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Everything posted by BananaB

  1. No ****. He was better then Tyrod long before he was drafted
  2. Might as well just forfeit until that group starts playing better. Someone gotta play QB. After seeing what Peterman did under pressure last season, forfeit is the best option
  3. Once teams start game planning, which guy has the best chance to succeed? I think McCarron is pretty much out of the running to start week 1 after the injury. I don’t really trust hanging a season on Peterman. Gameplanning will lead to CBs jumping his quick rhythm throwing with not much mustard behind it. Like we almost seen last night with the first throw. We got a QB who looks real poise, moves well in the pocket and makes throws most QBs could only dream of. Throw him to the wolves like Manning, Carr, Newton and Wentz and let him learn from his own gamefilm.
  4. All I can think of when I read that is Allan’s speech in the hangover 2... “Not nobody knows Stu like I do”
  5. Development goes hand and hand with coaching.... Lately Hue has proven he might be worse then 1-31 record.
  6. It’s hard to judge this guy coming from Cleveland, it’s hard to judge our guys after Tyrod playing QB... Coleman gives us some much needed speed though. We have 3 top 40 picks at WR right now, hopefully our new QB can get them the ball
  7. Tyrod always looks good until it comes time to pull the trigger. It’s a long way from that
  8. He was a pretty good WR before he put on a Bills uniform, sure he’ll be back to his regular self next year.
  9. Cleveland. They were my brothers favourite team. We watched a lot of ****ty football over the years.
  10. I’m not saying he will, but you are saying he won’t.... AJ is smart kid who has played his position well in his time on the field at college and stepping of the bench in the NFL. He was surrounded by talent but he did his job. Hopefully he can help this team, until he proves he can’t i’m not gonna throw him under the bus like yourself.
  11. All your years of watching football and you never seen a player improve?
  12. We’ll see what happens. You guys want to evaluate a guy on four starts and compare him too a guy that has played 40+... I’m not saying he’s gonna do all this, i’m just saying there is a lot that can be improved upon to help improve this offense and that it’s possible AJ can. We don’t know where AJ is in his development, if he has improved since his last time seeing significant action. It’s not like we need HOF QB play to improve on what we watched these past few years.
  13. -Getting WRs more involved -Getting the ball out on time takes pressure off Oline - The two above may open up some room Shady Tyrods biggest weakness in my opinion was his play late in games when you need to score. He continued to play safe. In all 3 of his seasons here he just couldn’t get the job done. There was also plenty of times late in first half where we had the ball, some points can have big impact on the game in this situation. Tyrod goes 3 and out, the other team gets the ball and they put points on the board. All can help offense improve, and the play late in games can have a major impact on our final record
  14. I don’t see why we can’t be....The only thing Tyrod did well was not turnover the ball, so here is a lot ways AJ could help improve this offense.
  15. Case Keenum and Nick Foles signed backup deals last year.... Until we see more of McCarron we ain’t gonna know, neither do these media experts.
  16. I’m intrigued myself..... All those years of Taylor avoiding to throw to his WRs was hard to watch. Hopefully we see a couple guys really step up this year.
  17. I could handle Allen at 12 but only because I don’t want to trade all those damn picks.
  18. Don’t mind Nostradamus, he knows the future of every young inexperienced player or any other guys who struggled during his first NFL action.... Rumor has it, he predicted Foles to be Super Bowl MVP, Keenum to lead the Vikings to the NFC Chapionship and Goff to go from potential bust to the belle of the ball.
  19. If they do it the guy they pick better pan out... I think it’s too high for any of the QBs in this draft though
  20. Everybody and their dog thought we were tanking last year. I got better things to do with my time then search up old articles with media opinions.... That’s all they are, opinions. Until our coaches do their job and the players take the field no one persons word is really better then the others... I’m happy to give McCarron a shot instead of paying big bucks for a guy who only has 1 year of success. Bradford is made of glass. No one was begging asking Keemun to start last year just like Nick Foles. They were considered backups, just like a lot people got McCarron pegged to be.
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