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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Exactly. My issue right now with Beane is he has allowed a hole that has been there for a while on the O-line to exist. It is very hard to fill that in the 11th hour and odds are any incoming replacement will be more a band aid not a full on solution. I get Richie leaving wasn't Beane's fault the same with Wood, but two pro bowl caliber players left and we literally replaced them with nothing. Perhaps Wyatt Teller is the real deal and can step in, but even IF he does he will have growing pains like any rookie.
  2. Agreed. I end up like this: Happy with: QB's- Overall Allen has shown far more good then bad and Peterman looks serviceable enough as a starter to take the reigns week 1 which is a plus in my eyes RB's: Murphy and Ivory seem to be balancing each other great and pushing each other for the #2 spot Milano- He has been their best LB and seems to have taken this year in even better Run Defense- It seems to have been fixed at least as pre season has progressed No major issues until season starts to judge: Secondary- I don't think you are seeing any real scheme or true work at this point. It's more a matter of figuring out CB's 2-4 TE- The backups look better then Clay who has been shaky but lets see what happens come week 1 Offensive scheme- Shady hasn't played much, Dawkins they kept out, and in general no O coordinator shows their hand. I like some of what Dabol has done and at other times hated it but I'll wait til week 1. WR- They have shown not to be a problem and I think their is enough talent there to be content at this point Edmunds- The kid will have his bumps and has, but he also has progressed showing some good vision. He will need I think the first month to find his true sea legs but once he does look out. Concerned: Offensive Line- Listen I can buy not having Dawkins in as a reason for the problems yesterday, but week 2 against CLE he was in and they still stunk. Against the run they seem fine and Peterman has managed OK with them, but overall it looks really shaky and Beane would do well to try to trade or bring in an established guard. The O lines woes make me terrified to start Allen because I don't want him having to run for his life which it looks like he may have to do early on. Coaching- Yesterday's game angered me multiple times with coaching decisions. It's a freaking pre season game and this is a time to let your rookie make mistakes. They punt on 4th and 1 after not reviewing the play, they punt again on another 4th and five, on 2nd and 29 they run the ball, on 3rd and 29 they run the ball, multiple times they played ultra conservative. Listen I am not saying to have Allen throw deep either every play and I get trying to establish a ground game but it just felt so close to the chest that how are you suppose to elevate Allen regardless of line play when you won't let him have the ball. The 4th and 1 especially was awful because the kid made a great play to finally get something going and they neither challenged nor gave Allen a chance to do something. Guess what McD even if we fail on 4th down it doesn't matter because it's pre season. Hopefully this is just a blip on the radar, but ultra conservative will not win two years straight and he wasted a chance to give Allen some opportunities to sink or swim in a setting with no risk. Defensive line pressure- They really are not getting much pressure on QB's all pre season. Perhaps once the season starts and everyone is in for real it doesn't matter, but you would like to have seen more by now. Teams will be better at attacking our secondary after a year on film this year if we cannot manufacture more pressure.
  3. It's the GM's job to fix those type of holes. Last year he knew trading Watkins/Darby he had to replace both and did. Sitting idle and hoping for the best isn't going to cut it.
  4. No but I am more concerned that they lost two pro bowl caliber O-Line players and they did nothing to bring in a solid veteran. That for all of the QB's is far more erroneous in my eyes.
  5. Every year he has a theme this year seems to be focused on why the NFL is corrupt and how racist America in general is.
  6. Is the DC bar still laughing mans tavern? It was awesome when we were there in 2015-16
  7. My one buddy is a Vikings fan and the other two I am friends/fam with are Steelers fan. All of them though want Buffalo to do well so generally zero issues. Most fans of other teams I've met or spoke with are pretty cool with the Bills so no issues.
  8. Last season besides our opening day viewing party which we do outside we watched 5-6 more outside which was awesome. Put two flat screen 48 inchs outside and blasted the volume. I've found watching outside is a great experience with people and adds a nice little fall feeling too! Unfortunately being in Rochester, NY by November we had to curtail the outdoor activities due to weather, but were already set for a few out door games this year. And yea I have every TV on in the house so we know what happens including the one's upstairs so if you need to use the bathroom you can at least hear #thinking! .
  9. So obviously if your not at the Ralph or the game what is your preferred environment to watch Bills games? For me I've found over the years I've grown to like watching the games with a group of people. I find it makes it more fun even if they are doing bad whether its at a house or a bar. Being at a bar with a lot of Bills fans when their winning seems to be unmatched in energy. I have twice been to the Bills Backers bar in DC (15 Titans comeback, 16 Rams win) and I couldn't believe how much fun it was there. That said we have a viewing party for the first away game every year with 40-50 people and that has been awesome same with just watching with 5-10 people outside in the backyard. Anyway I at least like watching I guess with a few people just because it makes it feel a little more lively and after that the setting can change.
  10. Yea I try to read as many articles on other teams and then fan comments to get their sense. I get there point of not completely leaving their scheme that works, but like you said it was a miracle play and throw.
  11. Smith out I think gives the Bills offense more a fighting chance where I'd say BAL is still favored but more like 55% to 45% as opposed to 60-65% where I would've put it with him healthy. And yea don't disagree on Humphrey he looked quite good.
  12. Schopp and Bulldog I have found to run stale. It's the same from both your not getting anything new or exciting with them. Their high point was a decade ago. I don't even listen anymore and back in the early 2010s I called in routinely and would always try to listen. Schopp on this one is correct though. Allen was decent to good at Wyoming, but just off his stats he would be a 2nd-3rd pick. His potential and talent is what got him drafted so high. Now yes if he would've been found by a power 5 school earlier he certainly would have more accolades and developed quicker but such is life.
  13. Yea my understanding is by the end Pees was not liked. They said the ending of the Bengals week 17 disaster was par for the course all season. Ravens defense would be doing fine and aggressive...only for the fourth quarter Pees to call very vanilla and conservative plays that went against everything their defense was doing.
  14. Haha pretty simple: Marrone factor: Bills fan ragged the hire, Jags fans got defensive and then once had success talked smack Dareus factor: read above ^ Playoff game: Buffalo invades and makes their fans look pathetic while the league glosses over Buffalo's devotion for their team Season Success: Anytime a team goes from doormat to cusp of SB teams fans tend to get very arrogant due to years of being down. Seattle fans became insufferable once Wilson and crew went on their run Overall I think there actually is a bit of a true rivalry between Jags and Buffalo. Buffalo is an NFL blueblood in terms of history (minus SB win) and fan devotion. Media like Jim Rome have said the league is better when we are successful so while we may not be GB or PIT we still are like the favorite cousin league wise. I mean sh*t look at the out pouring of support and respect given to the Bills with Jim Kelly. Jacksonville on the other hand has um... pools in their endzone, tarped off seating that only was removed in the playoffs, and probably their best known player Jalen Ramsay is devise to the point half the people love him and the other hate him. So yea I get that Jags fans probably get sick of jokes about the stadium, fan base, etc.. they have no true history its relatively mediocre. Add in that the Jags have beat us twice in the playoffs, Ramsey talking smack, they ended our 2004 chance for playoffs, defensive fans in Jax about their devotion, and now front runners because the team is good... yea there is some real blood.
  15. Stuff like this is stupid and stop being a fan. Yes the drought is over they made the playoffs and lost to Jacksonville. It will say that forever in the history books. I despise when people play the shoulda coulda game on what happened during the season. You are your record and the result that followed. The Bills 1990 team shoulda been SB champs but they missed a FG plus a sh*t ton of other chances to close. Guess what history will say forever they lost regardless of circumstance and history will say the 2017-18 Buffalo Bills made the playoffs ending the drought. Sorry if your fantasy of the team going 11-5, winning the division, and being a true contender wasn't reached, but this was the team that did it. if you honestly can't enjoy what happened regardless of what it took just stop cheering for the Bills and join the Patriots bandwagon loser.
  16. Truthfully I wish they kept him and Gaines. I like Davis but the chemistry between the secondary was pretty solid last year.
  17. Hopefully I will not be around by 2087. I'd be a 99 and probably looking pretty rough, unless I could be some sort of Cyborg terminator mix. That would be freakin awesome
  18. The All or Nothing series on Prime is superb and far better. They did the Rams and Cardinals before the Cowboys and they did the University of Michigan Football for the first college one.
  19. I wish there were no cheerleaders period. It's stupid and outdated and this is even worse and more pathetic. I'd rather have those dogs catching Frisbee's during halftime or breaks; their farrr more entertaining and better to look at.
  20. Yea pre-season W/L means not much to me I judge it by how the team looks and depending on the need that offseason the players themselves. I remember a bad pre season would be the 2014 Bills were the offense in the main pre season game against the Bucs got booed off the damn field at half time. That was bad. So far the offensive has looked better then expected and the defense did what I figured especially because they are showing 1% of their true plan. That works by me and Allen looks possibly more ready to go sooner which would be great..but if they don't rush him that's also fine.
  21. Spygate changed everything. Up until then I could respect what they were doing while very much disliking them. That and the 2007 season with how arrogant they were every game made me utterly despised them. I was at 56-10.
  22. Yea major bummer. I do graphic design work and some web design from time to time and it sucks to see something with the resources and potential like an NFL football team have such a subpar product.
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