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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Espn gave them a show, Ponder tweeted that she was disappointed they gave them a show and screen shotted some nasty sexist stuff they said about her 3 years ago. Then they tried to take her down by digging through her tweets and found some interesting stuff from 7 years ago. She then apologized but her and Sarah Spain got espn to cancel the Barstool show after 1 episode. Then they found more old tweets from Ponder and also from Spain that were nasty toward fellow female sports journalists and the hypocrisy meter was in overdrive. I follow some barstool stuff and after seeing the episode I honestly didn't think it was anything bad compared to what they do on their site and in general for a 1 am show I thought it was pretty decent. I think they were better off hiring the two guys from barstool as "associates" and that would've severed the barstool ties content wise. I get the move on ESPN's part because Barstool can be quite crude in certain ways, but then why did you sign up in the first place.
  2. Yea same when we went last year. Stadium was 60% full half Bills fans right up until Ajayi had that big TD run. Then It filled up to about 85% capacity their fans actually cheered and I got very sad as we blew a 10 pt lead. I actually thought while the stadium is nice and the upgrades look good the concourse is frankly not as nice as the Ralph. Just my .02's
  3. Only been out of two to Miami and both times felt like a partial Bills home game with how many of our fans travel there. The Miami fans were actually really fun to hang with also though. Tailgating in November with Palm Tree's and 70 degree weather was a nice change to say the least. My wife went to the new Jets stadium when it opened and the fans she said were actually just boring in general nothing bad or good, probably the coolest thing was the fans throw paper airplanes all game haha. Worst thing I have seen at the Ralph was the Ravens game in 2013. In the mens room two Ravens fans were leaving the stall and one of our dumb@ss fans knocked their beer out for no reason. I went over and gave them money for new beer which the mens room cheered for and booed our idiot, but still zero reason to literally knock someones drink in the bathroom no less just for wearing the wrong colors. I hated how it made us look. Worst travel experience in general: Poland in 2016. Unknowing had some cheese that was unpasteurized for dinner (they dont do the same with dairy over there) the wife and I got food poisoning and were sick with everything coming out all night into morning. Had to go to Auschwitz that morning for the tour we had scheduled and we were still partially sick.
  4. Well said. It's funny because I think outside of Buffalo most people just see Jim as a savior for team and city and as a great guy which he is now. But man if social media was around and the coverage is what it is now with how he use to be it would've been mayhem. Heck even the parties he had at his house with the team probably would've been criticized by people saying they didn't take the game seriously enough despite the fact it was acknowledged as a major comradely piece for the team.
  5. My Dad was able to watch it because his Uncle had satellite TV at the time and back then you could get the Bills even if they were blacked out. It's so weird to talk about the blackout days kids these days have zero clue that some years you only saw 12-13 games tops.
  6. Cold I would say not as much these days. A lot of former players say with today's technology they wish they had gloves or thermal wear that is as warming as what exists today. Rain/Wind/Snow those absolutely because it takes a simple slip by a DB or a WR and its a TD in either direction. Same with fumbles etc....
  7. Tailgating comment is spot on. In late summer when I smell a BBQ I start thinking football. The noise, smell, and energy pre game is unrivaled. Anywho in regards to memory team wise I am 29 so I have to go off what I actually remember not what I was alive for (otherwise anything from the 1990 season gives me chills). The Packers 2014 game takes the cake because it was a truly meaningful game in December against a great team that we actually beat. That was pretty special at the time and hanging out for an hour after to celebrate was surreal. The Panthers comeback by EJ in 2013 is an honorable mention that was pretty awesome at the time.
  8. Ten would feel very secure. But I am not expecting that because they would have to steal one of KC,NE, or NOLA and lets be honest its the Bills. Even when they break the drought (hopefully this year) its gonna be a heck of a ride where I am sure we need a little help.
  9. I think most of us Bills fans had this as a W before the season for the reasons you mentioned with the D being awful for NOLA and offense all on Brees. Obviously this is not the case now and I think it will also be close. I think the two major keys for either team involve the Saints RB's beating the Bills LB's in coverage and the Bills ability to run the ball. The Bills LB core has issues in coverage and if Brees can hit them out of the backfield BUF could have issues. On the other end of the ball BUF's O Line will want to right the wrongs of last week so I would expect a better effort there. I'll say this also, the weather is calling for 40s and a snowy rain mix. Having been to many games in this weather even the best QB's have issues there so I wouldn't expect either team to necessarily being ripping passes deep all game. I would expect a game more 20-17 for whoever wins.
  10. You can't just tell people to just stop and let go of 17 years like a flip of a switch. There is a real mental and emotional toll during that time we have went to. How did you not sit there Thursday and have flashbacks to 2008/2011 when we got absolutely throttled by the Jets and went from feeling secure to the playoffs to having to look behind a little. Additionally some of the absolutely gut punching losses in just the past 5 years are hard to get out of your head when things go south. We have a trilogy of games already against KC alone that I wish i could throw into the Sun and never remember. The Tampa Bay game felt like so many we have had before where they blow a lead they shouldn't. But to the teams credit they rallied and I will give them that they seem potentially mentally tougher then previous groups. That still doesn't erase the holes they have though. I'm over Thursday I still think they have a decent shot for the playoffs but I could also see them going to 8-8 or the dreaded 7-9. The only way any Bills fan starts overlooking disasters like Thursday is this team wins the next two and gets to 7-3 which we haven't been since 2000 or earlier. If that happens heck then maybe they could be NE at home. Personally I think they go 1-3 in this stretch but its enough so at 6-6 they have a real shot at the playoffs. Given my expectations for the year that would be some real progress.
  11. Honestly I dont care about momentum. If that was the case the Bills shouldve shredded the Jets Thursday night after whopping the Raiders. The Chargers game sits there as the big one of the next three after NOLA given KC/NE realistically would be stunning to win either. Someone commented that the Saints is basically a free swing which I like. Win Sunday and it helps the goal to get to 10. But it still doesn't remove the Chargers as the team we have the best shot against in the next 3 and who we have to take advantage of if we want to make the playoffs.
  12. If they can go 2-2 in the next 4 then I will believe like no other the drought ends. AFC really is pretty average so the chance is there. But if they go 1-3 and the only win is the Saints it's really hard to see them in the WC because of the tie breaking ramifications.
  13. I will not go into my feelings on team after Thursdays disaster, but running through playoff simulators (nfl playoff predictor is fantastic) the most important game coming up is that Chargers game. NOLA may be the most winnable because they are home and KC/NE odds are against us pretty hard, but realistically playoff wise beating the Chargers matters tenfold more. If the Bills beat the Chargers it basically reverses the loss they had conference wise to the Jets. Even with losses to KC/NE if the Bills go 9-7 and the remaining wins are LAC, MIA 2x, & IND their odds are like 70%+. BUT if they beat NOLA but lose to the Chargers they get killed in tie breakers in 9-7 scenarios. Soo while I am not discrediting the importance of a win this weekend, the game that really is the end all be all looks to be the Chargers realistically. If they win that get excited, if they lose you can panic.
  14. From what I have read in sports articles from medical experts the issue is as players keep getting faster and making faster cuts the muscles are not necessarily designed for such stress/strained movements. The biggest thing is the lateral movements and cuts, every year you see knees go just because of that. Flexibility is a massive key and even with that a muscle like the knee when it is stretched to max just knees one wrong twinge to wreck it. Add in years of hits like other have said and players pushing their bodies harder then ever in ways not scene it makes sense why the increase is there. This is an incredible novice medical take based off what I have read so take it as you will but I do believe a lot of it.
  15. Relastically Clay/Gaines should wait anyway until Saints. Plenty of time to get 100% and we can win without them. Gaines on the otherhand if he can play I'd try for but he was also ruled out today.
  16. To me the confidence a lot of fans have has to do with finally having a streamlined message from top down. I am not sure if this is the year the drought ends or not we are only 8 weeks in, but it does look good and so does the decision making. Larger picture wise having the Owner, GM, and Coach all in unison is massive continuity wise. If you look since the drought we have rarely had things this streamlined: 2001-2005 GM Donahoe Coach: Williams- Mularky. There was some unison but Ralph wouldn't spend money, Mularky didn't agree with the JP pick and quit. That said this actually was the most successful period for the team drought wise until 2014 for what that is worth. Additionally at least Ralph tried entrusting a GM with power but again I don't remember much of an identity as an organization although the defense was quite good for the most part. 2006-07 GM: Marv Coach: Jauron You had basically a place holding GM with Ralph calling the shots otherwise. That is not the ideal situation for any team, but I remember being excited because Marv was Marv so yea. Retrospect this hampered us big time with those drafts and Jauron being as exciting as a flake of rice. Does anyone remember what their vision or identity? 2008-09 GM: Russ Brandon Coach: Jauron Yea read the GM and coach and it says all you need to know. A broken compass had more direction and identity. 2010-12 GM:Buddy Nix Coach: Gailey To Nix's credit he knew the team needed to start from the ground up and rebuild. I think the problem was they tried rushing the rebuild once the 5-1 start happened and should've been more aggressive to get a QB drafted. I do remember Gailey wanting a fast passing attack so for that there was an identity to remember. Nix & Gailey also seemed the most on the same page we had at GM/Coach since Williams and Donahoe in 2002. Empowering Fitz was their undoing and the team's base talent was not enough which bit them hard in 2012. 2013-17 GM: Whaley Coach: Marrone/Ryan Marrone at least had a competent team in terms of discipline and got the team closer to the playoffs then in a long time. You could say with him and Whaley the identity was defense. Unfortunately a power struggle developed so the GM/Coach were on separate pages after year one. With Rex Ryan I am not sure Whaley even had a say in that and the amount of leaks in regards to dysfunction highlighted a pretty bad GM/Coach relationship. That said I would defend Whaley a little because Rex Ryan managed to regress a pretty good defense and the team seemed to win in spite of him a lot. Looking at this I think we maybe had two instances where people seemed to be on the same page. The period from 2005-2010 was such a wasteland of GM/Coach and awful drafting. I have zero clue if Beane/McD will be the saviors or not, but they have started well and are operating far more competent then we have seen in a very long time which is a strong sign IMO given that most of the top teams in the league operate like that.
  17. Sorry but the 300 yard passing freakout take is really poorly constructed. Carr had to throw the ball nearly 50 times to hit over 300 yds and most of his yardage ended up being garbage. After the Bills scored to make it 27-14 Carr was only at 178 yards by the start of the 4th. I know beacuse I was there and literally saw the scoreboard say as much once we scored. Buffalo basically said sure go ahead and try to score we aren't giving anything big up. All of Carr's yard were basically underneath throws to the RB after. Against the Bengals the Bills allowed two very bad deep plays to Green which basically came down to White being a rookie. It happens against All pro WR's like Green and with how well White shadow'd Cooper I would say he adjusted quite well. In regards to pass rush the Bills just faced Carr who gets the ball out nearly as fast as Brady. Good luck getting pressure the key is what they did, no big plays and force bad passes to get 3 and outs. Winston wasn't much different. If your going to freak about the defense it should be because the LB core still is questionable in coverage and if Gaines/Poyer are out an extended period at some point the secondary will have a holes at points in coverage.
  18. Not trying to start a pissing match but Micah Hyde was a quite well respected SAF league wide and GB hated losing him. Gaines actually was quite good in previous seasons minus injuries and a year with bad scheme but that was the Rams D in general. Otherwise agree with what you said on warning signs.
  19. No. At that time he was considered BPA and the issue with Marcel outside of work ethic was contract. Had the contract been more reasonable I think he isn't viewed nearly as flawed during the back half of his time here. I thought I'd feel gunshy when they drafted a CB after just having Gilmore but idk you draft with what you can and it looks like he was BPA and filled a void.
  20. Numbers are not everything and if your looking at just Yds/TDs then yea he won't. Taylor has graded quite highly by top NFL analysts this season thus far especially with the lack of weapons at WR and injuries we have had. Like I said IF the Bills make the playoffs he will get a lot of praise and a state line of 3500 yds 23 TDs with 4 TO's is nothing to snear at in the least and NFL voters won't. Also like I said who is the next best QB after Brady/Watson/Smith? Carr who Taylor and the Bills beat? Big Ben who has 12 TDs to 9 picks and looks old? Mariota who was injured for 2 games and plays in a very offense less dangerous then ours currently? Maybe Andy Dalton I guess..? All I am saying is if the Bills stay on current playoff path Tyrod deserves consideration for the nod and even if he is an alternate it still would be a fair honor to him.
  21. Oh snap good pick forgot about that. Yea absolutely
  22. So I started thinking about this yesterday on the ride home from the game of when Pro Bowl selection time comes who the Bills would have selected. While the Bills are 5-2 this really is a team effort and there are 3 guys who at this point I would expect in: LeSean McCoy: Even before his running resurgence the last two weeks he was still on pace for 900 yds rushing and 500 receiving. Now its a lot higher haha. Micah Hyde: Leads the NFL in INT's, is probably the leader of this defense, and has been sensational all over the field this year. TreDavious White: The Bills replaced a Pro Bowl alternate with a guy who deserves to be a Pro Bowl starter. Simply put his play has been remarkable and other then two bad plays against the Bengals no one is beating this guy. Cooper was shut down all day once White was on him. It typically is hard for rookie to crack the lineup in the Pro Bowl, but White and Lattimore from the Saints are playing like exceptions to this rule. The following players are guys I think have a shot or absolutely could be alternates: Richie Incognito: If the running game stays at pace the O Line will get credit and Richie is in general highly respected league wide. Tyrod Taylor: Outside of Buffalo he is highly respected league wide, his numbers are good when you include his rushing stats which is part of his game, and if the Bills make the playoffs he will get a lot of credit for it. Plus after Brady/Watson/Alex Smith who is the fourth best QB currently in the AFC? Tyrod at least can put his name in there. Jordan Poyer: His play and stats reflect a Pro Bowl year. But games played and the odds of two safeties from a team being selected do limit his chances. Add in Hyde being a little higher profile and leading the league in INT's and Poyer is behind him. Not impossible but I think only the Seahawks send that many guys secondary wise. Jerry Hughes: Everything I have read has praised how good Hughes has been at the edge this year between stopping the run and forcing the QB into bad throws. I think he needs to get his sack numbers up to be near or over 10 to really have a chance just because voters like sack numbers.
  23. Jets---------W Saints------W Chargers--L Chiefs------L Patriots----W Colts-------W Miami------W Patriots----L Miami------W 11-5 we make the playoffs and the rapture arrives because we aren't allowed nice things.
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