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Everything posted by BananaB

  1. Josh’s only negative is the turnovers. Let’s be honest though, if Lamar or Mahomes had Allen’s stats they’d be the clear cut MVP by the media. There would be no discussion at all. Media doesn’t focus on Josh’s accomplishments all they do is focus on his negative plays. Proven by the last game, everybody ranted on about Josh gotta do more when he walked off the field he had them fg range to tie. 4 times this season ge walked off the field in the last 2 minutes ahead or tied and the D managed to lose the game. Not one analyst ever mentions that. Brutal
  2. If the Browns ever make it my buddy is taking me, my brother and my dad…. Fingers crossed
  3. He lucked into Brady but also helped made Brady who he was. The first few Superbowls Brady was a game manager who never had the weight of a franchise on his shoulders.
  4. Sure he did. He had them in place with 13 seconds left a couple years too
  5. I gave up on Diggs when his bro sent the texts after Broncos game. When he took questions later in the week it was all bull#### and trying to say the right thing while not answering the question at hand. I don’t blame him for wanted out if he wants to win though. McD is killing them in the playoffs.
  6. They looked like a team that was more worried about their celebrations then putting the time in to hang with the big dogs.
  7. The day they let the kickoff get recovered in the endzone.
  8. I can a picture an Antonio Brown tweet calling him McCracker in the near future.
  9. The pro bowl is so stupid at this point why would he even bother. They snubbed him before he snubbed them
  10. Could have been 4-2 if McDs D could stop McCorkle…. I know, I know, they had injuries. Still ***** hilarious.
  11. Size, speed and hands. Give me all 3 and I’ll be really happy.
  12. Maybe because they went out and signed a run stuffer to fill the void for Daquan Jones and traded for a CB to fill in Tres roll. McD always gets the guys he needs for his D. O always takes leftovers. I’m not a fan of the Brady hire but I think he can do alright if Beane gets him some actual weapons instead of looking for cheap diamond in the roughs. Really we are in situation where if Brady succeeds he’ll most likely get a HC job and we are looking for his replacement in a year or two. Or he fails snd you’re looking for his replacement. I would have liked to see McDaniels here, chances are he never gets a HC job again for a long time. His resume as a OC speaks for itself.
  13. Yeah, let’s just cross our fingers and hope for the best. The injuries are excuses at this point. ***** they know the Chiefs well enough to have a better game plan then they did. To be honest, was the D any worse then the 13 second game when they were at full strength. McD played scared and it started with him starting Klien because he’s better between the ears the Williams.
  14. I wouldn’t say the WR position is talented. There have been a lot of talk on this board for since November last season. Shakir situation, leaning in to last year makes me shake my head. McKenzie was playing terrible and despite showing flashes this staff didn’t give him extra looks. He might not had as good of camp as his rookie season this past year but they still put him behind Sherfield and Harty from the moment they arrived. Just makes me wonder about how they judging talent. Wyatt Teller was a huge mistake years.
  15. And the fact Brady was the OC for the toughest part of the schedule.
  16. Coaching gotta realize what they got and get the best out of their talent by putting the players in the best situations to succeed. Can’t really say the Bills are good at doing that.
  17. McD really letting this guy down
  18. Something I’m sure we’ll hear from all the talking heads tomorrow. Is that any different the Bass missing the kick? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  19. What’s the excuses for the other two times the Chiefs ran a train on our D in playoffs. I think the Ravens had more sacks and forced more punts in one game than the Bills have in 3. 😂
  20. Stefanski is still the mastermind behind that O. It might be a good thing for Dorsey
  21. Defense ***** sucked dude. They gave up 27 points on like 40 plays. It was a terrible showing.
  22. The coach is soft and so is his D I’m waiting for the next time we play them, see if MCD can mix it up in the first quarter. Lol
  23. Don’t expect any changes. Same old ***** different day.
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