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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. I think its interesting you picked one really good game from McKenzie and not put in account all the MEH games he had. Harty has been plagued by injuries his entire career. 2 years ago he had a 59 target 570 yards 15 yard average in 13 games. McKenzie best year was 65 targets 423 yards averaging around 10 yards. I would easily argue that a healthy Harty = McKenzie. Health is the biggest issue. But lets not talk about one great game. McKenzie had a Dude named Josh Allen.. Who was throwing to Harty? Winston? Taysom Hill? Perspective...
  2. hope this does not become a problem like it was after we dropped Robberts.
  3. IF you are looking for any kind of play by play or live reactions over the radio? You wont find it.
  4. that snickers commercial cracks me up to the day lol
  5. Just send them to the corner for the rest of class.. that should teach em
  6. No sir.. but Post Butkus era, they wore extra heavy padding behind the neck. Got to love advanced technology. Many thought it was just fashion statements... but many NFL retired players would tell you... they felt it saved them from more neck/head injuries...
  7. Well normally lol. I wonder If that scare was just enough for McD to say to himself... "Thats enough of this crap... Wrap it up guys" And then outloud say BUT NOT THE QB. lol. You pulled that at the college level? You doing laps, pushups or both lol
  8. Kyle Allen is the #2 and I would not count out Isabella so quickly.
  9. And sideline toe taps from anywhere on the field.. You do not have to be the best route runner out there but if you do other things really well then it does not matter. He gets his body frame in position very well to my point... He is not going to give you a big QBR short yardage but that does not mean he cant get you short yardage first downs.
  10. spot on. I am only saying... Just cause he catches and QBR is low because of the short catches does not mean he cant do it. Only time will tell if he has evolved. My narrative is not that he should catch 60% short 40% long, ITs that if that 25% short catches goes up to say 35%-40% who cares if it is keeping the drive going. That is my only opinion on that. How many times did a third and 4 drive stall do to a deep throw. That Miami game where we owned the ball for 40 minutes? I thought this offense was on perfect display of how well we as a team can play the short ball game and control the clock. we just never finished drives. But yes... that was my main point. Last year no sanders, Brown or Beasley type players tightened up the field. Well said.
  11. we have pro's around here at digging their own graves quite fast...
  12. At first I thought this was an awesome post but then i got to think... what are the real size differences? Kelce 6'5 256 Kincaid 6'4 240 I would not hang my hat on 1 inch and 16 pounds.... Kincaid can easly get 10 pounds of weight this preseason and then we would be talking 1 inch and 6 pounds? I disagree that there is even a narrative concerning conventional and size when it comes to TE because many TE do great things at all different sizes. Wouldn't you call a conventional TE one that block and catches well? That would be like Kittle. Kittle is 6'4 250. an inch less and 6 pounds less... 5th in total yards among TE. but would Kittle Not be considered the more conventional TE/size? Not sure I would hang my hat on that narrative. To the last part bolded? 1000% agree Evans is 6'5 231. 19 pounds lighter.
  13. has the dude stopped smiling since he came off the plane? lol. fun to listen to
  14. I think its a bad Narrative that a WR that is primarily used as a deep threat all season, cant be used more in short yardage situations. It is not Gabes fault he is better at the deeper passes.. That being said, short passes unless you are fast or a great rout runner, will not lead to high passer ratings. If its third and 4 and Gets a 5 yarder for a first down? how is that a bad thing? Gabe is being talked about more a short distance guy a little big more because NOW we have field stretchers... NOW we have 2 down the middle guys... So you want to know what I heard Ken Dorsey say? Our offense and the playbook is evolving... (no he did not use those words) but when I hear Dorsey and others... Talk about Gabe getting more short yardage throws? Its because... 1. New playbook 2. New Talent on the receiving end 3. We got faster. 4. We have an offensive line that can last longer with those big come back routs... MAYBE, Gabe worked on his rout running and short yardage routs and looks better this year.. Maybe Diggs saying Davis is looking like a true #1 WR is not just smoke... not just bringing up his buddy... Maybe there are people that know more then the fan, the podcasters and the PFF numbers. Just wanted to share.
  15. one could argue.. Kincaid and Knox are BOTH first teamers.
  16. At this point, escaping each week injury free is going to be my biggest key moving forward. we have the starting goods...
  17. the biggest thing that needs to be fixed is miami stadium. Miami should be told to have AC areas on the sidelines and not just fans.
  18. oh! you did not tell me that was happening! get chomp Also.. try and update your phone.
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