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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. None of this.. absolutely NONE of this means squat till you start throwing in NFL.
  2. we are not talking about specific games so it really doesn't matter does it? we were talking about over all average.
  3. again. EJ WAS mechanically sound coming out.. it doesn't transfer to NFL caliber it just doesn't. I get where you coming from I really do but there is more involved with accuracy then the QB throwing the ball. Oh I hope your not comparing Tim Tebow to Jackson.. its not even close.
  4. and you add 5% you put him right around the middle of the NFL league average. There were plenty of Franchise QB's that came out of college with a bad acc. rate and turned out great. I think your picking on a horrific stat instead of looking at the whole picture. EDITED EJ Manuel ended his college career with excellent accuracy.. tell me how did that work out? things change in NFL for the good or bad. again I think looking purely on acc. is a bad move.
  5. and Zay did better then him his first year.. lol this whole topic is a joke.
  6. Every year he got better on a team where every year they got worse with WR Drops.. I would not weigh in to much on his accuracy as its been widely discussed in these forums.
  7. thanks.. You no what I am more sick of? That Forum management does nothing about sickening posts like that. that's what I am SICK about.
  8. Bills make a pick. As fans we scream, laugh, smile cry.. but when its all done that person is a Buffalo Bill! and we respect it.. We embrace it! and we continue to follow always. To say your DONE is a joke.
  9. Lets put race aside.. why not just say Josh Allen reminds you of Cardale? Why is it always white and black with some of you people. makes me sick.
  10. I will add one more name to that list. Eric Moulds,,,,
  11. let the record show I don't care that you have to do a post about setting a record on how you feel. A new thread where plenty of other treads you could of replied the same way. I respect your opinion but to make a new thread of it like this is borderline stupid.
  12. I think its funny we have so much Free Agency left and a draft coming up and your worried about our line..
  13. there are PLENTY of examples of good WR's that struggled there first year or 2. give it a rest
  14. I like your #2 option of possible McCoy or Hughes. I think your right I think this is the Giants "go big or go home" year. great observation Eagles did it, how did that work for them?
  15. So lets put us in Giants shoes and look at what they have. 1. They have an ageing QB but he has been given 2 more years. 2. Top end RB's are nice but will this RB be top end is hard to tell and the next tier is pretty good. 3. I am guessing they are getting trade offers from more then just the Bills. 4. They also have issues on there offensive line! so what do you do if you were them? Well I will tell you what I would do.. One minute left on the clock on second pick in round one.. Giants choose to trade with Buffalo and bleed us with every pick Giants can get out of us then hit there Defense hard in the draft while getting a project QB Like Lamar Jackson early round 2. In short.. If there smart? they don't make that trade till draft. There is no point in it.. there is no... Profit in it Thus Tighten up your whitey tighties loosen up them boxers Let the wind go through your hair. cause nothing is going to happen for at least another 35D 11H or so http://www.draftcountdown.com/
  16. didn't call you a racist and bolded is laughable and bringing any kind of race into any topic does real damage. you did it.. remember?
  17. look it up several channels wont play them cause of racist comments made within the show. its fact. get over it. TV Land was one of them and by the way.. 2 of there episodes were never shown cause they were bad. My grandfather and I watched that all the time but there was some stuff said on that show that should never of been on tv Quotes like.. 1. The Coons are coming. 2. he said one time Whites should be 1 Blacks to and Chinese and Japanese should be 3 a and b 3. "got no Sweeds in the book of Mathew" omg the list goes on and it was blocked by most channels. I don't have logo god bless ya for having it.
  18. they wont play reruns of it because of racist stuff in the show. enough said.
  19. Another racist post with a racist figure as your icon pick. give it a rest.
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