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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. I think as the offense evolves, Knox will be targeted more... he has to be. He's also still going through a tragic life event that can affect people for a long time.
  2. The Giants are taking the same approach the Bills did in year 1 and 2 with Allen. Get players that know your scheme enough to compete and win... while building your culture. Rely on a strong defense while leveraging what you can on offense until you can bring in your guys (and getting rid of dead caps, etc)
  3. Last year, yes. That was a major issue with Daboll. That issue is non-existent this year.
  4. This post is so confusing. He’s talking about cover two working. You upped it with o-line play (which I agree with) but you used a team that is 1-3.
  5. I've been telling people this for YEARS: Russ was carried by a dominate D and a dominate running game for the entirety of his career. He was never asked to be 'the man.' Now he is, and his true skill set is showing. When teams know he has to pass, he is average at best. It also doesn't help that his head coach is soooo far in over his head, it's hilarious.
  6. Yeah fire him. You people are absolutely ridiculous. You'll be the same person praising him next week after we beat Baltimore. Is he perfect? No. Is any coach? No. We lost one game. We've been to the conference championship, division championship, and play offs the last 4 years. We have a superstar QB. you're complaining about a game where we lost by 2 with 2 rookies at corner and 2 6th round draft picks (second years) at safety? Dude, get a grip.
  7. The Dolphins scored 27 points 7 quarters. They had one quarter where Tua underthrew wide open receivers but the Ravens just have a bad secondary. They outscored their entire season in one quarter (28 against the ravens in the 4th quarter)..... they're an "OK" team.
  8. It's really funny this is a topic. I was walking in to the house the other day and I told my girlfriend (she's from AZ so she's currently being converted), "In a weird way, it kind of sucks being as good as we are. When we play a game now, I expect us to win as opposed to wondering which team will show up. I kind of miss the unknown of whether or not we're going to win." Do I miss it, really? No... I think we've just been so conditioned to accept being mediocre as opposed to feeling good when we're winning.
  9. They may be the worst sports talk duo I've ever listened to. I used to do a lot of driving through the country for travel and I would always put other cities sports talk on. They are all infinitely better than those two. I know that's not ground breaking but I haven't listened to them in years.
  10. Hackett is in WAY over his head. He seems scared, non-confident, second guessing himself, and his in game management is atrocious. It's only 2 games but yeah, what a disappointment.
  11. Matt Barkley was a one game wonder. Got him a few more jobs and back here.
  12. Having an outside /deep threat like Brown (although I'm with you on him not being a #1) takes pressure off of Andrews. Their WR corps right now is laughable and unless they make a play for Deebo, no one on the streets is going to change that, especially with Lamar as your QB. He was exposed in the Bills playoff game and hasn't been the same since.
  13. The Ravens are not Super Bowl contenders. This draft showed exactly what they think of Lamar Jackson. They traded away his only decent receiver and drafted 3 TE's. He can't throw outside the numbers and this year with no outside threat, that will be even more prominent. Their RB1 and RB2 are coming off ACLs as are both of their starting CBs. If they make the playoffs, Harbaugh should win COTY.
  14. Vonn has been a partier and doing this stuff since his rookie season. This isn't the first time he's been in the news for this stuff.. A lot of NFL players do this stuff but the superstars are caught.
  15. For some reason, I have always thought that Kevin Harlan has the PERFECT voice for sports. Jim Nance is obviously a legend. And I do really like Romo for his play by play. He get's excited, talks like a normal person, but knows the game very well.
  16. It's not the Offense.. that defense will be PUTRID
  17. I sincerely don't understand the hate for DC and never have. That org is TRASH and he just went to the playoffs with his #1 WR being lost to murder charges. The next best receiver is Zay Jones and then a slot receiver that runs a 4.6 40. ALL while having a subpar defense and losing his coach halfway through the year..............
  18. Chiefs are NOT better than the Raiders or Broncos. They will be lucky to win 8-9 games next year.
  19. Why? They're the second best team in that division right now. -Charger -Raiders -Broncos -Chiefs
  20. Yes. Is he a "superstar"? No. He's been throw a helllll of a career. Between that organization, awful drafts, Henry Ruggs, Jon Gruden, lack of weapons, etc. and if you go look at his career... he's a star. I think this year we'll be able to see that. I mean they went to the playoffs with Zay Jones as their #1 receiver ...........
  21. I guess based on what happened this off-season, it's fair to speculate that anyone (except Josh) can be traded. This is just Whaley trying to stay relevant.
  22. In a league where owners make more money when they win , 75%+ of the players are black, and they are paid millions.... people really and TRULY believe an owner / GM won't hire a coach because of their skin color. It's an insane thought. "Yeah, this coach will help me win the most games and make the most money but ehhh he's a minority, I won't hire him." Let's not forget that 2 black GMs that were hired passed on minority candidates and hired white coaches (Chicago and Minnesota). What's the reasoning there? Chicago literally passed on Jim Caldwell for a guy that was never a head coach. If I'm a minority coach, this infuriates me. I would feel as though I'm being hired because I HAVE to be, not because I'm qualified to be.
  23. Anyone who doesn't fear for the Miami offense is naive. The coach WILL establish a run game. He will figure out how to get guys in space and allow Tua to throw 2-10 yard passes. He will use a lot of misdirection and "deception" with Hill.... This is the same guy that decided to use Deebo as an RB. He's a smart smart guy. I'm not saying they're better than the Bills but man, they're going to be a tough game twice a year.
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