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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. Yep, that was the idea. Since they were not having success deep they felt letting Bell and Crowder work underneath was their best bet moving the chains. Our tackling was solid. If they made the first down it usually wasn't by much. This is a common practice in a Gase offense when going up against exceptional secondaries.
  2. i wanted a WR really bad but didnt think McBeane was making that move that early. I really liked Terry McLaurin (spelling?) with Washington. Could have been had in the later rounds and the kid can ball. Smooth route runner, fast, great hands. Might end up the best of the bunch.
  3. Was thinking that myself. We should get extra credit since the 68 rush yards allowed were against Bell. Not bad considering they didn't produce a turnover til the 4 and out at the end?
  4. I found this pretty amazing and eye opening as to how bad the Receiving Corp was last season and how negatively it reflected on Josh's ability as a QB. As up and down as his game was yesterday he still went 24/37 for 254. I know it's early but that's on pace for 4k on the season. Last season the Bills didn't reach 254 yards passing til Week 8 (287), a blowout loss to the Pats 25-6. Damn! To start the season it went 70, 209, 164, 87, 79, 129, 168 then 287. That's historically bad. Really looking forward to his maturation and chemistry with his new group. He may not be as polished as some before him but he has more heart and grit than them combined and it showed yesterday. Mayfield and Darnold crumbled. Josh said, " I got this"! Go Bills!
  5. This defense is designed to keep everything in front of them, no big chunk plays. Crowder's tally may seem abundant but was relatively harmless outside of a couple 1st downs. Bell was the real offensive threat.
  6. billsbackto81 670 Posted Thursday at 04:34 PM I'm not sure about a flag fest as you say but I wouldn't be surprised if they turn a blind eye here and there on questionable dirty plays like on Hauschka last year and possible late hits on Josh. ------------------- I posted that comment in response to someone's thread last week. A lot of members here started with the " here we go again, blaming the refs" rhetoric. I don't necessarily blame the refs for borderline flags that go against us but this is a case of just ignoring blatant abuse and intent to injure and that's not acceptable.
  7. Sorry dude, that's about as blatant as it comes. The guy is a scumbag and has no respect for other players livelihood. He deliberately try to take out Josh's knees well after the ball was gone, inexcusable.
  8. Did I miss something? Wasn't Josh like at 66% with a couple drops.
  9. They made mention of this on WFAN today. On practically all Jet 3rd downs the ball was delivered short of marker intentionally. Some were made with YAC and most weren't.
  10. Agreed, though I would have liked to see him uncork a couple deep shots to Brown or Foster.
  11. Horse turds! True, we do have members that might read too much into it if it was Allen instead of Lamar but many including myself would have taken it as " that's what you're suppose to do to a team like that". I expect Josh to put up ridiculous numbers against that team as well and rest assured when every other competent QB gets a taste of that Miami mess they'll be padding their stats as well. Not saying Lamar is bad, but like Mayfield and Mahomes he fell into a real nice situation with plenty of talent. I can appreciate more what Allen is doing in B-lo.
  12. You know who sees a lot of batted balls? Sam Darnold!!!! ?
  13. Keep Barkley in check and should be an easy win. They have nothing outside of him on O and their D is lifeless.
  14. Just saw Gilmore get toasted and then look to one of his teammates. Some things never change.
  15. Sorry dude. Meant to quote the post on top of yours by vincec. That post inquired if Mosley was alright after his injury.
  16. Quite honestly I’m sick and tired of hearing from all the media saying the only reason we came back and won was because Mosely went out injured. BS!! Was he stifling Darnold the entire game and locking up his WRs? No our D was. He had a gift pick 6 and deflected a ball he had his back to. Josh showed the goods when it counted. Not Darnold, not Mosely, not Gregg Williams. Will we ever get credit instead of hearing it was what the other team did wrong?
  17. Can't wait for Kay Adams and GMF tomorrow. Also can't wait to see Nate Burelson eat it!
  18. Really dude? Against Miami. How'd he do in the playoffs last season? Can't we wait on the coronation until he plays an actual NFL defense? He's done nothing to this point to justify taking him over Allen.
  19. He sure had a lot to say about his ability as a QB against the worse team in the league which weren't even trying to play football. Where was that swagger last year in the playoffs Lamar? You don't play the Fins every week so try some humble pie before it's forced down your throat.
  20. Turnovers were big but if we lose you have to look at Dabolls game plan to start the game. Put Josh behind the 8 ball early.
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