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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. After 5 turnovers, Peterman had every opportunity and motive to throw his helmet at the coach and walk off the field..........he stayed in, held his composure the best he could and trudged along until he was finally pulled. Honestly, it wasnt all on Peterman...........playcalling, tipped passes, a weak Oline and missed assignments are to blame as contributors, as well as a coaching staff that didnt recognize that Peterman may not have been ready. People may call it a backfire............i call it par for the course with this franchise. No surprise here.
  2. Un yeah, but the Chief didnt lose by 40 points in that one, so the Chiefs/Bills comparison is a little off.
  3. Im thinking the franchise dumpster fire burned down the stables as well.
  4. They could have held onto some core players (Darby, Gilmour, Dareus) and try to build around them. Who are we building around now?.............Shady, Kyle Williams, Glenn, Incognito. What has this FO left us with? We have no one left with any trade value and no talent. I understand re-hauling the whole roster, but they've left themselves with nothing and nothing left to bargain with.
  5. I dont even really care who started, who is going to start or how badly they played. The whole team is just bad and how do you ever just hang that on one guy? With the way the players are playing right now, they dont deserve the criticism.........McD is responsible for it and he needs to own it and fix it.
  6. The NFL channel just said they don't know how McCoy held onto a job even this long...........so i guess if he's not good enough for anyone else, he must be good enough for the Bills. That kind of sounds like our roster right now.
  7. Too many holes and not enough picks. Weve got nothing to trade away anymore for more picks, so whatever we dont address in the draft, we'll have to overpay in free agency. You think we've all witnessed a circus and a disastrous shamble so far this year?...........wait until next season when we cant plug and play with players we havent got, nor FA that just witnessed a total collapse of a franchise the past 3 weeks. How badly do you think players around the rest of the league want to come to this fiasco? Stick around, son, we're just getting started............you aint seen nothing yet.
  8. I think the fanbase is giving this coaching staff way too much credit................it almost seems to me that they are flying by the seat of their pants and making it up as they go along. Changing up the snap count is fundamental football, man and apparently our coaching staff hasn't figured that one out yet.
  9. Im okay with that. Every viable franchise in the NFL takes care of their lines...........its not glamorous or the sexy picks, but its a building block on the foundation of progress and stability. We seem to neglect the lines every year and it shows on the field each week. If McD's "process" doesnt involve shoring up the lines, then he is no better than every other HC who came in and gave the organisation and its fanbase lip-service.
  10. Yep, cause were looking pretty good right now.................................................................................................................................................rolls eyes.
  11. Its time to rebuild the lines..........we cant keep hiding that mess.
  12. Ive been saying Howard since day 1...........with a guy like that, you can hide alot of your deficiencies.
  13. Looks like 5-11 is a fair assessment at this point Aye Carumba
  14. I completely understand about building around cornerstone players, but in all actuality, who are our cornerstone players anymore? Shady Kyle Williams Incognito Glenn .........all of which may very well be gone after this season. Who else is a cornerstone player to this FO?
  15. Not even close, bro............those 2 teams would never have a 3 game epic melt down like we just witnessed.
  16. Im fairly certain us fans are ready for a break-down, man
  17. Anyone want to know what the process is?............basically McBeane can come in and do whatever they want to this franchise and get away with it because, hey, its the process. The process can mean absolutely anything. Crappy team?.......its the process Crappy play on the field each week?..........its the process. FO can cut, replace or shun players however they choose?..........its the process The process is a "get out of jail free" card, man..........blame it all on the process and no one is held accountable for failure.
  18. Im watching right now.........blah, blah, frggin blah. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  19. I dont think anyone suspected a complete slaughter the past 3 weeks. We all knew it might get bad, but this is beyond horrendous, bro. Unacceptable.
  20. The cowboys and the chiefs are worse than the Bills? Wow........just wow.
  21. I just cant seem to be numb to 3 ass whopping in a row..........each one worse than the last. We get rid of anyone on this roster with marginal talent and then wonder why were getting spanked every week? Shameful.......just shameful.
  22. Its amazing to me that this coaching staff deemed players as not good enough for our roster, shipped them on out of here and then got peanuts for them in return.........and these same players who werent good enough for our roster are lighting it up elsewhere. It just sickens me.
  23. And then Brandon gets pissed at the fans for not buying tickets to the Dec. games.
  24. There's no better way of making your team feel better than to play the Bills.
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