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Royale with Cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. "Email or Password are incorrect." "Forget password." "Create New Password" "Password cannot be your last password." FU technology.
  2. The average income in Atlanta is $36,000. People don't realize sometimes that there are so many people that are poor. One Colin Cowherd quote and I really agree with is why soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Its because most of the world is poor and its a sport that you don't need equipment to buy. When I lived in LA, these kids made a soccer ball out of newspaper and duct tape. It was pretty crazy how actually round they made it. With that, it draws people from all over the world even though the sport is sooooooo boring.
  3. Amateur league baseball in Atlanta is insane. You have tournaments virtually every weekend. You could go 2 and out but if you keep winning, it was usually 5-6 games to the championship.
  4. Great. Now sports channels are going to be like an extra $750 a month. Greedy!
  5. I did the travel ball and I got burned out but it was something I thought I was supposed to do. My son loves football which I am actually happy about. He's trying basketball and soccer...I'm not sure how the AAU summer leagues are. I never played in them. I do know I averaged 85 baseball games in 2 months of summer baseball growing up. That's crazy.
  6. If you ever see a guy with a beard and no mustache, stay away. These Dagestan wrestlers are different. They train like Rocky did before he fought Drago. It's a pressure pressure environment all the time.
  7. Because it's hard and it's one of those sports you can't hide. Most people cannot take being smothered and pressured in this country.
  8. I used to love Farve as well. I changed my opinion on him when his wife was battling cancer and he was sending D*** pics to that Florida State fan. Wife is battling a life threatening disease and you're hitting on college women? He is a public figure, this news gets out. She's fighting cancer and the embarrassment of her husbands actions at the same time.
  9. It's like looking at one of those ocean depth scales and Tua is Mariana's Trench.
  10. I think it's totally reasonable to say Brady made Belicheck more than the reverse. However, I still think Belicheck would have still won at least one Super Bowl with another franchise QB. He just has had trash outside of Brady. I think if Belicheck had a Rivers, Manning, Stafford, Brees etc....he would have gotten at least one Lombardi.
  11. There will always be enough talent in this country to field 32 NFL teams. Especially if the sport grows globally, you'll get talent there too. We didn't get MLB talent from Japan until the mid 90's and now look at that culture now. Same thing with the NBA, the Dream Team is what made the World start loving basketball. Now top NBA players come from Europe on a regular basis. The game is going to continue to grow in numbers and participants because the country is going to keep growing in population. High School football has gotten so big in Atlanta that in the last 10 years, they have added two more divisions. My high school used to be a AAAA school, biggest division. Now they are AAAAAA because there are so many more schools being built and this is creating more football players. Flag football will grow more fans for the NFL. You generally gain interest in something you're participating in. Now women and girls play football now comfortably...it's not just a "boys" sport anymore. We see it all the time. People who start to learn to cook will watch more things about cooking, people who start training in Jiu Jitsu start watching the UFC, my son played soccer for the first time last spring and guess what he wants to watch a lot of now, people who start to golf will watch more things about golf etc....when you start participating in something in which you enjoy, you are going to more interested in it.
  12. @26CornerBlitz We took the wrong Josh.
  13. Are you always this level of conspiracy? They are growing another aspect of a sport means they are going to make the NFL flag football too? The UFC is promoting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Does that mean that soon, there will be no more punching or kicking in the UFC because they are promoting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? So we are going to keep other contact/combat sports like MMA, rugby, boxing, bareknuckle fighting, hockey but eliminate tackle football. A sport that out grosses all the US sports combined....we're going to gut that. This is a sport we played through covid. They cancelled March Madness and we still held a live televised draft lol. We didn't shorten the season like other sports, or even delay it...we kept it going. No one is going to ruin this cash cow. The NFL going to flag football is about as likely as Amazon going back to exclusively only selling books.
  14. I am pretty sure the reason is to grow the sport. Women don't usually play tackle football but they will play flag football which will create new fans of football in general. I don't understand how this proves or is evidence the NFL Owners are willing to lose Billions of dollars a year on this. If you take away tackle football, the game is going to fill the stands like the WNBA and I don't understand how you think they want that. Of course they are going to be playing flag football and not tackle football. Do you really want Josh Allen taking hits over a summer for Team USA and risking injury for the regular season?
  15. No it won't. They are and have spent so much money into CTE research and the redesigns or helmets and other equipment. Flag football would be a $50 billion dollar loss and the owners aren't going to sign off on that. I'm not sure how these are connected.
  16. Yeah all too real for me. My dad was asked not to coach anymore when I was 13 because of his temper. He got into one fight I know of but several "almosts". I was friends with a 4 time state champ here in GA. He went up north to Minnesota for a summer camp....he was worked all week. It was crazy to me a 4 time state champ wasn't offered any decent D-1 schools. But now I understand...Georgia is basically JV to the midwest states.
  17. Damn, I never knew this. Ive had one male dog, never neutered. I have two females and one was spayed at roughly 15 months. The other around 10.
  18. For sure. It makes projects more enjoyable. What is the reason for it? Have the Vets come up with theories? I saw them at Home Depot yesterday for $330 sliding compound. $239 without sliding
  19. For all my Miter Saw homies out there… I bought a 12 inch, double bevel sliding Bosch. My friend is a Master Carpenter and sold this one to me for $500, retails for $900. He wants a new Makita. I was going to wait until the spring to do my porch but I am starting today. I feel like a kid with a new toy and just want to use it all the time. Cutting angles weren’t always easy for me but this thing does it perfectly without difficulty.
  20. I have 3 big oak trees in my backyard that sheds large branches a lot. I thought a cheap little Craftsman chainsaw would be at least strong enough to go through a tree branch as thick as a baseball bat. Nope, it doesn't cut it at all. Like the chain won't power through a branch so it really has no use unless I'm cutting cardboard. I wasted like $80. But also what I have learned is time. Spend more for a machine/equipment/device that will do it right and faster.
  21. Mine is only 40 lbs but she's stocky. She is like Mike Tolbert but doesn't have the leg strength. I even built her an indoor dog ramp for the couch. I am going to add wood plates at the bottom with a paw print etched into them....ahhhh! Dogs need their ACL. People don't....like John Elway. Are you married to a replica of John Elway?
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