limit them. No one wants a player out because of injury or to have life-long issues as a result. At least these guys are heavily compensated for the risk they are taking. If the NFL is so concerned about injuries, why aren't they changing fields to grass? They just played multiple weeks in London on a surface that players complained of being like cement. They agreed to that surface over the grass surface that was already there. Surely because the soccer fokes said they didn't want them tearing up their field. The NFL is so greedy and wanted their international games so bad, they allowed players to play on cement-like turf.
  8. Right. The two moving parts that are significantly more difficult to get a hold of than the body.
  9. How do you lead with your shoulder and drive through a player when trying to tackle from behind? These tackles don't occur when the defensive player is facing them head on. It's typically from the side or the back when the defensive player is in pursuit. What's next? Once a player gets by you, you have to let them go?
  10. Josh being Josh got them to the AFC championship game and divisional, which they should have won. The problem with taking that element out of his game is when a defense has the offense shut down, he doesn't have that tool in his tool box anymore to create a spark. I'm not saying he can't evolve into a more traditional passer. I'm saying don't take away what makes him, him. Do you see Andy Reid trying to make Mahomes a traditional passer? No. He lets Pat be Pat and takes advantage of his unique play set.
  11. I've been saying the same thing since game one this season. You have to let Josh be Josh. They are essentially taking away the element that makes him special. His ability to play off script is the weapon that frustrates defenses and our coaching staff wants to handicap him by taking that element out of his game.
  12. Did you guys really think he was going to resume where he was preinjury the first two games back in less than a year?
  13. Dolphins 4-1 and can't even sell out their stadium
  14. This is what happens when you roll with Mac Jones as your QB.
  15. I doubt it. These guys don't have surgery from just any surgeon. They typically go to specific surgeons that specialize in these sports injuries
  16. Surgery can be as minor as putting in screws. Just cause it's surgery, doesn't tell us a lot. We begin walking elderly patients with fractured hips that are getting screws placed the same day of surgery. Roids don't speed up the healing process
  17. The problem is they pick and choose when to do it
  18. That was some absolute BS that NY called in to call off the penalty for OL downfield on that screen. So do they just pick and choose when to chime in and affect the games calls? If that's what they are going to do, it needs to be done across the board.
  19. Not true. I've had that fx and it was a 6 week timeframe with a brace that was adjustable to allow some flexion of my leg. I was walking on it in approx 3 weeks with the brace
  20. Hopefully Milano is just a fracture. He could absolutely return this year if his ligaments are intact A fx is typically a 6-8 week period, with 8 being lengthy.
  21. That astro turf on concrete they played on has to go. Can't believe the NFL agreed to play games on it in 2023. I didn't see where he got concussed, but wonder if it was his head hitting the ground
  22. I'm from Fresno and I can tell you... EVERY time they get ranked they ***** the bed against a team they should have beat. The David Carr led dogs that got to like #8 and lost to Boise... The Derek Carr led dogs. I don't remember where they were ranked then, but same story Every. Time.
  23. Fresno State always ***** the bed once they get ranked
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