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Everything posted by Gigs

  1. If you don’t like it go read your bible. Zealots are not winners. Brady doesn’t preach about god and he has 5 rings. Tebow praises the lord and now he’s a scrub AAA baseball player lmao. Peterman is also another guy who hypes up to Carrie Underwood. Sorry old bro, but god does NOT cut it in a man’s game that has more to do with mentality than physicality. There’s absolutely no room for god and jesus. Religion has no place in a sport of man. Neither does politics and I will bet you’re one of those faux patriots who got butthurt over the flag when you also never served (I did, 68W-M6.) Again, go back to your bible and Fox News and let the real men play it out.
  2. We traded for him... Then traded him away.... There was no jury.....
  3. Honestly if you weigh religious affiliation as a talent then you shouldn’t be coaching. I never fully accepted McD because his first words as HC were how he’s a man of family and faith. Ok, cool...but it has NOTHING to do with football or winning. I could care less if he was a Satan worshiper, all I care about is if he’s really going to get talent or just raid his old team for pieces they don’t want so he can fill the locker room with players loyal to him. Just another Jauron. Good DC, shouldn’t run a team. Also, Jauron also comes from the Mike Holmgren/Andy Reid coaching tree. There must be a pattern where you never go for his DCs only the OCs.
  4. It’s the only reason he’s here. It’s so bad I believe 100% we would be better off with a left armed Edwards under center. Peterman should go become a priest.
  5. This guy gets it. First thing McD says in his first press conference is how he’s a man of faith. Back when Peterman was named the starter (lmao) they did an article on how he’s a man of faith. Jesus never won a football game, god has absolutely nothing to do with football, but he actually weighs faith in his talent ruberic. There’s no other reason Peterman is getting a third chance. This is worse than Jauron’s lunch pale “high motor” strategy, when talentless Keith Ellison and Chris Kelsay we’re propped up because they “came to work hard.” At least Rex and Marrone understood that talent wins out over congeniality. This isn’t a ms America pageant, it’s football.
  6. Would Whaley be on the hot seat if he ***** up the most important position? Even DW wasn’t this stupid
  7. Pretty sure Peterman would prefer to spend his Sunday’s at a church than the field. How tf else can you explain his horribleness? It’s like every other pass is destined to be picked. Hasn’t he thrown at least 1 interception in every single outting he involved in? He makes Rob Johnson look all-world. In fact, Peterman playing for the Bills is probably the best thing to happen to Rob Johnson’s NFL career. At least RJ didn’t lose a playoff game because he’s more predictable than the San Diego weather... How !@#$ing sad is that last paragraph?
  8. Yeah but you’re missing the whole ‘history always repeating itself’ thing. The Bills spent a lot to get a guy who is that raw, that high, gave him absolutely no support and if they don’t start winning next year (with obvious leaps forward for a FIRST ROUND PICK) you can kiss McBeane goodbye. Then we get to start it all over again with a new HC/GM combo and a new roster turnover phase and a new QB. Lather, rinse, repeat. But yeah we just gave up lol. Nah, we just see the !@#$ing writing on the wall; we aren’t stupid.
  9. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  10. Lmao bro, that’s conservatism. They don’t want to lose their 50mil+ investment. Liberal lmao. If the league were liberal they’d let them play with no padding and probably roll back the ty law rule. Oh wait, you’re a moron who equates politics to everything in life without realizing the actual non political definition of what liberalism and conservatism actually is.
  11. Thank god the most important positions in the NFL aren’t QB, D and O lines and that you don’t need a complete team or anything and good game planning/prep out of a knowledgeable coaching staff
  12. If Allen doesn’t pan out Beane isn’t getting a 2nd chance, we get a new GM and HC and new vision and another purge for their own players. Incompetency, like not having any contingent plan at QB, will set us back another 6 years after Beane finally gets the boot. Or maybe Allen bucks the trend and becomes a franchise QB...which isn’t something that happens ever in these cases, but you never know. Personally I would’ve built off of a playoff appearance instead of blowing up the team and failing to replace starters correctly. I’m about to be 31, maybe I should go woo the Pegulas and be the next young gun GM? I promise y’all I won’t devoid the team of talent because I’d rather win than look presentable while I’m losing.
  13. Welcome to life bro. This is what it is. Everything always changes. If you can’t hndle it you can always shelter yourself
  14. B-b-but Beane and McD know him so all is good, right?
  15. Yet the game is so unrecognizable from the 50s that someone back then wouldn’t even call today’s game football
  16. The Bills could have Bell, Gronk and Mahomes and still be in the drought. Just because one player excels on one team doesn’t mean he will somewhere else. If Brady wasn’t a Patriot what are the chances he ever sees the field? It took a Mo Lewis hit for that to happen. He could’ve played 3 years as a backup and retired
  17. 2 bags of chips; we all know KB will eat one of them at minimum
  18. You’re so butthurt over a name pronounciation you have to purposely butcher it? I wonder what your goofy ass polock name is?
  19. Sorry OP, it doesn’t say anything about that in the prophecy
  20. How tf is he deliusional when this team trades talent, makes the playoffs and turns over more talent with back up players. You’re delusional if you think this team is anywhere BUT a mess. A rookie QB with NO protection? No D Line? Rookie Mike who shouldn’t be out there yet. I could keep going. They traded a capable veteran for peanuts and then traded his replacement for more peanuts so they can start a goodie two shoes the HC likes. This team is a !@#$ing mess
  21. The tech is there to automate the refs and judges. Just do it, because this inability to enforce your own rules is making the game weak
  22. When the HC chooses his QB based on religion, we are in fact rudderless. McD has an affinity for Peterman based off of his religion. It doesnt work in politics and it doesn’t work in football. Keep Jesus on the bench
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