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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. Let me give you a scenario....... My son right now is looking to buy a car. He's done his research. He's read all the books and literature, but he still doesnt really know what he's looking at or looking for. He THINKS he knows, but he doesnt really know. So, when every car salesman comes along and boasts how good every car is, my son wants all of them, without even really knowing what hes doing. He trusts that the car salesmen will never steer him wrong. Now, replace car-buying with NFL players. Replace my son with McD. Replace car salesmen with 31 NFL teams GM's. Got it?
  2. The Chargers felt disrespected, did they?...........I, as a Bills fan, felt disrespected by what i witnessed.
  3. I was the most vocal in my hating the Rex hire, but i cant believe how low weve sunk as a fanbase, that people want Rex back. Aye Carumba
  4. Here's where my thinking is at these days.......... I'm not pissed that Peterman looked bad out there today. He's a rookie playing his first NFL career start, so he is raw. I can live with that. What i have a problem with is that this team is steadily getting worse in the past 3 weeks........just when you think they cant possibly play any worse, they totally play even worse than the week before. That is on the coaching. I know we are limited on talent, but its the HC who is responsible to put their players in the best possible position to succeed. They aren't doing that. In fact, it looks like McD is flying by the seat of his pants and making it all up as he goes along. There is an obvious problem and this coaching staff either doesnt know how to fix it or refuses to...........either way, we are doomed yet again for a lacklustre season.
  5. Its a sad, sad day when fans are pissed that we didnt keep Rex............i almost puked a little in my mouth even just saying that.
  6. Were running out of players to trade, dump or replace............maybe they sit Shady and replace him with Tubby Tolbert.
  7. Ive been a life long Bills fan (going on almost 45 yrs. now) and this is without a doubt the absolute worst 3 stretch game streak i have ever witnessed from the Bills, let alone any NFL franchise. Not only did they play with zero heart, played sloppy and atrocious, they played with very little ambition and looked like they didnt even want to be on the field. This team has steadily gotten worse over the past 3 weeks with no resolve in sight. We all knew there would be some growing pains, but this 3 game stretch is without a doubt the worst i have ever witnessed from this franchise. Just when you think this team cant surprise you anymore, well holy ****, they blow the doors off our hopes and dreams and play even worse than they did last week..........which i thought no team could ever do, but surprise, surprise and here we go again, Bills fans.
  8. McD - "All teams go through a tough stretch". When was the last time we've seen teams get completely slaughtered 3 weeks in a row and bounce back?..........when you are supposedly in the playoff race for the final WC spot.
  9. Drat talk in November............again. We are a sad and lonely fanbase.
  10. If his plan was to blow, then he's right on course.
  11. There was nothing "plan" about this humiliation.
  12. We just gave up 54 points. Congratulations, we're getting worse.
  13. Watching this team right now is like watching me trying to fit my fat ass gut into a belly shirt...........it ain't real pretty and its going to end real bad.
  14. If a HC is still clapping after being totally annihilated the past 3 weeks, then i question his sanity.
  15. We just hitched our wagons to a 1st time GM and a 1st time HC. Stick around, son..........this is going to get interesting. You ain't seen nothing yet.
  16. Maybe this coaching staff didn't realize that we were on a 17 yr. losing skid.
  17. True. Winning franchises beef-up their Oline..........its not glamorous and sexy, but its a necessity that this franchise refuses to address.
  18. First time GM..........well, he'll figure it out as he goes First time HC...........well, he's a smart guy with tons of D background Lacklustre talent............well, maybe they can overachieve all season Getting absolutely slaughtered the past 3 weeks..............PRICELESS
  19. This team never disappoints when finding new all time lows.
  20. Dareus was a good run-stuffer, but he's not the whole reason the Bills have gotten slaughtered the past 3 weeks. There's another reason, but i don't see it.
  21. Chargers are going to score close to 60 today............nice job, boys. That's some great coaching going on there.
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