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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. Fair. I mean in terms of his personal life, yeah he'll be alright. I just wish he was able to experience this as a player, i guess.
  2. Right right, I get that. It's just that i would have liked for someone that has been such an integral part of and believed in the organization to have seen some more winning. Just so happens that after he retires, we do so.
  3. Out of all of his year here, we failed to win consistently and aside from the one play off appearance he didn't see much of it, period. The year after he leaves, we have this fantastic season and the best start in 20 years. I wish he would have been able to be apart of something like this. I'm sure he's happy for the organization but I can't help but wonder if he's a little bitter that in his 13 years here, we couldn't put this type of team on the field with him.
  4. We will need great safety play. We need to play gap sound and have Poyer/ Hyde essentially "shadowing" Lamar and playing down in the box, disguising coverages. I think having a safety in the box as an extra LB essentially while playing hook/hole would be huge. Now this is also where we benefit from the athleticism of Milano and Edumunds. I'm interested to see what McD / Frazier draw up for this. I think we can absolutely get away with Cover 1 given how athletic we are. The Chargers did this last year with Derwin James and Lamar couldn't break free.
  5. Yeah as soon as I saw that deal... the first thought that went through my head was ... "I've got some bad news for the Rams future" haha
  6. Yesterday was one of the worst defensive game plans against an option type team I've ever seen. The were continuously playing man with no spy. Routinely in 5 techs as opposed to being wide. A ton of nickel. It was odd to me to watch. The Chargers has Derwin James literally shadow Jackson. To beat the Ravens you NEED good safety play. I think we match up well with them due to the athletic ability of our linebackers. What they do really well is use their tight ends to seal edges when the lead for Lamar on the option plays. To beat the Ravens, 1.) good safety play 2.) Contain the edge.
  7. The Ravens are up by almost 30 and went for it on 4th and 4. Hey Bub, based on my knowledge of football, the Ravens are up by almost 30 and went for it on 4th down. Why? because they have a killer instinct and the Rams offense isn't doing a darn thing. Watch out man.. Chuck Schick might come for you... you're not allowed to want to be a dominate team.
  8. Based on my knowledge of football? As if you know my football pedigree, where I played, coached, etc. I never said that was not a good strategy. I'm just saying I'd like to be more aggressive in certain spots. If your defense is playing an inept offense, you can absolutely be more aggressive. Their QB was 2-10 or something like that in the second half. I'd like to see more than a 3 TE 2 RB set on 3rd and 3 there, that's all.
  9. Getting first downs is finishing. We did not get the first down there. There may have been more time left, I'd have to go back and look.
  10. How do you know I would blast McDermott? lol I've never done that. AND the fact that our defense was playing that well absolutely allows you to be more aggressive. I guess based on your post:reputation ratio, coming off assuming and being directly negative instead of having a conversation is your forte.
  11. And I get that. But even against Washington. I feel like we "take our foot off the gas." It's not about being the Patriots. It's about having the "finishing" mentality
  12. I feel like we still lack the "killer instinct" on offense.. too conservative at times when great teams are aggressive... IE: before half, end of game, etc. Yesterday we were in Denver territory (I believe) with 5 minutes or so and we ran the ball on 3rd and 3. I get we were up 20-3 but man, go for the jugular. There was a game this year when there was 40 seconds left before half and we had 2 timeouts and we knee it out.
  13. Yeah I wouldn't be surprised with a 13-10 type game.. much like Titans last year.
  14. When people say Josh Allen's accuracy isn't progressing: A year after consistently struggling to place intermediate throws, Allen has been one of the league’s most accurate passers in that area of the field. He’s completed 64.7 percent of his throws between 10 and 20 yards this season—a jump of nearly 16 percentage points from his first season. Allen’s biggest gains in 2019 have come where he faltered most as a rookie.
  15. Yeah, that's what I was going to say.... He's been a ref for 20+ years. Gene didn't get him anything
  16. thats 100% the reason.... i think the craziest story for me about the bills this year is the lack of foster.. I expected foster to have John Brown numbers this year.
  17. Perry... yes.... Smith? Maybe... idk how Kroft is feeling. I like Johnson and Foster.
  18. His completion percentage is up almost 10%..... we've literally seen it be fixed. It doesn't happen over night.. If he's up 5% again next year.. we're at ~67% completion percentage... jesus........ we're 7-3. How did you make it through the drought?
  19. Who do you inactivate to activate him? He hurts the team with his penalties. He is a great blocker, there's no doubt but he has cost us many many drives.
  20. There's literally zero hype around our QB..... there's actually the exact opposite within the media.. last year for the bears the narrative was that Trubisky turned the corner.... not the same here. Edit: and yes, Allen is much better than MT
  21. He's shown he's a back up tackle that wears a TE number.
  22. Imagine coming onto message boards and feeling like a response to a topic isn't debatable / based on opinion.
  23. The reasoning, execution, and rebuttal behind this sentiment were loud and clear. I now know which uniforms you think are better and why. Insight was 10/10 would recommend interaction with this user. He brings a lot of value to discussion and will provide deep clarity behind his answers.
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